Can you please tell where to find the pages I'm missing?
okay.! Amanda = 15, you have to do the pantry / wine quest, to get a locker key from the pantry, to open a locker on the south wall of the locker room..
Kat = 7, goto the chapel, inside go right, to south east corner, face south, facing candelabra, press space bar.. now..
Val = 2, goto mendels office, second floor double stairs, in chest.. then..
Kat = 9, outside to woods entrance , but not in the woods, turn left goto bush, click on bush, machete, click on wall, pickax, grab page..
Amanda = 16, goto woods, first screen, turn left, walk (not hyper) to the corner, soft ground should appear..
Kat = 12, goto north side of screen, rope off cliff, climb rope, the page an coin are not visible, move around an click to find..