Feb 3, 2021
How does sexuality even work? At one point I had an even 5:5 split for consensual male and female encounters, but only 2 forced male and 5 forced female encounters, but the game still labeled me as homosexual.

Edit: Also is there any point in going in an mage or warrior? Some scenes seem to trigger due to slut's clothes burning spell. Do other classes get scenes like that?
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Active Member
Dec 2, 2019
How does sexuality even work? At one point I had an even 5:5 split for consensual male and female encounters, but only 2 forced male and 5 forced female encounters, but the game still labeled me as homosexual.

Edit: Also is there any point in going in an mage or warrior? Some scenes seem to trigger due to slut's clothes burning spell. Do other classes get scenes like that?
I'm just going to assume forced don't count towards sexuality since no choice. As for the clothes you can either destroy them by decreasing HP to under 50% or just burn them off and it changes the submit and winning via libido scenes for some enemies.
Feb 3, 2021
I still would have been bisexual I would have thought. 5 male, 5 female.

50% also sound like a lot for some enemies. Do you have any thoughts on mage or warrior?

Edit: I have come to the conclusion that warrior is stupid good and mage is technically fine, but it's really annoying to click lust bolt every turn lol. I was able to clear the hardest encounters at level 5.
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Active Member
Dec 2, 2019
I still would have been bisexual I would have thought. 5 male, 5 female.

50% also sound like a lot for some enemies. Do you have any thoughts on mage or warrior?

Edit: I have come to the conclusion that warrior is stupid good and mage is technically fine, but it's really annoying to click lust bolt every turn lol. I was able to clear the hardest encounters at level 5.
I use Warrior since Whore basically becomes useless in later content. Mage glitches a lot for me, lust bolt should be killing an enemy and it leaves them with zero health but sometimes doesn't kill which can cost you. Warriors seems to be best all around since the lust poisoning does a % of their max


Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
Honestly the entire combat system is trash and the dev really should just decide to either work on it seriously or remove it. The simplest thing would be to add 1-2 more abilities as you level up (and maybe change the whore to not use mana, being a slut doesn't require magical skills, I am sure many of us know from experience:). Alternatively he should just trash it since he clearly doesn't care for it; the majority of the more complex scenes are resolved in other ways (mini games or dialogue) instead of combat.


Aug 23, 2020
Does any of the text change based on your transformations?
Like do you get different flavor text is you have a huge vs tiny dick?
Feb 3, 2021
I kinda prefer combat to minigames, especially since combat is so quick. It's just very RPG-esque, although you're right that it's next to completely pointless with levels not mattering a lick and it being pretty much all equipment based.

I haven't noticed any transformation reactions, although I've never let it get further than eyes and ears/horns. I haven't played around with it too much, but at the very least the wrestling elf says your dick is huge even at minimum size, so it's probably just an appearance thing.

Most of the clothing you get from quests. The only droppable outerwear I believe is from the bandits. Kobolds, murlocs, and satyrs drop underwear. A pair of underwear you can get by telling the Link expy to fight without equipment, and it will be left on the ground clickable for you to pick up. The last thing is the wrestling singlet from the wrestling elf at the gym. You need all 3 energy bolts to wrestle, and you need to have sex with him by winning all 3 rock paper scissors variations, then he'll just give it to you in a forced conversation.

Any clothing you don't get from a quest becomes available to purchase in Stormwind. If you sell the variation you got, I'm pretty sure you can just afford the other one. You don't need to hang on to things for transmog either, once you've picked it up you can mog it.
Feb 3, 2021
Would you also be able to post the change log for 5.6?
So far I'm only noticing brothel changes. Everyone has their own room right now and have some new outfits I think, which is kinda cute, but it does just add an extra click right now to talk to them for no benefit. Assigning their roles and moving their stats has been moved to your room.

There's a visible day/night difference that looks nice.

Lupin requires insisting over multiple days to actually get off his lazy ass and work for you.

Conversation menu appears to have been slightly changed, but I'm not noticing any different choices. Flirting appears to prompt a choice on its own rather than asking you to select, which kind of makes sense to me since you just blew through the menu pressing each option twice, which was kinda weird.

Training takes 2 hours now and cuts off at 20:00 instead of just 5 times a day.

That's all I see so far.
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