People never learn every game this guy makes has the same approach to squeeze patreons, have you ever paused just for a second and ask yourself most Devs if they made 1 game or 2 difficult and take a year or 2 for you to get a sex scene they'd most like be reluctant to do so with the next title not this guy. My Cute Roommate had you running back and forth doing pointless things before you even got 1 scene and the friend you stayed with too a yr and a half to finally get a scene besides you raping her. Now this game wasn't released not to long after My Cute Roommate but its been rebooted several times without the game even making it to day 2 you've woken up so much in that Hospital bed I was beginning to think is this Dev ground hogging us or something. But the story finally decided to progress but he's made game extremely difficult to progress especially with the timed day and randomness, I'll admit I always wanted a game like that but now I see why Devs make time fixed. The game is not terrible but his approach is, I hate games where pus gets thrown at me every corner I turn but I also dislike games like this extremely boring minimalistic updates majority of the time are just bug fixes and game changes. Hey playing Foot of The Mountain which has tou doing 101 this is more satisfying because you know your actually making progression and not running in circles. I've actually completed all quest up to this update and only missed 2 images because of the randomness (Shower scene where she catches you watching her and a dream scene the rest I've yet to unlock.) Sad thing I can't find a walkthrough for this update so I think I'll wait this game is not worth the headache theirs only 9 new image and none have a sex scene going on a 1yr plus of initial release.