wtf are u talking about ??? we have bugs because game is not complete ?^^ u better stop smoking weed bro^^
the game is crapp, because there are 5 MAJOT game breaking bugs in it since .06.1 and yet we have them, he dont fix a hit and just popps out a new version.. at discord yesterday someone who works at the game also, told me ,they fixed most of the bugs ..... go check discord.. i posted today the same bugs from version 0.6.04 ....the same bugs we have since 4 versions .....
just as example : the bug we cannot talk to the blonde, and progress in game, is not because the game is not finished .. its simple because a coding fails ....
the not recording snooper ....coding fail ....
other ppl here at this forum did his job and fixed some of the major gamebreaking bugs that at least it was possible to talk to a charakter in this game ...
so plz dont tell me or anyone else we got bugs because the game is not finished