
Oct 12, 2019
I'm stuck with the lawyer quest. I already gave the 1000 to Vanessa. Lily must become a whore is also stuck, I got the photo why Lily having sex. Vicky doesn't have anything to do/say. The doctor is AWOL. The hints tells me about a photoshot place which I never visited (probably part of the lawyer quest).
Had the same thing what was missing for me was having a HJ when she treat my leg, after that the next day vanessa was having a call. Mbe u got the same missing part


Dec 26, 2019
I don't now is only my or for all when Mia's Stream show with the Dildo the game start to work on pictures a lots of freezing like is - fps or something.
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New Member
Sep 13, 2021
I got this error when I opened the game in joiplay. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

While loading the script.
Exception: Could not load file /storage/emulated/0/JoiPlay/Lust_and_Life-1.6.241029-win/game/ascript/!places/!mlf_house/_hero_room/hero_dream_lts.rpyc.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2018
Bug: I was able to trigger Vanessa's story Part VIII (Talking to her when she comes out of the shower at 9:30) before doing Part VII (Going to her room after dinner and grabbing her from behind).


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
```While running game code:
File "game/ascript/subsystem/credits_scroll.rpy", line 79, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/ascript/subsystem/credits_scroll.rpy", line 79, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/ascript/subsystem/help.rpyc", line 519, in script call
  File "game/ascript/subsystem/house/dhl_screens.rpyc", line 209, in script call
  File "game/ascript/subsystem/house/dhl_screens.rpyc", line 209, in script call
  File "game/ascript/subsystem/help.rpyc", line 574, in script call
  File "game/ascript/subsystem/credits_scroll.rpyc", line 79, in script
  File "renpy/ast.py", line 1111, in execute
    show_imspec(self.imspec, atl=getattr(self, "atl", None))
  File "renpy/ast.py", line 1067, in show_imspec
    expression = renpy.python.py_eval(expression)
  File "renpy/python.py", line 1209, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "renpy/python.py", line 1202, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/ascript/subsystem/credits_scroll.rpy", line 79, in <module>
  File "lib/python2.7/random.py", line 277, in choice
  File "renpy/revertable.py", line 214, in __getitem__
    rv = list.__getitem__(self, index)
IndexError: list index out of range

Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64
Lust & Life 1.6.241029
Sat Nov 23 19:16:51 2024


Feb 5, 2024
I can't seem to progress the "creating a slut" storyline. Walkthrough says I have to take a photo when I'm inside Lily. But there is no mobile icon.


Feb 1, 2022
I want to use the feather on Lola at night. But the demon says I can't use it, that it doesn't work here. What's my mistake? What do I have to do?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
Sorry, i have no 'show the hidden bottoms' in the cheat-menu
That post you quote dates from Oct 24, 2020, when this game was not yet finished and was called Girl House instead of Lust & Life. So both versions also don't store saves in the same Windows user folder:


But I downloaded the latest PC-Windows version of this game (Lust_and_Life-1.6.241029-win.zip) from this thread to see if its developer Astaros3D maybe removed that cheat menu in this version of the game, and he didn't because there is that option (Highlight the right choice) to activate it inside the Options menu of the game:
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But in case you don't see the Highlight the right choice option in your copy of the game, try downloading the latest version of the Universal Ren'Py Mod / URM [2.4.2] (mod any Ren'Py game yourself)


copy the 0x52_URM.rpa file of that mod into the game's subfolder:


and you can also activate that option Highlight the right choice by searching and editing its variable with the URM inside the game, where if I open the Options menu where Highlight the right choice is deactivated, then press ALT+M keys to open the URM, and in the URM search box I search for choice in variable names, you find among other variables that contain the word choice in its name:

light_right_choice = False

edit it by changing False to True with the URM, then close the URM window, and that way Highlight the right choice is also checked and activated in the game Options submenu:
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And then when the mc goes to Lily's room at night, selecting the feather in the inventory, by moving the mouse pointer over Lily's body, the soles of her feet are highlighted where she has to use the feather first, and when she turns face up by moving the mouse another highlighted area appears on the side of her torso where she also has to use the feather:
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Feb 1, 2022
[ZITAT="CAT0X0, Beitrag: 15461557, Mitglied: 1545850"]
Der von Ihnen zitierte Beitrag stammt vom 24. Oktober 2020, als dieses Spiel noch nicht fertig war und Girl House statt Lust & Life hieß . Daher speichern beide Versionen auch keine Spielstände im selben Windows-Benutzerordner:

C:\Benutzer\<Benutzername>\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\ GirlHouse2
C:\Benutzer\<Benutzername>\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\ Lust_and_life

Aber ich habe die neuste PC-Windows-Version dieses Spiels ( Lust_and_Life-1.6.241029-win.zip ) von diesem Thread heruntergeladen, um zu sehen, ob der Entwickler Astaros3D das Cheat-Menü in dieser Version des Spiels vielleicht entfernt hat. Das hat er nicht, weil es im Optionsmenü des Spiels diese Option gibt ( Markieren Sie die richtige Auswahl ), um es zu aktivieren :
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Falls die Option „Richtige Auswahl hervorheben“ in Ihrer Kopie des Spiels nicht angezeigt wird, laden Sie die neueste Version des Universal Ren'Py Mod / URM [2.4.2] herunter (modifizieren Sie jedes Ren'Py-Spiel selbst).


kopiere die Datei 0x52_URM.rpa dieses Mods in den Unterordner des Spiels :

...\Lust_and_Life-1.6.241029-win\ Spiel

und Sie können die Option „Richtige Auswahl hervorheben“
auch aktivieren, indem Sie ihre Variable mit dem URM im Spiel suchen und bearbeiten. Öffnen Sie dazu das Optionsmenü , in dem „Richtige Auswahl hervorheben“ deaktiviert ist, drücken Sie die Tasten ALT+M , um das URM zu öffnen, und suchen Sie im URM-Suchfeld nach „Auswahl in Variablennamen“ . Sie finden unter anderem Variablen, die das Wort „ Auswahl“ in ihrem Namen enthalten :

light_right_choice = Falsch

Bearbeiten Sie es, indem Sie mit der URM „False“ in „True“ ändern . Schließen Sie dann das URM-Fenster. Auf diese Weise wird „Hervorheben“ auch im Untermenü „Optionen“ des Spiels überprüft und aktiviert:
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Und wenn der MC dann nachts in Lilys Zimmer geht und die Feder im Inventar auswählt und den Mauszeiger über Lilys Körper bewegt, werden die Sohlen ihrer Füße hervorgehoben, wo sie zuerst die Feder verwenden muss, und wenn sie sich durch Bewegen der Maus auf den Rücken dreht, erscheint ein weiterer hervorgehobener Bereich an der Seite ihres Rumpfes, wo sie ebenfalls die Feder verwenden muss:
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Vielen Dank für die ausführliche Antwort.
Aber: Ich habe die Option „Richtige Auswahl markieren“ im Menü und habe sie ausgewählt. Aber wenn ich in Lilys/Lolas Zimmer gehe, liegt das Mädchen unter der Decke. Und ich habe keine Symbole für „Anschauen“ oder „Berühren“. Wenn ich auf die Decke klicke, meldet der Engel: „Sie schläft wie ein Engel“. Und wenn ich die Feder auswähle, meldet der Dämon, dass es nicht funktioniert.


Feb 1, 2022
Thank you very much for the detailed answer.
But: I have the option 'Highlight the right choice' in the menu and selected it. But when I go into Lily/Lola's room, the girl is lying under the blanket. And I have no icons for 'Look' or 'Touch'. When I click on the blanket, the angel reports: 'She's sleeping like an angel'. And when I select the feather, the demon reports that it doesn't work.
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
is there a cheat to win the fighting game
There is a cheat to win fights that works in most Ren'Py games, and that is to identify the variable that stores the value that fills the mc's life bar, and edit it using the command console or the Universal Ren'Py Mod, in order to increase that value above the default value assigned by the game before starting the fight, or to restore the life bar to 100% as it degrades when the mc takes damage during the fight.

And in this game the variable that stores the value that decreases as the mc takes damage from the opponent is:


so in order to edit it at the start or during the fight you can download the Universal Ren'Py Mod


copy the 0x52_URM.rpa file of that mod into the game subfolder:


and in the screen where the fight starts open the URM by pressing ALT+M keys, in the Search box, search for HP_hero in variable names. Where once you find a variable like this or money, you can store it with Remember so you don't have to search for it again. And in this example I edited the value 1000 assigned to the mc in HP_hero and replaced it with 4000, saved that change, closed the URM window and returned to the start of the fight. And by performing hits without taking any precautions or taking care that the opponent inflicts damage, just one hit away from the mc winning that fight, his HP bar is still full:
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And if I open the URM the HP_hero value decreased from 4000 to 1613, because even if the opponent punished him in a way that he would have won if he had left that HP_hero value at 1000, changing it to 4000 or less is enough to win that fight even if the mc just tries to deal blows and doesn't defend himself.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2019
Thank you very much for the detailed answer.
But: I have the option 'Highlight the right choice' in the menu and selected it. But when I go into Lily/Lola's room, the girl is lying under the blanket. And I have no icons for 'Look' or 'Touch'. When I click on the blanket, the angel reports: 'She's sleeping like an angel'. And when I select the feather, the demon reports that it doesn't work.
It's been a long time since I played Girl House, so I don't really remember the tasks or the order in which the mc had to complete them to unlock the different events. But as I still have some savegames of Girl House, which I didn't finish playing after its developer finished it in a hurry, and without finishing developing the stories of its characters, I am guided by what I remember still loading some of those saves that I still have. And for the mc to have that task of getting a picture of Lily getting a blowjob in her sleep enabled, I think he first had to advance Mia's story, who is the one who requested that picture. He also has to find the feather first and add it to her inventory, and that blowjob mission also has to appear in the to-do list on your phone:
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and there may be some task that the mc needs to complete before
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the game will allow him to continue with that mission.
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