While the details of each girl you posted look quite nice, one thing I see with all AI games is the faces convey very little emotional range. Even all of the girls above, their emotions look stilted, kinda like they are trying to quietly pass a fart...
But I really don't see the conceptual aversion to its use. DAZ models have been created by someone else, and then most devs just tweak them, same goes with AI.
As long as the characters are interesting and/or the story is gripping, the art comes in as less important. There are games out there with really mediocre graphics, but because the story is so much fun, they have 25,000 patrons.
So yeah, if AI helps aspiring writers get over the hurdle of having to create graphics to get their projects off the ground, that's great.
One thing I think is happening though, some "studios" are just churning out shit, using AI to make it even faster, hoping to get a following, and then dropping the project if it doesn't take off fast. I wouldn't be surprised if the influx of AI games do not get more and 1 update.
Not suggesting this dev is gonna do that. No, this dev is 100% committed, I can tell...