Hey everyone, well, it's time to say a few words after our release - despite the mixed reviews - we're stoked that you're interested in our game! We kept the development a secret from our friends and acquaintances, so now that we can share it with you and them, it's much easier for us.
We've got just two people (Dev D, Dev S) on our team with zero coding knowledge and zero experience in game development, so we were learning as we went along, and we're still learning. So, if any of you could give us feedback on the code or bugs, it would be really helpful.
As for the game's functionality, this release was aimed at showcasing and testing all the available features that we can use in game development, so you can appreciate the quality of the art. Speaking of the art, we strive for maximum quality not only with the help of AI but also by putting a colossal amount of manual processing time into each piece. Generating sketches, retouching, removing unnecessary elements, adding details that AI can't handle, changing emotions, and so on. We even have a separate step in the review process before finalizing the art - the beloved extra hands/fingers/etc.
Overall, we're really satisfied with the community's reaction, it exceeded our expectations in any case. (Shoutout to those who come in with the AI CG tag and say AI sucks - before the release, we analyzed all the games that used AI, and even in truly high-quality games, there are people dissatisfied with the use of AI in game development. Shut down ur PC because it makes ur life easier

Regarding the NTR tag - that's something we weren't prepared for because our game doesn't focus on that tag during development; it's just one of the possible story developments in certain places, but definitely not the main focus. One of our initial goals was to showcase the perks of AI and its use in providing diverse content.
Now, here are the upcoming updates that we'll be working on based on your feedback:
- Disabling NTR branches/scenes in the game.
- More diverse sex scenes (We're currently working on a scene with Sally, but in the future, we'll learn from our previous mistakes of having too short and monotonous sex scenes).
- More meticulous image and character processing to make them more lively, realistic, and unique.
- Continuing the storyline.
- Add character inventory.
- More sounds - to enhance the game's atmosphere.
- Fixing issues with using save files from previous versions.
- Game optimization (Reducing the game's size).
Thanks for your feedback!
Best regards,
Lustful Path Team