That's exactly what it looks like on this site. Those guys, for whatever reasons, will also fail to notice the ntr tag, whether or not it actually belongs, and then 1 star games because it exists in any degree.
That's kind of depressing. This site (and the H game community in general) confuse the hell out of me sometimes, like everywhere NTR is mentioned people freak out about it and make it a huge deal, but it's part of a story and usually optional (like in this case), even in life you'll get cucked, the whole point is that you can't avoid it when it comes down to it but you can do something about it after, or take extra measures to prevent it before.
I don't see how people can do (what I assume) is attatch their fragile ego to a game and expect things to go perfect where everyone loves them and they are a special harem master of amazingness, like how's that story content.. it's a cop out from actual story content to cater to delicate people... in games about fucking and basically using bitches nonetheless (the irony lol,) and why should it impact what is voted up, potentially cucking other people from acessing what could be a good game for them due to the low rating put up for the aformentioned reason. (the double irony lolx2)
I mean there are tons of other points that can be bought up as to why this behavior is rediculous but I'll stop rambling, and this isn't aimed at you Ferghus nor is it supposed to be an attack on any individual, just a commentary on the presented situation, your post just made me think about it is all.
All I'm saying is that people are fully entitled to have their kinks/turn offs, but when it's impacting games ratings and potential success/popularity just by being vaguely present, especially when it's such a global and generic one like this (like I'd get it for niche fetishes, and even then personal preference should not impact a review... like I don't like people being happy but I don't reduce stars becuase there was a happy scene in it, thank you for letting me be ironic too, though surely yall see how silly the whole concept is) that's a sad state of affairs and people need to step the fuck back and really assess their priorities like mike mentioned. Game looks fun though.