The game seemed to start off strong with the main character showing skin very early on and having her clothes melted off in the first fight you get to, but 20 hours in, she's still wearing the same combat clothes with the same tear/melt marks and you only see anything new at all once an hour, if that. You'd also better really really like tentacles and multiple penises (generally 3+ for 1 girl, who is shown behind at least 1 of the guys so you're mostly just looking at male asses and male penises) in all of your scenes. If you want to actually see the woman during sex scenes, you should play a different game.
Oh and the grindiness. Dear god, the grind.
Despite the strong start (which made me keep playing hoping it would get better), the terrible art, heavy focus on male nudity, and terrible grind makes this one of the worst games I've played from this site. 1/5 rating.