Main Plot: Take the role of Chad McBadass (name customizable) who lives a modest life as a single man in his early thirties. A friend shares the name of a game with him, Magical Restart, and as he begins to play, he's told to follow the Blue Fairy. Click continue to accept the call to adventure, and travel with the three fairies, Blue, Purple, and Green to the Isle of Carthun, a magical place. Study scrolls, learn spells, become a wizard, and unravel the mystery of why the fairies needed a hero to help them in their titanic struggle. Music and sound effects are featured throughout the game to enable you to experience a full, magical immersion in the world of Carthun.
Thread Updated: 2021-03-27Main Plot: Take the role of Chad McBadass (name customizable) who lives a modest life as a single man in his early thirties. A friend shares the name of a game with him, Magical Restart, and as he begins to play, he's told to follow the Blue Fairy. Click continue to accept the call to adventure, and travel with the three fairies, Blue, Purple, and Green to the Isle of Carthun, a magical place. Study scrolls, learn spells, become a wizard, and unravel the mystery of why the fairies needed a hero to help them in their titanic struggle. Music and sound effects are featured throughout the game to enable you to experience a full, magical immersion in the world of Carthun.
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Release Date: 2021-03-27
Developer: Big Chungus Productions -
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Censored: No
Version: Alpha 0.01 (1st release)
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English
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Developer Notes:
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The Game has been put "On Hold" based on developer's request, for more information refer this post.
* This unofficial port/version is not released by developer, download at your own risk.
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You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
* This unofficial port/version is not released by developer, download at your own risk.
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