I've played up to what I believe is the end of content, and while there are plenty of things I could complain about, the one thing that I dislike the most is the extremely contrived plot. The Baleflight manor in particular felt like a fever dream.
Let me recap what I've witnessed:
1. Master receives an invite from another master, suspected of experimenting on humans during the Haunt, that tells him to come during the Haunt. Melissa states that she's nervous, but apparently Master can't decline because it might "damage his reputation". The invite is apparently made in good faith, but that means exactly fuck all, since as I'm about to see, you can use such invitations to easily dispose of whoever comes in.
Oh well, surely multiple experiences of being coerced with brute force in someone's estate preceded by a friendly act to get him to drop his guard will keep Master on his toes this time around.
2. Master arrives at the village, where upon trying to find the governor, he gets an immediate warning from some maid there. Ok, weird, but she didn't say anything about why Master shoudn't be there. For some reason, there is a glitch in the matrix allowing Master to refuse a drink.
3. After being dragged away in his sleep - first of all, how does that happen? Apparently the girl isn't actually a servant (What does that mean? The guy said she was his maid?), but strong enough to drag a person across the floor from their bed, even so - how did nobody out of the ten people there notice anything, including the one that literally has bodyguard as a job description, who later lectures Master on how diligently she protects him and his estate? (You could chalk it up to the air contamination, but nobody even seems to think this is a big deal?) And why is Melissa's reaction to this so casual? "What a strange girl..." I mean, what if that was Baleflight himself or his zombies dragging the guy? In fact, why wasn't it? I guess he didn't think it would be that easy, but still...
4. The girl tries to explain that the air and water might be contaminated, and that people that go to the manor don't return. Why is Master's response "You think my maid's are all affected?" What part of "People that go up to the manor don't come down for years, and when they do, they're wrong!" did Master not understand? He did not reach the manor yet, that's why has a chance to escape in the first place.
Also, shouldn't he be worried about the fact that he might spend years in there? I guess we're just going to forget about that... ok?
Also, what about the girl? How is she keeping herself sane and awake at night? Can't she just escape like she does even after everyone turns extra crazy?
5. Once inside the Manor, guy casually walks up to Master with dead bodies next to him. (How much is he relying on everyone thinking they just have masks on?) He wants to take one of Master's maids for a tour so that he doesn't "inconvenience him". That's cool and all, but in that case, why doesn't he use one of his butlers to do that? He's totally wasting time by being away himself, and it's not like Griselda showed Master the guest wing herself either. And besides, it's Master he wants, not a random maid... Why risk combat when he could just offer the wine to Master? Or even better, everyone at once? Oh well, it's not a big deal, Melissa isn't dumb like Master, so surely she isn't going to accept wine from him during the time he's supposed to be showing her around. I mean that would be pretty strange right? "Hey, I don't want Master to wait longer than a few minutes, here is a weird side room that isn't important at all so I'm just showing you this for no reason, here, drink this by the way." Oh right, damaging Master's reputation... At least she can communicate telepathically so that Master knows what's going on at all times - it's not like Master has anything better to do, unless he suddenly decided to like waiting... oh wait, that doesn't work now for plot reasons, simillar to how teleport doesn't work when it's convenient for the plot.
Also, why send Melissa? I get that the protagonist is dumb, but he has people smarter than him around. Why not someone like Willow, who has a bigger chance of escaping if things go wrong? (Putting aside the fact that her skills are underutilized in general.)
Also the guy leaves his dead guys with Master, says it's so that he can feel extra secure apparently. I don't see how this makes any sense either, unless he's expecting a third party to invade. Once again, nobody questions anything.
6. Catgirl somehow decides that's she's reasonable instead of insane, though she could have just asked to join before attacking - she already knows Baleflight wants to get rid of Master, and we're fighting our way to him now, so why even bother attacking into such a disadvantage... Wait, how long has she been this sane? Why was she even imprisoned at all? "You're too horny, dear, I need to put you into a cell."
7. My guy Marcus straight up does a 180° with his entire character after defeating him. Who knew that countless years of commiting inhumane wicked experiments and resulting complete madness could be cured by just beating the shit out of someone.
8. Melissa wakes up after simply being ordered. Phew, thank god there's no lasting damage like all the other people that have been experimented upon, how convenient... wait... why didn't Master try ordering in the first place? Wait, he did... and that didn't work back then because... plot reasons? Or did Master just need to beat the shit out of her first?
At this point I also have to call bullshit on the whole "bUt iT mIgHt dAmAgE yOuR rEpUtAtIoN" thing. I've been previously told "damaging reputation" is some kind of a big deal, but the way it's used numerous times during the story makes it seem like Master can't even sneeze without thinking about damaging his reputation. It feels like some kind of blackmail, without any real weight behind it. If Griselda can have braindead dolls as maids and this guy can have dead people as butlers, surely Master can be a little eccentric with the way his maids behave, so why doesn't Melissa just say she's been ordered not to drink anything? And what's even stopping some master from straight up lying about Master anyway? "This guy refused my drink while he was at my house! Downvote him!" And besides, I had to rampage through the manor and kill Baleflight anyway, so what exactly was the point of not offending the guy? Couldn't I have just attacked the guy right away if he felt like threatening me with reddit karma? Nobody seems to care he died anyway, well nobody important that is.
Apparetly disappearances do not "damage your reputation" whatsoever.
Oh god, refusing a drink? Heavens forbid, you insolent bastard, how would you like some reputation damage?
Inviting someone in "good faith", then drugging and experimenting on them until they're no longer people and having a person disappear after accepting said "good faith" invite? No bad juju here.
Here is an idea. Why doesn't Master just invite people to his estate, poison every drink, then coerce people to sign something for an antidote. We've established that nobody cares about anything that happens to guests, and their hands are tied. Guests can't risk damaging their reputation.
TLDR - I think everyone is gravely underestimating the potential danger at all times during their stay. Even Baleflight himself states it was foolish to accept such an invitation.