Seems somewhat interesting, unfortunately so buggy, makes it difficult to progress. Found myself waking up invisible on day 2 with the quest of putting on my academy outfit; however, it wouldn't let me equip anything. I could open the inventory/equipment but when try and drag anything, whether underwear or the outfits, a red box would appear around the equip window and "you can't not equip this." If I reloaded there, my avatar no longer was invisible, however I was on a completely gray map. I could now equip stuff, but couldn't go anywhere from there since there were no doors/etc.
I apologize for the bugs, but I'm not really sure what could've led to this. Can you answer the following questions to help me out?
1. Did you load a save made long ago, or did you load a save at all or just started a fresh playthrough?
2. What platform were you playing on?
3. Waking up invisible, that's strange. Did you try interacting with the exit of the player bedroom first before trying to equip anything?
Another newbie developer, I guess? I do love the art, though.
1, I can't access the game menu during gaming.
2, The MC is drifting rather than walking.
3, perhaps we need more premises for MC's corruption regarding narratives.
Thanks and godspeed
Not a newbie developer, but there's a ton of stuff to take care of a solo dev and there are packages in the game I'm depending on for various systems and they can have bugs which I would need to fix myself, deviating from their codebase.
1. Access the game menu during gaming? What do you mean?
2. The "drifting" aspect, I am working on a finalized version of the chibis we have which will have 4 directional movement and the walking animation should be less awkward.
3. That will come, I intend to work on mechanics that use corruption and other stats the player might get through various actions/choices, but before I work on such mechanics I need to make sure there are absolutely no gamebreaking bugs people may encounter in the existing ones.
Old saves no good? I think I'll pass on this game until I can play it without repeating the beginning each time. I know breaking saves is sometimes necessary, so don't take this as a complaint, but it is important to prioritize getting the mechanics completed so you don't have to.
Old saves are fine. When I work on new builds, I use saves that were made 4-5 months ago and there are no issues. I added that disclaimer because people might load 1 year old saves and it'd lead to their game breaking because there have been a ton of changes since last year.
That disclaimer shows up if the version made during the save is different from the version of the build, maybe I should instead check if the save has a timestamp and see if it's older than 6 months before adding the disclaimer to eliminate confusion.