In the next version We need "Peek in the Bathroom", and we'll see something like these scenes here
:heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes: or maybe like this
:heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes:. Who knows what is coming, We nee wait

The votes are tied here and the vote in the Patreon also, with the First and Second Girl, both had almost the same votes.
I've been thinking, you know what would be a nice turn of events? If
@Faerin would now start turning the tables on the MC.
Think about it, most have basically maxed stats at this point (one way or the other), and we're gearing up for more dates (Clair Mmmm).
Maybe now it's time for the girls to be more aggressive with the MC, and initiate stats of their own, instead of the MC having to build the stats.
A good for instance, would be for Amy. Now that you and Veronica are (boyfriend and girlfriend), have it where Amy sees the relationship between you two and realizes that the (Her and Veronica)thing won't take place now. She starts to focus on the MC instead, to have what Veronica has, and to still have friend relationship with Veronica. Maybe she takes advantage of alone time with him at the gym, and calls him for dates and such.
Even better, would be to have Aunt Emma, aggressively pursue the MC. First of all she's already pretty flirty with him, and has been trying to help Clair out in the past with sex advice.
Maybe Clair lets slip the nature of her new relationship with MC, and it puts Emma's interest into overdrive.
Having been interested anyway, and she now knows that the MC doesn't have taboo's about it, she now wants in on the action.
While the MC doesn't initiate anything at this point, it's up to her to take matters into her own hands.
Starting of with giving gifts, massages, and even calling him over to teach massage lessons. The massage lessons will turn into sex, and then she'll start calling him for dates now.....(Yeah, Happy Ending).
Those would be just a couple, but you get my point. The MC shouldn't have to work that hard with every character. Having some that works him in the same manner, might throw some new and exciting playing in.
Anyway, can't wait to see the new character........................................Peace!!