
Feb 8, 2018
No cause it didn't play out like the other dates....
It played out like all the other scenes but was not the puzzle of doing all the right things to get somewhere...AND it isn't repeatable!

As for why I would think turning the tables on me.... is because that would be much hotter than V turning the table on Amy!
V finding out that MC and Amy have been playing with her and the fact that her Master is also doming Amy should make a fun plot where you go to see Amy and both amy and V are waiting for you...Tie you to that chair and turn the tables on you. Punishment for being sneaky!

If those two are the plots for BDSM then it stands to reason they will switch as is common among those who practice that fetish.
Ok, I'll concede the point on Claire, it's a good point, personally she and Emma are my least liked though. However... Veronica has already said she will help you get any woman you want, so why would she care about Amy? She even asked you straight out and she's told you about her desire to "have" Amy(iirc in the cab she asks you if you want her, she tells you she does, but you never answer her). Amy has told you about her desire to be with Veronica, and that she thinks Veronica is a Dom, which is why you have to convince her that you have indeed "Topped that bitch"! And the bitch loves it!:evilsmile: So you know what both women want but won't say to each other. So in a nutshell, Amy wants to be "Topped/Dom'd" by Veronica and she(Veronica) wants the same thing. As far as BDSM, I don't know any "true" Dom's that want to switch(Myself included). I know there are those that like to switch, but they rarely call themselves "Dom", always as a "switch". The MC has already stated that he is completely into being a Dom, its why he set out to "Top" Veronica in the first place. Ok, maybe revenge too:) I would like to see Veronica denied orgasm, while having to feast on some Amy cream pie!:evilsmile: I'm also not the author, so anything is possible! Amy isn't really "solid" yet so we shall see:evilsmile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Ok, I'll concede the point on Claire, it's a good point, personally she and Emma are my least liked though. However... Veronica has already said she will help you get any woman you want, so why would she care about Amy? She even asked you straight out and she's told you about her desire to "have" Amy(iirc in the cab she asks you if you want her, she tells you she does, but you never answer her). Amy has told you about her desire to be with Veronica, and that she thinks Veronica is a Dom, which is why you have to convince her that you have indeed "Topped that bitch"! And the bitch loves it!:evilsmile: So you know what both women want but won't say to each other. So in a nutshell, Amy wants to be "Topped/Dom'd" by Veronica and she(Veronica) wants the same thing. As far as BDSM, I don't know any "true" Dom's that want to switch(Myself included). I know there are those that like to switch, but they rarely call themselves "Dom", always as a "switch". The MC has already stated that he is completely into being a Dom, its why he set out to "Top" Veronica in the first place. Ok, maybe revenge too:) I would like to see Veronica denied orgasm, while having to feast on some Amy cream pie!:evilsmile: I'm also not the author, so anything is possible! Amy isn't really "solid" yet so we shall see:evilsmile:
Why would she care about Amy?
because perhaps she already told her Master that she was attracted to Amy and to not say a word about it then he goes and sneaks Amy in to go down on her without her knowing?
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New Member
May 8, 2018
Hi. Can someone help me with Veronica 22:00 bath. It just freezes and I cant go further. I tried everything what Carlo S suggested in the pdf but it still doesnt work.


New Member
Feb 16, 2018
Hi everybody,

On version 7.5:

I am blocked with Veronica and "rewarding good behaviour, is also part of being a good master". I tried to reward her at 12:00 and to visit her room at 23:00, but nothing more happen... Can you help me ? (I'm 29 love, 60 Y, 7 stars)

I'm blocked too with Mom and "Maybe we should all go to the beach...". I went with all choices and Jalousy at 10, but still the same message. (with Mom i'm at 60 love, 80 kisses, 15 stars). Thank you for your help.


Jan 27, 2018
Hi. I'm at a loss here and need some help. I have collected all the cosplay colllectables exept for the one at the book store and the one at the coffee shop. I just can't seem to get them. I know where they are supposed to be but there is nothing there. I have maxed out Ashley, Sophia, Emma. Just about finished the rest. Am I missing something?


New Member
Mar 20, 2017
I eneded up using "save edit online .com" no spaces to cheat around the event. Then I was able to peep at 11. This means I miss the first peep scene, but you get the pictures and still get the police scene and everything afterwards.

          <Video />
          <Category />
          <Video />
          <Category />
          <Video />
          <Category />
          <Video />
          <Category />
Change all the <Discovered>false<Discovered> to true and you will be able to move on


Feb 8, 2018
Why would she care about Amy?
because perhaps she already told her Master that she was attracted to Amy and to not say a word about it then he goes and sneaks Amy in to go down on her without her knowing?
I think I see what your saying, it's not that he "Trained" Amy, it's that he let Amy go down on Veronica. I still don't see the problem, He still hasn't told them they want each other, and that's what he promised to both of them, so he hasn't violated a trust. Not to mention she gets really turned on about not being able to do anything and being used as her Master see's fit... The BDSM relationship is based on "pure trust", and he hasn't done anything to violate that trust, he has kept his word. Veronica and Amy have set a "Limit" of "Don't ever tell her how I feel about her" and he hasn't violated it or crossed the line. He certainly doesn't have to worry about Amy saying anything, and it's only happened once, in my playthrough anyway, so I don't see how she would/could find out, and even if she did then her "commitment" to do anything he wants is kind of a defacto breaking of a trust in of itself. I know it sounds "bad" but think about it. She(or sub) sets the limit and that's fine and good and is "best practice" for BDSM couples. It's the Dom's responsibility not to break that trust or limit. If the Dom does, or allows it then the sub leaves never to return, trust broken. I don't even want to get into "safe words" since in most cases it's a relationship of "no trust"... It may be a difficult to see, but the relationship is built on trust and respect on both sides, without it, it's just a relationship of "I'm here as long as you do what I want and like". That's how I see it, for myself at least. I fully understand not everyone "gets" that type of relationship, most see it as a "Me Tarzan, you jane" thing, and it just isn't like that. So in a some ways the sub has "more power" than the Dom and he is in control as long as he respects his sub. Plain and not so simple...


New Member
Feb 16, 2018
I found the solution with that post

Hi everybody,

On version 7.5:

I am blocked with Veronica and "rewarding good behaviour, is also part of being a good master". I tried to reward her at 12:00 and to visit her room at 23:00, but nothing more happen... Can you help me ? (I'm 29 love, 60 Y, 7 stars)

I'm blocked too with Mom and "Maybe we should all go to the beach...". I went with all choices and Jalousy at 10, but still the same message. (with Mom i'm at 60 love, 80 kisses, 15 stars). Thank you for your help.

Carlo S

Forum Fanatic
Respected User
May 20, 2017
Hi. Can someone help me with Veronica 22:00 bath. It just freezes and I cant go further. I tried everything what Carlo S suggested in the pdf but it still doesnt work.
Brother, I played the game again, only in this event, and with this Save, works without problem, try put this save in your game and try play again, if you want You can run the days for the next Friday, adjust the hours for 10.00 AM in the Saturday and peek, and after run again for 10.00 PM and peek again, I did it three times with version 0.7.5b, no problem ;);) ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEGA, Save, Mapping, Walkthrough, CGs and Torrent You'll find here: - ------


May 20, 2018
Brother, in the latest version, @Faerin did everything he could to fix the bugs, so most of them have no more problems, but I'm seeing that many Brothers is solving all the issues with formatting the computer or look for the incompatility with some Windows with Unity games in the Google, maybe this can help some Brothers too, my game, @Jaguarundi, @RWaites works without bugs, and We never had problems, We know that Windows and Unity sometimes have something that freezes the game, what happens We don't know. And here are some solutions too:
My game had no problem.


New Member
May 12, 2018
I'm trying to watch the movie with Claire like it says on the walkthrough but idk how to do that. Anyone know how?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
Goddammit, I accidentally deleted my saves when I deleted the previous version.

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
is milfy city a good game?
It is, but it still has a long way to go. IIRC, Milfy City doesn't tell you when you've hit the end of the content so you might get stuck trying to make things happen with no clear indication that there isn't any more.

Minor correction: characters disappear from the world once their content is finished. It'd be nice if it were displayed in the status menu - something along the lines of "No more content in this release!".

I always just assumed Veronica was sexually frustrated and figures out that being a subbie is a damn good way of getting her jollies. Guess not.
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What's next?
So, which of these would you like to see most in v0.7.6? A date for three (Ashley and Sophia). 42%

Turning the tables (Veronica and Amy). 25%

Lunch date (Claire). 16%

Getting aquinted (Emma and ?). 17%
Poll ended May 28, 2018
419 votes total


New Member
Jan 19, 2018
Please help me!!!!
I am stucked at mom 4th achiement point when I have to sleep naked and mom comes at 7.am in my bedroom. the game doesn't go on. I get a hardon a boner but the next scene is when she enters again room and is shocked about my cock. So the 2 scenes always repeat themselves. I am in a time wrap! I can get on. Please help me!!
4.20 star(s) 269 Votes