Oh, you haven't even seen half of it...
I know I am the developer of this game and am obviously biased, but even aside from that I have to say, if you play a game someone made and put this much time into, (most that are complaining here) don't even find it worth to support it even by just a dollar and you all can do is wine about stuff you disagree with...just don't play it...
It's not like the developer is losing a paying customer in you anway, you know.
But just spreading negativity is a great way for a dev to lose motivation, in fact, I think it's the biggest demotivator next to not being able to make enough money to get by.
Lukcily I have a pretty thick skin and take it with a grain of salt, but maybe by some kind of miracle you will let this sink in and realize that the other games that are being mentioned, might have been abandoned for these very reasons.
Try to be supportive for a change instead of wining like a spoiled little brat and you might see you can actually make a positive change *shiver*!
Anyway back to bugfixing, thanks for all the positve feedback and bug report from the rest of you guys, don't let the rotten apples spoil the fun!