The scars and color of ur skin already sold u out, mateA horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course.
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.
Man, I'm showing my age.
Mate, i noticed that too, i was just answering dudes complaining about porn content with about the same words the dev used (i think because he already saw this comingAs for the length of this update, he did accomplish a ton of work it's just that it isn't seen as content as it is mostly work on the game mechanism.
Yeah I was just adding to what you said which I thought I put an Agree up for...Mate, i noticed that too, i was just answering dudes complaining about porn content with about the same words the dev used (i think because he already saw this coming). And yea, u are showing ur age all over the place too XD. Cheers!
Speakin of wich, it seems we get Amy Veronica Content yum yum ! u know how it works the last one using them has to order to clean them selves thoroghly,Yeah I was just adding to what you said which I thought I put an Agree up for...
We old farts like to jerkoff too! LOL
It may take awhile to get there...But no sex game would ever be complete without a little Creampie Eating between the Girls! LOLSpeakin of wich, it seems we get Amy Veronica Content yum yum ! u know how it works the last one using them has to order to clean them selves thoroghly,penedeyewink:
If it's the first onehey guys im unable to unlock veronica mission
Which codesdo u have to input something for the codes to work?
Are you at 40love/50arousal/6starsI cannot get past 50 with Claire. I can't seem to get to the 2nd email. I have watched the movie with her and the bath talk about work, but i just keep going round and round. any ideas?
Among the games with the same version, this is one with more sex, no doubtare there any sex scenes or just blow jobs?
Try downloading and extracting this one there and overwrite the existingoneYes, exactly like that. Any ideas?
dunno why your writing this sentence now: "And remember that was a point and click adventure, not a life simulator, we are talking about a diferent kind of game here."ofc i know those are two different game styles, but i do think you can use p'n'c games as an example of what you shouldn't implement (we are talking about puzzles, remember?). one lil' game here already did a simple puzzles like this, where you had to pick up a chili plant from your garden and make a chilispray out of it. find the failure he made thereThat game was brillant man, in one puzzle u needed to use a historical mith and convince George Washington to chop a cherry tree (u know, the fable of Washington and the cherry tree) so u can start using the blond girl as a character in the future (as she was hanging on that tree and choping it in the past would make the tree disapear in the future... just brillant)... im not saying that a porn game has to use the SAME puzzles, but the way they handled those was superb for that time (we are talking about a 1993 game here, man, when u see other games from that time u see the freaking awsomeness of this game), im sure if in these days the same people do a game like this (with all the technical progress we have now), it could be even more awsome too. As for a porn game like this, im saying that should take some ideas and puzzles, but twiching them for the purpose of the game, not that they have to do the exact same thing (like some parodies do, u know). And remember that was a point and click adventure, not a life simulator, we are talking about a diferent kind of game here.
I took ur example exactly like that, as a joke, of course, thats why i said it was idiotic (not because i think u are an idiot, the example was).
And yea, a horse is a horse and a potato its a potato, yupCheers!
you always know if someone knows what fun is when he loves monty python xD. those guys are the best!Monty Pyton ....
a horse is a horse of course of course @Ente Supremo I warmly recomend reaaally twisted english humor
btw Kelvin Kline (Sheriff of Nothingham) in Kevin costners robin hood was from that ensamble
No Mr Ed. see @DeUglyOne ur not the only old Perv over here :closedeyesmile::closedeyesmile: