Actually I would like to see
@Faerin use the bedroom location to include all the sexual acts unlocked throughout the game. Perhaps combine the Massage with the HJ and add the option for a BJ (or make Claire randomly decide to give HJ or BJ). This way anytime you were in the mood to fool around with Mom/Claire you know exactly what time and place to go to. As more acts get unlocked they get added to that bedroom scene via extension.
I definitely see Veronica and Amy plotting together to turn the tables on their Master...After Veronica discovers that the MC plotted and gave her up to Amy without asking her. Perhaps Amy will blindfold the MC and pull the same trick on him that he pulled on Veronica during one of the visits to Amy's house!
I don't know...While I never find a game fappable myself...If you are one who does it is pretty hard to say this release isn't fappable during those scenes with Amy. The fact it uses the slave play as an angle fits in with the track it is a part of (namely Veronica who has been a Dom play from the get go). And as I suggested above this subplot is very likely to become a Switch track later on. While it is technically a BDSM genre trope there is very little spanking and more of a Control Play which shows much more willingness than that crap we get in Big Brother.
Veronica has always been about the darker genres...
Mom has covered the TRUE Incest trope of Conscience vs Lust plot...
And Ashley has always been about the youthful experimentation that is the most common form of Incest. Siblings Sexually experimenting with a partner they deem as safe.
Truth is this game had as much content for a two week dev cycle as a game like BB has for it's monthly!