Hi, guys
I have completed Manila Shaw: Blackmail's Obsession v0.05.
This update has the following quests:
- Jogging I
- Black Night I: you will unlock an additional scene if:
Corruption > Justice and you will activate the red choice
- Gym Training: this quest can be completely unlocked with the "$ 5,000 bribe" route (Manila accepts J. Blue's bribe). In the other routes you can train in the gym.
- J. Blue's Video: this quest can only be unlocked with the "$ 5,000 bribe" route (Manila accepts J. Blue's bribe), accepting the blackmail of J. Blue (red choice). It is possible to activate this quest only if:
Corruption > Justice.
- Smartphone
- I've added some NPCs
- Now you can use the fridge in your home. By buying "Food Supply" and "Drink Supply" in Burke's convenience store, you can supply your fridge.
- The time can be changed in Manila's home or
buying and using a smartphone (only during the weekend).
- 4 short animations.
- 1 battle.
In this update you will only play " Saturday and Sunday ".
Warning: Keep your old saves.
you can show / hide the Arrows Map (indicators to change map).
Press on the keyboard:
(PageUP = Show Arrows Map; PageDOWN = Hide Arrows Map)