
Active Member
Feb 20, 2018
Did someone try a non-combattant char on 0.8 (based on Academics/intelligence)? Is it playable?


Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
If you say so.
That's how i started though, with only 20-25 survival if i remember right, bottom of the barrel basically.
And then i continued to just hunt, for days and days until i maxed out the entire house, bought top-of-the-line armors and weapons, maxed my stats, etc. All on chill-mode like.
Well. Me is me, and you is you i guess. :whistle::coffee:
You are making quite a lot of assumptions and also finishing with a personal attack by calling him selfish. as if being selfish has anything to do with this. (edit: sorry, I misread.)

I find it far more plausible that he is accidentally playing on hard mode without realizing by using 5d20 instead of 1d100 mode.
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Active Member
Mar 8, 2021
Not really. You can only hunt once per day (or at least, I can) so if you try it and fuck it up, you get nothing. You also waste a bullet and a bunch of stamina.

Hunting low-tier bandits is more successful, but they're a limited supply.
Hopefully by the time i run out, I'll have a stable income or i'll be smort enough to work at the academy.
What exactly did you start as? if you do the main quest, you get a big injection of cash from which you can buy some gear and your first slave (but you can get like 3 slaves for free). With two cheap mercenaries (for example smith's son and a rifle peasant) you can kill most encounters that don't involve combat armor or assault rifles. Once you unlock the arena you have an unlimited amount of trash you can kill for 400/day

Edit: I also play on medium variance (2d50?)


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
You are making quite a lot of assumptions and also finishing with a personal attack by calling him selfish. as if being selfish has anything to do with this.
I find it far more plausible that he is accidentally playing on hard mode without realizing by using 5d20 instead of 1d100 mode.
Lmao what now?
Can you please point out where exactly i called anyone "selfish?"
And the only assumption i am making is that hunting doesn't seem to be his thing, he is clearly not patient enough for that one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
What exactly did you start as? if you do the main quest, you get a big injection of cash from which you can buy some gear and your first slave (but you can get like 3 slaves for free). With two cheap mercenaries (for example smith's son and a rifle peasant) you can kill most encounters that don't involve combat armor or assault rifles. Once you unlock the arena you have an unlimited amount of trash you can kill for 400/day

Edit: I also play on medium variance (2d50?)
I went soldier/soldier/soldier. Maxed out my combat skills as much as possible.
Fighting isn't the issue here. I'm mopping up basically all the low-to-medium encounters.
The superhumans and tough dudes will slaughter me though, becuase I don't have the numbers.

ATM It's just me, rifle-bro and Aiko.
Aiko is kind of useless. I don't know if it's her stats or if shotguns are just bad, but she rarely hits and does little damage.
Rifle-bro is a monster though. Hits 90% of the time, Armour Piercing. He'll do like 70% damage on a dude in one hit.
My own PC is about the same (also using the rifle, too)

None of my slaves are combat-viable though. I'm tring to train them up, but discaplin is an issue. They fail their training 9 times out of 10.

No, the reason I can't use the hunting strat that was suggested isn't because of Ranged Combat skills.
It's because of the survival skill, which I dumped.
I'm not sure how the three strategies (search, stand, decoy) effect things, but I fail more often than not, and pelts/leather aren't very valuable anyway. Not when a single fight with gangsters can get you 400$ and maybe 50 materials to salvage through. (and potentially even weapons too)

"Just grind your stats up then" doesn't work when I have 600 credits left before I go bankrupt.

Might have to let Aiko go. She's costing 60$ a day and she's not worth that.
Rifle-bro costs like $3 per day, and he's an absolute freak.

Bud (the blacksmith's nephew) was worthless. Missed every shot with his pistol then died in one hit.
Even the blacksmith doesn't seem to care that he bit it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
And the only assumption i am making is that hunting doesn't seem to be his thing, he is clearly not patient enough for that one.
Again, patience isn't the issue. The issue is that this is not a brand new save-file. "Just spend 90 turns grinding your stats up until you start making money" isn't very helpful.
If I try what you are suggesting, I will game over.
So it's bad advice.

Even then the amount of money you get from pelts when it's successful is kind of underwhelming.
What is it, like 18c per sheet of leather? And you seem to get maybe three from a successful hunting action?
It looks like you can cram in three hunting actions in a day before it gets too dark, so that's nine leather. or pelt, rather.
Do you get multiple leathers from one pelt?

Am I missing something? Is there someone who'll buy meat for a high price?
If not, it feels like i'd be better off just fighting dudes, or even just sending my slaves out to work at the general goods store or something.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Again, patience isn't the issue. The issue is that this is not a brand new save-file. "Just spend 90 turns grinding your stats up until you start making money" isn't very helpful.
If I try what you are suggesting, I will game over.
Well that's because you already hired mercs and bought slaves all of whom drain your money right?
If you dismiss the mercs you should be good.

Even then the amount of money you get from pelts when it's successful is kind of underwhelming.
Not only pelts my dude, food as well. A-lot-of-food. :cool::coffee:
Did you know? Market pays 4$ PER MEAL. And that is pre version 8 of the game.
And you get tons and tons of food from hunting. (you prepare it all at home btw but you probably know that)
Also if you sell leather at the armory you get more for it than from the market.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Well that's because you already hired mercs and bought slaves all of whom drain your money right?
If you dismiss the mercs you should be good.
I can fire them, but I need to rehire them to do combat again later. It's cheapter just to keep them on long-term.
So long as I do one combat encounter per day (which I need them for) they more than pay for themselves.
Not only pelts my dude, food as well. A-lot-of-food. :cool::coffee:
Did you know? Market pays 4$ PER MEAL. And that is pre version 8 of the game.
And you get tons and tons of food from hunting.
See, this is actually helpful.
Is it meat or rations that you're selling? I've got tons of rations. Never occurred to me to sell them.
You know how else you can get food? Killing gangsters around the map. They're fucking loaded with it.

But I kept em on cos I assumed that i'd burn through my rations eventually. I do need that for my slaves, after-all.
I've got enough surplus to sell though, if the price is decent.

Edit: Wait, no. That's still a bad deal.
How much fucking meat are you getting from this hunting? I've got 150 rations on me right now. I assumed that was a lot, but at £4 per ration, that's like 600 credits if I sell everything.

That's fucking nothing. That's two fights worth of cash.

Are you getting like 500 rations a day from hunting or something?

Edit2: I tested it. When I succeed on hunting (one or two attempts per day, out of four) I get about 18-20 meat.
20 meat gets you 40 rations. 40 x 4 = 160 creds. double that for two successes. 360. Plus leather. (I got 31 somehow) that's 600 more.

So from spamming hunt all day, then spending the next day processing the materials and selling them, I made just over 1k of credits.
That's... actally not as shite as I thought it was going to be, but it's clear that the big money is in the pelts. The meat is slightly more than worthless, at under 200 creds per action.
I'm just not sure how I got 30 pelts from two successful actions. Maybe I had some stored up already? Have to check again.

Edit: Just hunted again, one success today. 8 skins, 16 meat. 144 for the pelts, 128 for the meat. 270 credits per hunting action.
If you succeed all four times before the sun sets and you become unable to hunt anymore, you get just over 1k credits.

It's... not awful, I guess. If you have the stats for it.
at one or two successes per day though, i'll stick to fighting goons.
This strat also gets me influence, so I can unlock the area faster and make bank there too.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Is it meat or rations that you're selling? I've got tons of rations. Never occurred to me to sell them.
You hunt meat and hides and then prepare all of that stuff at home, then you go and profit.
So yes, rations. Go to market, make sure food price is at least 4$, then dump it all and you're rich.

It never occurred to me that people would not even consider selling food.
Sorry if i was a little too hard on you? :giggle::coffee:


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Edit: Wait, no. That's still a bad deal.
How much fucking meat are you getting from this hunting? I've got 150 rations on me right now. I assumed that was a lot, but at £4 per ration, that's like 600 credits if I sell everything.

That's fucking nothing. That's two fights worth of cash.

Are you getting like 500 rations a day from hunting or something?
Okay here is how i do it:
I usually hunt until i have stockpiled at least 500 rations and whatever hides (usually around 120 hides or something.)
THEN i go and sell it all in bulk.

It's a slow grind, but i find it plenty satisfactory. :giggle::coffee:
You don't need to fight, you don't need to buy anything either. (except crossbow bolts)
You can just focus on maxing stats and building up the house.
You could get a slave and train her as well while you do this, then you'd have a completely combat ready and outfitted in top-gear slave, as well as yourself, by the end of this. You could max your stats and all, easy.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
Lmao what now?
Can you please point out where exactly i called anyone "selfish?"
And the only assumption i am making is that hunting doesn't seem to be his thing, he is clearly not patient enough for that one.
I apolgize, I misread "me is me" as "me me me". the latter is an idiom used to call someone selfish


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
I usually hunt until i have stockpiled at least 500 rations and whatever hides (usually around 120 hides or something.)
THEN i go and sell it all in bulk.
That doesn't...
Stockpiling it before you sell doesn't somehow make it more profitable. You're still only getting the same amount of money per action.

I did the math and edited it into my previous post, but unless you're getting a lot more meat than I am per successful hunt (around 20 meat, and eight hides) then you're probably pulling in 1k on your best day. Even if you succeed every hunting attempt.

I'm making that in a single fight.
Yeah, me doing those fights means that I need to have two mercs employed, an eventually i will run out of goons, but until then i'm making a shit-ton more money than you.
I'm just buying all the housing upgrades and all the books, which is why I'm always so fucking broke.
Plus armour for me, both of my slaves and both of my mercs. (2k a set)

I've blown 10k on armour alone, and dismissing those mercs resets their armour but only seems to partially repay me for it.
What i really need is to train up my slaves to be combat-worthy, so i'm less reliant on mercs. (or so I can take my slaves AND mercs, and kill even tougher dudes for even more money)
Until then, keeping the mercs employed full-time seems vastly cheaper than firing and re-hiring them.

Edit: That said, which hunting strat do you use? Search, Stand or Decoy?
Do they even change anything? It doesn't seem to say.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
That doesn't...
Stockpiling it before you sell doesn't somehow make it more profitable. You're still only getting the same amount of money per action.
Yes, goods don't become more profitable from just being stockpiled, but jumping market prices can make those goods more profitable.
Unfortunately, pre game version 8 they don't jump all that much in the hunter's favor.
But, once version 8 is here, hunting will become far more profitable.
After all, 4$ per meal will be able to turn into 13$ per meal. Maybe more, don't know yet.

And if you sell a massive bulk you stockpiled during the time that is most profitable....
Well, you get the idea, but currently you can expect 4$ at most sadly. (if you're not using version 8 of the game that is)

However, this doesn't make hunting any less viable.
Just not as fast as some would prefer, it seems. :whistle::coffee:
It suits me well because i don't really feel the need to rush anything, i take my time. :giggle::coffee:

Anyway you seem to like fighting so.. just keep doing it then.
You just need to train your slaves, or maybe you could just make them wear good armor and... just act as damage-soak during fights.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Edit: That said, which hunting strat do you use? Search, Stand or Decoy?
Do they even change anything? It doesn't seem to say.
I alternate between them, to be honest it never felt like any one of them were more effective than the others.
Sometimes i get bored and just stick to one of them, like decoy.
Haven't bothered figuring out how they work for sure yet, nor whether using something other than crossbow is a better option.
Never felt like i was performing worse with crossbow than i did with a gun.

What really matter is hitting survival 80, that is when you almost never fail your hunts, so that is when you will be profiting the most.
But it takes time to get there.
So yeah, just pick whatever, but use crossbow to save on bullets.
Then relax and grind away, while also training yourself and your slaves at the same time. :cool::coffee:


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Whew.. that was a ton of writing...
I hope somebody appreciates the info. :ROFLMAO::coffee:

Also in case somebody is interested in how i would rate hunting in a similar manner to how it's done at the :
+ Influence | ++ Money | - Risk | + Skill-Requirements | + Money-Requirements
(not sure if money req even needs one + because you only ever need to buy crossbow ammo, which is dirt cheap.)
(also money gains depend on market price fluctuations and your survival skill, so.. may turn into 3rd + depending on circumstances.)
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Jun 10, 2022
Okay here is how i do it:
You don't need to fight, you don't need to buy anything either. (except crossbow bolts)
You can just focus on maxing stats and building up the house.
You could get a slave and train her as well while you do this, then you'd have a completely combat ready and outfitted in top-gear slave, as well as yourself, by the end of this. You could max your stats and all, easy.
Are you getting any influence down this path? The real money comes when you get access to the arena.
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