Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Some issues with character creation:

I love the concept of the character's background being developed along with the skills, but after playing with it longer than I'd care to admit it seems to me there's some balancing issues once you start playing the game. Now that I know more about how the system works it appears there's too many 'must pick' choices and I've managed to convince myself I will eventually be unhappy with my choices unless they are something akin to:

Scientist Parents
Embraced Science


Stocky (because Strength is harder to train than Dex and gives a bonus with girls)
I don't know if the other two matter much depending on your playstyle

True Love
Word Pleaser

This last one is subject to the most debate in my mind, but after trying other combinations and doing the academy courses and book reading I've come to the conclusion Charm is too damned useful and you get so much more Manipulate from books and courses you can get by starting with 30 or 35 until you get to the Academy and read some books.

The reason I've come to the conclusion these are the 'best' choices is--as I understand it--intelligence is what determines how much you get from academy courses and books, and there's precious few places to get it whereas with most other skills etc you can train them up pretty easily. For example you can start with a low willpower because it doesn't hurt you much in the very beginning and once you open up Crystal Hills you can get a massage and blow all over the poor slut's face and you'll get willpower often enough at least until 60 and 55 respectively. Odds are you'll be there on a regular basis anyway trying to get your slave's stamina back up when you're training or educating them.

Gambling is another stat that's damned difficult to get (and rather expensive) and which is pretty much useless until you get it to about 100, so taking 'Gambler' without having already chosen 'Troublemaker' is half-useless. Or not, this is debatable, the +5 INT is so useful you can ignore trying to stack the gambling skill, but if you take it, the courses and then read all the books eventually you reach a point where you pretty much win every time and can almost count on ~300 coin per night. If you don't try to max it however the best it seems you can do (on 1d100) is break even sometimes which is pretty much useless. Thus taking something like the failed businessman is reasonable to keep your manipulate score decent if you go for max charm but none of the others really measure up. In part that's because some them have work-in-progress quests thus that could eventually change, but as it stands I can't seem to justify in my mind choosing something else. Border Wars is kinda neat, but the main bonus there--the big Survival boost--is something you can pick up in about two weeks hunting no matter how low you start with it--provided you take Juno with you in the first slot.

I keep telling myself the problem here is me, I don't have to min-max everything and can enjoy playing any character I want and should relish the challenge of a lesser character, but I'm afraid I was born this way and it makes it very easy to quit on a character I know has a 'low ceiling' because of the character creation process. I do understand--and it does make sense--that intelligence (and willpower?) having a dramatic effect on learning ability is a reasonable way to do it, the problem is more along the lines that there's so few places to get INT in the character creation process and there seems to be nowhere else to get it. I think I read somewhere that going the University professor route allows a way to do it, but that's kinda gated by having to be able to get the stats necessary to qualify for that--which pretty much forces you to make more or less the same choices I detailed above.

Just a note, there's at least one calculation/display error, if you rebel from your military parents you're supposed to get +5 INT but you'll only be credited with 3. Also I cannot seem to fathom why anyone would choose to rebel from a 'Hunter' background, there's almost no difference in the stats given except you get less of them and all you get in return is +5 science. A Doctor background--even if you followed in their footsteps--gives no more INT than a Criminal background where you rebelled. That just seems weird and those two choices would be great places to add some more INT in the creation process.

It could also be a way of spicing up some of the choices later in the process that seem less likely to be chosen. Perhaps just as a placeholder for the ones with quests which are still WIP, (seems you'd need to be pretty smart to be chosen for those) and maybe Wealthy and Thief (you're a very good thief) could add a few points, and maybe some of the straight sex ones like pussy pleaser could add a point or two.

Feel free to tell me if I have this dead wrong, but the few times I've tried a character who didn't have at least 55 or so INT and tried taking courses or reading books I was gobsmacked by how much difference those seven, nine or twelve INT points make when you're getting your points at the end of the course/book. To the point where I couldn't countenance playing a character who I knew never really had a chance to do the things I wanted to with him.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
too many 'must pick'
I don't think so.
and I've managed to convince myself I will eventually be unhappy with my choices unless they are something akin to:
Roll how you like, but if min-maxing is your concern then yes starting with at least 60 int is a must, the rest doesn't matter.
I usually start with 61 int myself.
Charm is too damned useful and you get so much more Manipulate from books and courses you can get by starting with 30 or 35 until you get to the Academy and read some books.
Eh.. i dunno, to me charm is rather situational, easily trainable as well.
I prefer getting 70 manipulation when i start, and then easily bring it to like 120 with academy courses and books.
This way i got one useful stat completely out of the way with minimal effort.
as I understand it--intelligence is what determines how much you get from academy courses and books, and there's precious few places to get it whereas with most other skills etc you can train them up pretty easily.
Correct, but well other stats also take time so not quite "pretty easily" i'd say.
Odds are you'll be there on a regular basis anyway trying to get your slave's stamina back up when you're training or educating them regardless.
Eh.. i don't bother with that one very much, my willpower gets to like 55 just from study/books.
Gambling is another stat that's damned difficult to get
Not really, all you need is to gamble to rise it.
Plus, you get fuckton from books and academy.
Also it helps you to win monies so i wouldn't call it useless.
I don't particularly care about gambling though. It COULD be made more useful though, if there will be created a place where you can win not only the rather insignificant 300-500$ per night, but items and perhaps even slaves.
Yes, a place where you can gamble to win prizes like slaves and maybe even unique items/armors/guns/etc.
That would definitely make gambling far more interesting than it is now. (Yes, another one of my ideas, are you guys happy?) :ROFLMAO::coffee:

the +5 INT is so useful you can ignore trying to stack the gambling skill,
Yes, to me in particular, since i start the game as a young lad and they get stat debuff so gambling helps me get my int to 61.
I keep telling myself the problem here is me, I don't have to min-max everything
Exactly, but you seem like you're a min-maxer so there you have it. :ROFLMAO::coffee:
that intelligence (and willpower?)
No willpower does not have any effect on your learning ability as far as i am aware.
" Willpower is a measure for your sense of self-esteem, honor, and mental wellness. It amplifies your attempts at manipulation, seduction, and persuasion while engaging with other characters. Additionally, it is a beneficial ATTRIBUTE when gambling or carousing in a tavern. "
there's so few places to get INT in the character creation process and pretty much nowhere else to get it.
For now, but i'm pretty sure there will be more places in the future, like maybe when the explorer's guild will be released for example. (Just a hunch though.)
University professor route allows a way to do it, but that's pretty much gated by having to be able to get the stats necessary to qualify for that--which pretty much forces you to make more or less the same choices I detailed above.
Well, yes. To be very smart, you need to be smart first. Makes sense to me. :whistle::coffee:

Feel free to tell me if I have this dead wrong, but the few times I've tried a character who didn't have at least 55 or so INT and tried taking courses or reading books I was gobsmacked by how much difference those seven, nine or twelve INT points make when you're getting your points at the end of the course/book. To the point where I couldn't countenance playing a character who I knew never really had a chance to do the things I wanted to with him.
You are not wrong, or right. You are just you.
This is how you like to play, i don't see a problem with it.
If that is how you want to roll, then roll like that. :whistle::coffee:


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
Play the game you want to. I, personally, have several games going on at the same time and each character is different. I don't feel the need to min-max or have op characters. Some of my characters don't have high survival so they don't hunt or high intelligence so the points they get are not maxxed, etc. but the game isn't done. There may be more opportunities later to increase those stats as the game has more added to it.

I don't need to maximize everything as I'm not in a rush and the game is far from finished anyway. I also don't want to push my characters too far along as the game is at a fixed point because it isn't done. So, I progress a little at a time with each update that I play.

I will say that after creating many characters, perhaps add a degree of variability with the numbers for each selection if that is possible with the game engine. This could remove some staleness to character creation.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
I don't think so.

Roll how you like, but if min-maxing is your concern then yes starting with at least 60 int is a must, the rest doesn't matter.
I usually start with 61 int myself.
...and the only way to get that is to start Scientist/Scientist. I think it would be better if there were more options to attain numbers like that. As it stands the most you can get going any other route is 58.

Eh.. i dunno, to me charm is rather situational, easily trainable as well.
The only way I knew of to get charm was extended foreplay until I saw your post the other day regarding the Assembly plant. That's gonna take some time though, more than say training stamina or something else.

I prefer getting 70 manipulation when i start, and then easily bring it to like 120 with academy courses and books.
This way i got one useful stat completely out of the way with minimal effort.
I found I didn't need it that high to start, charm works better in many cases.

Correct, but well other stats also take time so not quite "pretty easily" i'd say.
For the ones with a trainer it literally takes me five minutes to get it up to 80 or so. That's what I was referring to.

Eh.. i don't bother with that one very much, my willpower gets to like 55 just from study/books.
If you get it up to 60 through massages first you'll end up with a much higher score in the end.

Not really, all you need is to gamble to rise it.
Plus, you get fuckton from books and academy.

Also it helps you to win monies so i wouldn't call it useless.
Playing 1d100 and gambling every night you'll get about one point a week, and you'll almost never win until your gambling score gets near 100 and when it gets to about somewhere over 110 you'll start winning all the time. It costs 60 coin a night to gamble and thus roughly 400 to pick up a point on average.

I don't particularly care about gambling though. It COULD be made more useful though, if there will be created a place where you can win not only the rather insignificant 300-500$ per night, but items and perhaps even slaves.
Yes, a place where you can gamble to win prizes like slaves and maybe even unique items/armors/guns/etc.
That would definitely make gambling far more interesting than it is now. (Yes, another one of my ideas, are you guys happy?) :ROFLMAO::coffee:
That is a good idea, I like it.

Yes, to me in particular, since i start the game as a young lad and they get stat debuff so gambling helps me get my int to 61.
I knew that. You made just about every choice I listed outside the mission, at least regarding intelligence.

Exactly, but you seem like you're a min-maxer so there you have it. :ROFLMAO::coffee:
But I don't want to be! It's just I cannot help but notice that in this case it's egregiously unbalanced in some respects. It stalks my mind as I play!

No willpower does not have any effect on your learning ability as far as i am aware.
" Willpower is a measure for your sense of self-esteem, honor, and mental wellness. It amplifies your attempts at manipulation, seduction, and persuasion while engaging with other characters. Additionally, it is a beneficial ATTRIBUTE when gambling or carousing in a tavern. "
Thank you for the sourced information.

For now, but i'm pretty sure there will be more places in the future, like maybe when the explorer's guild will be released for example. (Just a hunch though.)

Well, yes. To be very smart, you need to be smart first. Makes sense to me. :whistle::coffee:
But are the academic types really the most charming bullshitters and coercers? Are salesmen and politicians or cops in interrogations really the smartest people out there? I can see how intelligence and academic outcomes would be correlated, but I kinda doubt it ought to go for stats like charm and manipulate.

You are not wrong, or right. You are just you.
This is how you like to play, i don't see a problem with it.
If that is how you want to roll, then roll like that. :whistle::coffee:
I'm just hoping to help.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
If you get it up to 60 first through massages first you'll end up with a much higher score in the end.
Much higher score where?
Playing 1d100 and gambling every night you'll get about one point a week
Well, i play on d50 so maybe that's why.
I win fairly often by the time i'm done with books and academy.
But I don't want to be! It's just I cannot help but notice that in this case it's egregiously unbalanced in some respects. It stalks my mind as I play!
Min-maxer in denial, then? :ROFLMAO::coffee:
But are the academic types really the most charming bullshitters and coercers? Are salesmen and politicians or cops in interrogations really the smartest people out there? I can see how intelligence and academic outcomes would be correlated, but I kinda doubt it ought to go for stats like charm and manipulate.
Who knows?
What's important is how Grim wants them to be in his game, not how they actually are.
For example i think most politicians are not smart/wise at all, they're just stubborn as hell and that's how we get idiots in high positions, they got there by sheer refusal to give up. :whistle::coffee: I think wise people wouldn't even bother going for those high positions since they understand how much of a pain in the ass those are.
Well anyway, if you got some ideas about how it should work go right ahead, i'm sure Grim will be all ears. :whistle::coffee:

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Much higher score where?
Your final willpower will be much higher if you get it up to 60 first through nutting slut faces/massages and then doing the books and courses.

Well, i play on d50 so maybe that's why.
I win fairly often by the time i'm done with books and academy.
I started on 2d50 as well, it's even more pronounced on that curve. If you'd taken 'Troublemaker' at this juncture you'd almost never lose, it would be ~300+ a night you could count on.

Min-maxer in denial, then? :ROFLMAO::coffee:
I can't help it! I was born this way!

Who knows?
What's important is how Grim wants them to be in his game, not how they actually are.
For example i think most politicians are not smart/wise at all, they're just stubborn as hell and that's how we get idiots in high positions, they got there by sheer refusal to give up. :whistle::coffee: I think wise people wouldn't even bother going for those high positions since they understand how much of a pain in the ass those are.
Well anyway, if you got some ideas about how it should work go right ahead, i'm sure Grim will be all ears. :whistle::coffee:
Those are my suggestions on character creation. I love it but wish it would be a little better balanced.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Play the game you want to. I, personally, have several games going on at the same time and each character is different. I don't feel the need to min-max or have op characters. Some of my characters don't have high survival so they don't hunt or high intelligence so the points they get are not maxxed, etc. but the game isn't done. There may be more opportunities later to increase those stats as the game has more added to it.

I don't need to maximize everything as I'm not in a rush and the game is far from finished anyway. I also don't want to push my characters too far along as the game is at a fixed point because it isn't done. So, I progress a little at a time with each update that I play.

I will say that after creating many characters, perhaps add a degree of variability with the numbers for each selection if that is possible with the game engine. This could remove some staleness to character creation.
That's an interesting idea, I ought to try that. I've played the opening with many different types of characters but always erased my saves as the field seemed to be limited. Come to think of it there's probably an option to 'save to disc' or somesuch, a concept I'm only vaguely familiar with. I just click that and it will save it somewhere else or something? I can have more save slots somehow?

Maybe I'll just play a Space Marine (Military/Military/Border Wars/Fortified-Melee Master-Sharpshooter/Young/Biggus Diccus/Stocky/Dominant-Frightening) as I play my regular character I detailed above. Thanks for the suggestion.

As for variable numbers in creation, that would lead to endless reloading for some people. That could be funny to watch.


Nov 13, 2019
Have you tried getting her all hot and bothered during oral sex and fingering her ass? Then 'change position' to Anal and if you have her all loving she never seems to be able to say no, you can beat the roll by a hundred points (or more!) I've noticed.
You are trying to go in dry. Ask her for vaginal sex first, give her 1 orgasm, then switch to anal.
Make sure you developed your sexual relationship somewhat first via vaginal orgasms before trying this.
Perfect, that did it. Thank you very much!

Guess the two-hour-long foreplay sessions are a waste of time in that regard, since I always started with them and never could get Juno to agree.

Some thoughts on current implementation of sex system:

- Separation of foreplay/petting and "penetrative sex" seems unnecessary. Doubly so since it's pretty much things I'd consider part of penetrative sex arsenal. Ironically, I found the Seduction sessions more fun to mess with than main course, even if it could use a few additions (like fingering). Go figure.

- Penetrative part feels somewhat barebones, and I'm not talking about renders. Could be personal bias, but sex isn't JUST about stuffing a hole >.<

Also, current implementation turns the whole part into pretty mechanical "tour of holes" - get her to climax one way, immediately move on to get another part affinity point. Meeh.

From skimming through the code there seems to be a pretty robust preference subsystem to it, but it doesn't seem that well signaled/expanded on in terms of player feedback. Maybe have some more requests vinegettes according to the partner's preferences? Maybe she feels like rough doggy, or wants lovey-dovey missionary. On the flip side, if the player spoils them with what they want all the time, they gain Willpower (and potentially Defiance if Affection not high enough).

I'd also suggest expanding "body part" preference traits:

Soulful kisser - gets higher arousal and happiness from kissing (maybe also small bonus to oral performance and proclivity toward any kind of oral action, including post-coital cleanup), lower gain from degrading actions
Sensitive skin - likes being touched, higher reaction to things like lashing
Breastplay lover - better gains on targetted actions. Also, let us work with them during penetrative sex :(
Vanilla - could add preference toward vaginal sex to the existing effects
Buttslut - duh

Perhaps also have something like
Gentle lover - prefers (CAREFUL) sex
Likes it rough - prefers (HARD!) sex

The "normal/dominant/sadistic" traits are already in play, from what I can tell, but again - this is not communicated all that clearly. Not just when talking to her about sex (that could use expansion based on trait-driven preferences:
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), but also during the act itself.

Would be nice to get some toys to expand the choices during normal sex, as well (though likely a lot more work with renders). Dildos/plugs aren't just for stand-alone play. Cuffs, rope and blindfolds aren't just for the rack and hard-BDSM sessions, but a necessary part of a well-equipped bedroom :)

Finally, why does sex end as soon as MC goes flaccid, rather than being something controlled by stamina? It's not like men go into a coma as soon as we splurge, and keeping a partner on the edge for that half an hour needed to bounce back leads to even better session after.

It feels like sex sessions need some mechanics to promote "focus" play. I suppose if something like traits I suggested above was implemented, it would be possible to reward multiple orgasms from same erogenous zone with increased gain if not in proclivity points themselves (though "+2 vaginal sex" gain at the end of a multi-vaginal-orgasm-session is hardly that much), then at least additional trait-improvement points?

In other words, if instead of doing "tour of holes" for +1 proclivity point gain for all oral, vagianal, and anal, the player focused on oral sex only, at least they would get +2-3 points toward "Oral Fixation" on top of everything else.

You only lose stats on anything other than the great assembly line, so long as you stick with the great assembly line you don't need to fear stat loss.
Messed around with it a bit - assembly line and munition production are decent enough. The latter in particular is pretty good deal, since you can hit +1 dex increase seemingly frequently enough. Not sure the time expenditure is worth it for Charm and Stealth, if there were other options, though. Then again, stat/skill gain in the game is pretty scarce in terms of real time invested, even if it's still much faster than "realism."

It feels like a lot of activities that should assist in raising stats/skills do not. Take gambling, for instance - is there even a chance ot raise dex and stealth that way? Would be nice to have an option to actually do some kind of sleight of hand (at a risk of failure) for better or more guaranteed earnings.

Hunting (which actually seems to reward the most skill points per attempts) likewise is just Survival. Why not Stealth and Ranged? Or Stamina? Or even Strength, when you get a big haul at the end of the day.

I think adding more potential stat/skill increases to existing activities would help mitigate the utter grind that the early game is right now. It's not so much that it's somehow "challenging," since there are few risks associated. It's just consuming crapton of real time on constant repetition with high chance of failure. At least even if you didn't roll the desired increase, something would improve.

Don't see a lot of "learning from mistakes" stat gains from failures, either. Doubt most of them are critical failure rolls. Hunting, again, seems to be the exception, perhaps because it saw more attention?

Last thing that comes to mind, a lot of the activities seem to take a lot more time than expected. This means limited potential for action during the day, which in some cases is... odd.

Perhaps dropping "sex round" duration to 5 minutes would work better? Right now you end up spending half a day just keeping two slaves satisfied. Can't imagine how it works with a full annex.

I'd personally also would prefer to see shorter duration of daily training sessions, but can live even with the 3-hour-long range practice or hours-long drinking binge just to get some rumors. I suppose a younger me, with more free time, would be able to appreciate the pacing a lot more. Now, it just feels unnecessarily limiting.

All things considered, great game. Really dig the settings, and the few "quests" I found definitely added to my interest. The prowler quest stands out in particular as a "tell me mooree!" storyline.

Writing is definitely GDS' strong suit.

On a completely unrelated note, I wonder if somewhere in the future the player could get an opportunity to start a new outpost somewhere in the wilds of Raana. Could be an alternative "home" for people who'd like to see more slaves (or just get their kick from "settlement management" titles).

GDS for Spheremaster 2494!

What's important is how Grim wants them to be in his game, not how they actually are.
For example i think most politicians are not smart/wise at all, they're just stubborn as hell and that's how we get idiots in high positions, they got there by sheer refusal to give up.
Intelligence 1 Charisma 8+ and high Speech in Fallout 1 and 2 extremely pretty fun to play.
Maybe I'll just play a Space Marine (Military/Military/Border Wars/Fortified-Melee Master-Sharpshooter/Young/Biggus Diccus/Stocky/Dominant-Frightening) as I play my regular character I detailed above. Thanks for the suggestion.
Vaguely recall Spice Mareens not being Biggus Diccus (or any Diccus, for that matter) by lore, but might be misremembering.

As for variable numbers in creation, that would lead to endless reloading for some people. That could be funny to watch.
By the Two Moons, please no.
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Jun 28, 2020
does the issue of slave disappearance from being included in the training still exist? i just experience it.

this is how it happened, my slaves are only michelle and juno, michelle as the main followers because I still want to improve her skills.
Before going to bed I swap them, after waking up and double-bj then I swap back michelle as the main one and then I go range training with michelle and errors happen, sometimes she participate sometimes do not participate in training no matter who is the main follower. i had to reload from the old save from disk :cry:
Im playing 801b non tier version.



Forum Fanatic
Jun 11, 2021
Guess the two-hour-long foreplay sessions are a waste of time in that regard, since I always started with them and never could get Juno to agree.
Yea, foreplay is not very good. takes too long and gives a small bonus, only use it if absolutely necessary.

Maybe useful on your very first slave when your house is shit (mood penalty) and your manipulate skill is trash.
but once you raise those some you can just ask for sex normally (no penalty on fail). If they say yes, great. cowgirl initially to get some easy orgasms to give them some initial bonuses to make future attempts easier. If they say no, back off. sometimes they will instead say yes on the condition you do something for them later, you can do that too.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
Has anyone charmed the female guard at the Kymanto house? I've tried with 70 charm and still fail, was wondering if it can actually be done. Curious about where it leads if anywhere.


Nov 13, 2019
Yea, foreplay is not very good. takes too long and gives a small bonus, only use it if absolutely necessary.
Seems a shame, that's a lot of work put into something conditionally useful :(
Has anyone charmed the female guard at the Kymanto house? I've tried with 70 charm and still fail, was wondering if it can actually be done. Curious about where it leads if anywhere.
If I'm reading the script correctly, it's set on auto-fail with no follow up (at least in the public version, for now):

&lt;&lt;set _charm to true&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;set $chance=-9&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;include Fail&gt;&gt;
&#39;&#39;Tribal woman: &#39;&#39; //Nah. Don’t think so. I have enough hilts walkin&#39; around here to satisfy me whenever I feel the need.&lt;&lt;
Incidentally, any idea why "C:/Telsior/Pics" is hard-referenced all over the place along with the relative "/pics" reference?

&lt;&lt;if $state is 0&gt;&gt;[img[C:/Telsior/Pics/qpics/guardpaper.png]]&lt;&lt;/if&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;if $state is 1&gt;&gt;[img[Pics/qpics/guardpaper.png]]&lt;&lt;/if&gt;&gt;


Apr 19, 2019
Small note / Shrooms: took considerably large batch of mushrooms to professor at Furry's Tavern. Quest completed (+20150 dollars).
I wonder what I'd have received for a huge batch... :giggle:
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
does the issue of slave disappearance from being included in the training still exist? i just experience it.

this is how it happened, my slaves are only michelle and juno, michelle as the main followers because I still want to improve her skills.
Before going to bed I swap them, after waking up and double-bj then I swap back michelle as the main one and then I go range training with michelle and errors happen, sometimes she participate sometimes do not participate in training no matter who is the main follower. i had to reload from the old save from disk :cry:
Im playing 801b non tier version.

Do you make sure she's toggled to follow you before you start the training? That will disable itself sometimes I've found to my irritation. As I start the day (and don't have them scheduled to be elsewhere working) I now always make sure they're set to follow me.
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Jun 28, 2020
Do you make sure she's toggled to follow you before you start the training? That will disable itself sometimes I've found to my irritation. As I start the day (and don't have them scheduled to be elsewhere working) I now always make sure they're set to follow me.
i don't usually toggle any of the slaves as a follower and the training is OK, no problem usually. I've tried toggling them as follower but it's still the same, both slaves switched vice versa, sometimes they join the exercise sometimes they don't. And the succes rate now very low

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
i don't usually toggle any of the slaves as a follower and the training is OK, no problem usually. I've tried toggling them as follower but it's still the same, both slaves switched vice versa, sometimes they join the exercise sometimes they don't. And the succes rate now very low
Ahhh...what's their stamina at? I know if it's too low they won't participate in training and it seems to me the likelihood of them getting a point goes down dramatically.


Jun 28, 2020
Ahhh...what's their stamina at? I know if it's too low they won't participate in training and it seems to me the likelihood of them getting a point goes down dramatically.
i usually start training in the morning after BJ so their stamina is around 46 if i'm not mistaken.
it feels quite frustrating with the skill range of 81 still often misses when in the arena while aoiko never misses whose friendship level is still around 10-20.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
i usually start training in the morning after BJ so their stamina is around 46 if i'm not mistaken.
it feels quite frustrating with the skill range of 81 still often misses when in the arena while aoiko never misses whose friendship level is still around 10-20.
I don't know then. Since ranged combat training takes place at Walton's weapon store I thought maybe they had to be set to follow you; I vaguely recall having a problem of that sort before I started ensuring I had whoever I would need for the day toggled correctly every morning.

I have 80s miss all the time myself, I don't think it's a normal curve he's using, thus it doesn't automatically translate to an eighty percent chance to hit. Those at or over a hundred seem to hit every time though.


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Nah for Training you should not go out ouf trainingmenu and back in again. Just click on the subject you want to train again and do another session.


Jun 28, 2020
i tried both, exited the training menu or stayed in the menu the result remained random and i didn't worry about it because save scumming :cool:.

I don't know then. Since ranged combat training takes place at Walton's weapon store I thought maybe they had to be set to follow you; I vaguely recall having a problem of that sort before I started ensuring I had whoever I would need for the day toggled correctly every morning.

I have 80s miss all the time myself, I don't think it's a normal curve he's using, thus it doesn't automatically translate to an eighty percent chance to hit. Those at or over a hundred seem to hit every time though.
the training at walton place i think its just the description, but I previously and most of the time just to go into the ranged training menu without toggling and it worked. The slave problem missing from the training is the second time it happened to me, in previous game I tried restart->new game in the middle of playing, the slave(juno) just started the game already disappeared from training.
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