
Oct 4, 2018
I read the changelog for v0.8.12 and it seems to be mostly fixes?
Just wondering if there were any other additions like hireable NPCs? (or anything else)
(only asking because from memory dev said in the last changelog that more would be added.
Did that end up happening, or has he pushed it back for the next one?)


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
I read the changelog for v0.8.12 and it seems to be mostly fixes?
Just wondering if there were any other additions like hireable NPCs? (or anything else)
(only asking because from memory dev said in the last changelog that more would be added.
Did that end up happening, or has he pushed it back for the next one?)
Whatever mod updated the thread screwed up slightly (not that I blame them, keeping track of this game's updates is an exercise in futility because Grim pumps them out so fast). This is, and is just quick bugfix update for some gamebreaking bugs that slipped past in the main update that released a few days ago. The main changelog is here:

Version has been released!

This is a major update with a ton of new features and bugfixes.

No need to patch. Just load your old save and play.



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Jan 14, 2019
I read the changelog for v0.8.12 and it seems to be mostly fixes?
Just wondering if there were any other additions like hireable NPCs? (or anything else)
(only asking because from memory dev said in the last changelog that more would be added.
Did that end up happening, or has he pushed it back for the next one?)
Honestly the best way to keep track of this mod is to join the discord. Grim is very active and posts updates and releases in there faster than you can get them on here.


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
I read the changelog for v0.8.12 and it seems to be mostly fixes?
Just wondering if there were any other additions like hireable NPCs? (or anything else)
(only asking because from memory dev said in the last changelog that more would be added.
Did that end up happening, or has he pushed it back for the next one?)
The promotion seen in Games and Updates is actually for 0.8.12, released four days ago (the report queue was exceptionally long over the weekend). In the meantime, 0.8.12b, which fixed some bugs in 0.8.12, also came out.


Oct 4, 2018
1) Does anyone know if there are any plans to rescue/buy/whatever Lovisa's sister Tori from the Virax Springs in Crystal Hills anytime soon?
It was just that it all seems fairly setup already (you know where she is so there wouldn't neccessarily need to be a long & involved quest)
Seeing as all of that is already there I thought it would have been put in earlier - maybe the dev was waiting for the 'houehold staff' system to be implemented?

*I don't know what is actually in the works update-wise - these were just a few thoughts/questions I had*

2) Would the dev be willing to increase the number of slaves you can own (would like to purchase all of the current slaves (in-time) not interested in selling any - especially given the amount of time it takes to befriend/train their skills (academic/science/combat/performance))
*Could be easily done using something like the 'household staff' screen (where the pics are all laid out in a grid fashion and you have the button to switch to the next page)

3) Does anyone know what the plans are regarding both creating your own 'Great House' (faction)(officially), (assuming that's going to be a thing - seems fairly logical)
And also getting a better home/mansion at some point (mainly related to being able to house all of the slaves that are/ will be available)
There were a few places along the way that looked decent (the estate in Amelia's quest was one I think - will have to have another look & edit this)

4) There is also the other districts in Ikaanos (I assume they will be finished before you can go to New Eden - Juno's home city - I am looking forward to that though)

5) Personally I'd prefer to buy/accumulate all the slaves/companions and keep them / befriend / improve / train - not very interested in selling them or the prostitution path (though I appreciate others are).

That's it for now - will have more later.

*Sorry GD-Studios - forgot that you actually respond here*
*More than happy for you to PM me if you'd rather not reply to all this in the forum*
And as always - love the game!
Last edited:


Dec 27, 2018
Theres a point in the game where money simply flow and you have no use for it.
It can be balanced and new stuff to buy can be added, but IMHO the Dev should add a new currency type for the next steps, just as influence blocks certain things, a new currency/trade system will solve the money excess and add new challenges to face.


Sep 10, 2017
This game is very good. I enjoy the combat and the Fallout like world that it has. I wish there was an expansion that allows me play as a female protagonist and have female slaves.
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Aug 30, 2020
What day is it and how many of the original targets are available?

Brawlers shouldn't hurt you much as you'll get most improvement off crits. You do need one non-Brawler to train up to ~80 or so Ranged so they can use Coilguns efficiently. I presume you have Loren and Ansel?

I didn't start going to Furry's regularly until cash was comfortable. You don't have the stamina in the very beginning anyway.

Keep the girl's willpower up and Rebecca's bitchiness won't bring them down.
Instead of "complete quit" (getting stomped on too much! UGH!) went back a ways. Current = D30.
I don't mind Brawlers ----*ONCE* they get hi Stats! [like you & so many love to quote1] -->> The problem is, 1) Trying to survive on FIGHTING (must pay 4 stims [loose $] or wait [loose $] or risk getting knocked flat. & 2) B need 2 *TWO* good stats to fight good [actually, 3 are better, but 2 is a MIN] So basically, take 2x as long to train. [Aria's the except, *IF* she' a B [um that's BRAWLER, she's ALWAYS a BITCH!]] Oh, & if pissed off/too hurt, they won't train w you anyway. [& w Reb bringing everybody down, Mostly they *FAIL!] R or M, really doesn't matter if you *MISS* a lot!
Know what I mean? (you can "win" a fight, & if several go down, or you take too much Dam, you "loose" $ [stims]
3) Some Bounties (nobody told me this!) have ***COILGUNS, MG, & DURAPLATE ARMOR!!*** (WTF?!) oh, & YOU CAN'T BACK OUT! [normal fights, if you know it's too tough, you can run away.]
--->> Since you seem 2B an "expert" on bounties, how do you "refuse" one? Or, is it possible? Which ones have MG & COIL? (or DURAPLATE!!!)

In between angry/pissed/depressed, & bad luck [Furry's] took a really long time to get hi Infl
so instead of *SAVE* $ 4 better weapons/ AR, wind up spend on Stims /ammo/survive. [taxes/rent/etc]

Orig targets: I've steered clear of those with: 1) 4 MG [docks] 2) King coilguns

How high does their WP have 2 B 4 Reb to not affect them? [Reb's an advocate, have several, so they mostly stay as a pack] Not sure it matters, LOW CHARM/MANIP = can't control anybody [+ or - ]
Like a runaway freight train, all I can do is clear track & try to keep it from derailing! lol

Honestly, from prev Exp, I'd rather get them all (ok, at least Reb & those w low stats!) down to *NEG* WP----at least then they R OBEDIENT enough to keep working (hey MEN DO, & WE get SICK/DEPRESSED/STRESSED/ETC!)
*PLUS,* w low WP, will bathe (help heal)
(some of us like our girls CLEAN :) :cool:

Not sure what #, but should add: --->> most normal "fights" pay very little (or NOTHING) So mostly, $ comes from Bounties/quests.

L & A---Yes. [BTW, *WHEN* do you get them? (maybe that's another key?)] They add a *LOT* to exp $, but L brings in almost nothing (Merch-$) I know u can train--but that too, takes LOTS TIME, stamina, & even then (can't train *JUST* R, it's EVERYTHING!)

Ansel's Q: if you do this too *SOON*, found you can get your BUTT KICKED! [ugh not fun!]
But again, EVERYTHING costs $$$, & early on, $'s hard to come buy. (better Weapons/AR/ammo, /etc)
-->> WEAPONS cost more now, so rarely cost effective to buy anything. [should make B better, --->>> BUT TAKES TIME 2 make them good Fighters...]

OH Finally, some Irony: Mich: She's IM (100 HP!) *BUT*, VERY low stats, (18M/10R) so a punching bag, but she almost never hits. *PLUS*, the only one who can do some jobs (everybody's too old! lol)


Aug 30, 2020
PS What did you do when extra $$? [Investments take 10,000+ & only bring it a little bit!] (Talking PRE-1500 INFL, so can't get best AR/weapons anyway)
Did you buy gifts/candy? [impossible to keep happy, & CHARM usually FAILS]
I've tried spending the extra on Trainer (@ $160/day, OMG gets EXP FAST!) *BUT*, they [slaves] usually *FAIL* anyway, so mostly wasting it on MC. [EXCEPTION: B -->> MELEE. (they still fail anything else) ] Assuming they're still willing to train. Normally (prev) had to get Discipline/Affection both up hi b4 they'd train reliably.
@ only 2 spots /day, *REALLY* can't afford many of those [BOTH FAIL!] days.


Aug 30, 2020
PPS "Bonus" Been training them "B" (Melee) so much, MC's M much higher @78!! [R is much lower] NOW just need Kat + Better AR...
It's CRAZY: I have 3 "B" 's, & the Reb. [so 4 fighers wtf?] of course none have really good stats. Just biased to train.
[B = WORSE 2 Train @ R]


Apr 19, 2019
Theres a point in the game where money simply flow and you have no use for it.
It can be balanced and new stuff to buy can be added, but IMHO the Dev should add a new currency type for the next steps, just as influence blocks certain things, a new currency/trade system will solve the money excess and add new challenges to face.
Tried marriage with kids & other assids yet? :) Showeling your currency into dear wife's bottomless chest should solve all imaginable money excesses even w/o any new currency/trade systems, methinks - but I could be horribly wrong, too. That kind of marital life could one day be the ultimate blessing, create precious social safety-net, turn to something I can't even imagine yet.

Some folks might still remember the last time some profound and very creative thinkers got our benevolent dev change the food market a little bit. Well, he is nice that way, always willing to listen and give something nice to players - and in no time at all he brought up a bit different system! The game is still young and there is constant progress happening all over whether I like it or not. However I was certain at that point of time that I didn't need new processes for food market.

I am all for personal challenges, but rather optional ones, those to take up or bypass them. I have let my MC kill charuks with his bare hands, push his team in Arena until he was "the champion of the mastersphere" and so on - but I am kinda careful with stuff that every other player must meet as well as my MC and his followers.

With the current rations market, I once made a very bad choice. I sold all the rations my MC had been hoarding from many months of hunting and fishing. There was a mighty mountain of rations, so I thought it too much trouble to sell them in small batches. Too late I noticed that I had truly flooded the market with rations. Now I have waited already over 3 famines (plus their intermediate times, naturally) and I still need to wait over at least one more famine to sell rations there again.

So why am I a little worried at the moment now? Just thinking the new currency might be seen by some as an uncalled complication or more of trouble than just a nice challenge. The learning curve of this game is already steep for some players, I imagine. It is steep for me, too, with some new things. (Still hiccuping a bit with mercs turned into issids. Heh.)


Aug 30, 2020
Curious: Anybody else try an "Ashes" run?
Can do in PUBLIC:

Rest is anything you want.


Aug 30, 2020
This game is very good. I enjoy the combat and the Fallout like world that it has. I wish there was an expansion that allows me play as a female protagonist and have female slaves.
Seems to me, you should be able to change the wording & a few pics, & a Female MC should work fine. (unless you want option to marry *MALE* slave, them maybe more complicated?)
Or is it "just change MC to male" & leave everything else?

There are some games where you pick your gender [ok, I never understood the "Neuter" bit! ] but that often affects other options too, so one has to think & plan, & "just how far" it'll go.


Aug 30, 2020
Theres a point in the game where money simply flow and you have no use for it.
Throw some my way! lol
It can be balanced and new stuff to buy can be added, but IMHO the Dev should add a new currency type for the next steps, just as influence blocks certain things, a new currency/trade system will solve the money excess and add new challenges to face.
I have to ask:
How many DAYS? What VERSION? [many changes recently, including many that make several things *COST MORE* $ [have 2 buy Merc's ammo etc]
What slave & Mercs do you own?
Quests done?

If you're not cheating [includes ME/T4 run] takes a *VERY* long time to get *TONS* of $$, *AND*, do Quests [Aria alone's $35k!] Ammo/guns etc can get expensive. (depends how much combat you do)

I don't know ANYONE [ok, here they come! lol!] who's gotten 1,000,000 [$1M] (Richest "cheat" T4 start) ***FAIRLY*** w/o cheat, Version 811 or later [& of course, *ALL* avail quests done, Including Aria, Amelia, etc]
--->>> Ie, if a slave has a QUEST, you need to BUY [obviously, you have the $$$!] & do Q.]
Some quests/girls cost a LOT of $.

Let's make that *GRIMDARK* mode [or better, "ASHES" run (see prev posts).]
any who'll lay claim???

BTW, there's *MANY* ways to spend $ in game: [DEV don't listen to that "new currency crap"]
Have you:
-Thrown a lot of fancy PARTIES? [food/wine/etc]
-bought every slave Avail? [Includ Aria]
-Donated to Temple [this is actually an issue, by the time you can afford to do it a lot, you don't need it anymore! lol]
-taken a lot of trips up North? [each costs $]
-TRAIN everybody? [Trainer's cost $; 2x Train/day = $160;]
-Hired Space Marine? [$220/day? 4get exact cost]
-Made sure your GREEDY wife has enough $ everyday? [mostly a bottomless pit!]
-Trained eveybody [including MC] to 120+ stats+ [some say 130-150+!]

In the end, it's not about "How do i make the most $ the quickest" ----$'s part of it----to be sure, but just like IRL----only PART. Richer means people expect more, better;
You're RICH?!? so, why not $25,000 wedding?!? [etc]

[can you still get all that w everything harder? (see above challenge) ]

I know of some who play "Skyrim" style---they get to a certain point, & then start over again. (w harder stats)


Nov 22, 2017
2) Would the dev be willing to increase the number of slaves you can own (would like to purchase all of the current slaves (in-time) not interested in selling any - especially given the amount of time it takes to befriend/train their skills (academic/science/combat/performance))
*Could be easily done using something like the 'household staff' screen (where the pics are all laid out in a grid fashion and you have the button to switch to the next page)
I doubt that will ever be the case, as there will soon(-ish) be random slaves generated by the game. As such, you will never be able to buy all slaves. I do hope he gives us enough slots for all unique slaves + 1-2 randoms however.
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