
Nov 13, 2019
Played a bit with the current version, damn nice, especially considering the scripting limitations. Really looking forward the procgen girl generation.

Some random observations:

- Morning BJ does not seem to improve either oral skill, or predisposition toward it. Which is... odd, because even with capped "likesoral," at least oralXP should increase. Also, 1 hour long blowjob? Those girls must have jaws of steel. Personally would definitely lower that to 15-20 minutes max, maybe with less skilled blower taking longer with breaks in between.

- really dislike the Follower Interaction limit. Interactions limit with individual characters I get from balancing point of view (though, even then... if someone wants to spend the entire day with their favorite mercenary to get into her pants, why not?), but really think time should be the only constraint on how many followers MC can interact per day with, if so desired.

- If possible (not sure if you can set up an "owned slave" AV number array, and didn't really think much about another way to implement this), would be nice to get arrows in Prostitution, House Rules, and Inventory panels to cycle through all slaves in the Annex. Also, could you add active character name in House Rules, for consistency? Bugs me more than it probably should :)

- Stat/skill gain from combat feels extremely limited. Around 12 points spread across 5 characters for 70 kills (the tribals outside the city), though from what I dug out it's heavily RNG dependent. Maybe in addition to using critical hits to trigger gain it would be possible to also trigger it based on damage inflicted during a fight, or number of actions taken, or any other trigger?

I can fully appreciate that you're trying to avoid "master in a day" implementation, but for combat skills in particular the balance feels really off. Especially since the gain itself is very limited (melee/ranged skill, maybe STR) in the first place. Dexterity could use some love, too, particularly since it's more "Agility" than "Dexterity" as it's used. Definitely something in active use during combat, even when not dodging enemy attacks.

In general, physical stat (STR/DEX/stamina/hp) gain through combat is... extremely disappointing.

- Stealth armor as a choice for mercs would be nice, if only to allow dedicated "tank" builds even with followers present.

- Some brief explanation of potential gains/effects of assignment in Follower's duties screen. Would make decision on assignments that much easier (as an aside, the "Current Trait Values" popup in slave Overview panel is excellent, thank you very much for that one!)

-Slaves "sharing" Respect with other slaves - some fraction of value from each slave being applied to others daily. I've only ever seen it increase through combat, which in itself is somewhat limiting for non-combat characters. Would be helpful if there was some mechanic to spread the respect you build up with your combat team. I'm not taking Fragile Lovissa out shooting Raiders...

-Not sure if I missed it somehow, but didn't see an option for bulk ration purchases at the Market to stock up on when the price is low.

Some broader comments/suggestions:

-Daily summary of skill gain/employment results panel, or similar notifications when activity/assignment ends. I know you initially intended limited number of slaves, and the interface was built around it, but it's somewhat cumbersome to track right now. It's not even a matter of immediately necessary information, but seeing "level up!" screens is a good way to trigger player's sense of achievement/progression. Also helps with learning what you can effectively do at what stage. Been waiting for a month now for Mai-Lynn to learn another point in Domestic at the Academy for her "over 60" Head Maid bonus... still waiting. I'm starting to think she's not going to lectures but to tend to some secret flower garden of hers somewhere...

-Girls asking for interactions (both sexual and events/activities) on their own. I assume that's something you have planned once the necessary base systems are in place (combat rework's another thing definitely looking forward to), but feels worth mentioning. Personal bias, but I like seeing "living" characters that "act" on their own, not just respond to player's actions.

-Likewise, some vinegette interactions between slaves and/or followers without immediate (or any) involvement of the MC. Flavor and character presentation, depending on the variables considered.

-Girls giving hints of specific sex activities they'd prefer during sessions. Or outright demanding, with high Willpower. See above :)

-Daily schedule panel? Showing allocation for both slaves and household members, and their location/availability during specific hours. Again, a lot more slaves/followers around now, even with the the limited number of followers I had (four) it'd have been very handy to have all of that in one place, just to figure out when someone will be available to interact with without the need for checking each character individually.

Also, would be massively handy if you could use it for "default" assignments for everyone, including training sessions. Just to have all of that information and options in one screen would save a lot of time clicking through things, especially if it included household management summary changes as well. Not much of a problem before, but definitely would be useful with the increasing number of characters.

-House upgrades allowing basic skills training in-house. Home shooting range (uses crossbow bolts), home library (intelligence, academics/medicine/science), gym room (str/dex, STAMINA, combat, acrobatics), higher living room upgrades allowing dancing/performing, garden allowing gardening/survival. Only useful for raising low skills (up to ~30?). Something you can assign a girl to do even if MC is doing other things. Again, more characters, more time pressure. Training sessions as existing now probably should have better effect, though.

Hell, while on the subject, it might be helpful if skill gain method and rate was based on their current value.

Not sure if something as elaborate would be something you'd consider/could implement, given what you're working with, but my personal preferences (doesn't mean the best approach, or even desirable depending on your design goals) would be something like this:

No/low skill slaves can get assigned to try to learn on their own (assuming they are obedient/affectionate enough), albeit at relatively slow pace. MC involvement through "homeschooling" makes the gain faster, and more reliable.

"Average" skill values require a trainer. Either MC through homeschooling sessions, if own skill high enough, or assignments to some reasonably-priced trainers. Capped at around 50-60.

Above that, specialist training. Again, if MC's skill is high enough, homeschooling, or -expensive- professional training.

Allow some degree of home training for physical stats. Without a trainer, or, for higher values, requiring superior values for MC to be an effective trainer. Maybe some heavily capped possibility for self-improvement at a sufficiently upgraded home (no house's complete without a library, damnit) for Intelligence, and the more demanding mental skills (Academics/Medicine/Science).

In general terms, I'd see "practical" stats/skills to be much easier raised through use. For combat skills, training should likely come with a somewhat low cap beyond which, without actual combat experience, no character could improve (~70? Still trying to get a feel for what values you consider average and desirable).

Also, gain through use should be much easier at lower levels, whereas training - as long as still possible - give reliable and steady improvement, at the cost of taking longer to achieve, aside from direct expenses involved.

Just to clarify, since I'm not sure I'm not making out things more complicated than they are - basically I'd generally see skill gain through direct use to be a much faster approach for low skill characters, professional training being more effective for someone with a notion of what they are doing, and differentiated between direct use and specialist training being the best approach depending on the skill itself at high expertise level, however you define the desired values.

By the fourth slave my MC had spent at least an order of magnitude more time on girls' education and physical training than having sexy time with them, and, for the game MoR purports to be, that just ain't right, mister :)

Hell, at this point, with six slaves, the only time I start sex scenes is when MC desire gets too high. "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" o_O

-Weapon mods. Not sure what your plans are for the combat rework, but it would be nice if it was more than just "keep on clicking on specific enemy until they are dead, switch to the next."

Especially if some specialist mods were quickest obtained through self-production. Assuming high enough competency of the character involved, would give another reason to specialize a slave as a science/tech type.

-The Retreat. Would prefer to see it as "alternate housing" type of a deal (until you let us buy an even larger property somewhere as primary hosing for EVERYONE >.>) that would still allow at least some assignments. Basically education/jobs, and be present (and interract with) annex slaves if it's at player's residence (maid, floor crawler, nanny, whatnot)

Way I'd imagine is the Retreat to be used for slaves on back-burner, or assigned to tasks that do not require player interaction (prostitution, jobs, education), while the Annex has whomever you interact with daily or want to train up.

Personally I'd probably even leave my combat team at the Retreat, if possible to still "gather the party to venture forth," once I'm happy with their stats/skills. Leave Annex slots open for others.

Also, whatever upgrades you intend for it, I absolutely demand an option to aim for Happiness 90 with the three stooges there acting like actual servants to the girls. And if they don't like it, I can always (cheaply) hire a replacement for all of them.

Preferably a female one, at that. The Mad Preacher has it all figured out.

Anyways, stray thoughts out of the way, definitely appreciate what you're doing, especially in this medium. Ticks off all the right things on my RPG-management-junkie list, so, for the lack of capacity for tangible financial support, and for what it's worth, heartfelt "thank you."
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
If you dismiss someone from your household, you cant recruit them again?
You used to be able to rehire them if they were mercs, but I haven't dismissed one in so long I wouldn't know if it changed.

The slave girls are pretty much gone forever though.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Played a bit with the current version, damn nice, especially considering the scripting limitations. Really looking forward the procgen girl generation.

Some random observations:

- Morning BJ does not seem to improve either oral skill, or predisposition toward it. Which is... odd, because even with capped "likesoral," at least oralXP should increase. Also, 1 hour long blowjob? Those girls must have jaws of steel. Personally would definitely lower that to 15-20 minutes max, maybe with less skilled blower taking longer with breaks in between.

- really dislike the Follower Interaction limit. Interactions limit with individual characters I get from balancing point of view (though, even then... if someone wants to spend the entire day with their favorite mercenary to get into her pants, why not?), but really think time should be the only constraint on how many followers MC can interact per day with, if so desired.
I don't understand the need for this either. Why can't we spend more time with our mercs if we want to? There seems to be no reason for an artificial cap.

Just a note on training, I don't have time for a lengthy reply. Combat only increases melee and ranged, and over time it's rather generous. My current Rise from the Ashes character has something like 170 ranged, 212 melee. My two main fighting slavegirls have 90+ on both, as do my main mercs. Even Ansel is pretty damned dangerous nowadays.

Go ahead and take fragile Lovisa out for combat, give her Durasteel and she won't go down as much, though a rifle crit will still put her down. Don't worry about it, you can get the points back easily enough and the respect building is worth it. Here's my current Lovisa: Screenshot 2023-02-24 102519.png Screenshot 2023-02-24 103124.png
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Jun 8, 2021
I don't understand the need for this either. Why can't we spend more time with our mercs if we want to? There seems to be no reason for an artificial cap.

Just a note on training, I don't have time for a lengthy reply. Combat only increases melee and ranged, and over time it's rather generous. My current Rise from the Ashes character has something like 170 ranged, 212 melee. My two main fighting slavegirls have 90+ on both, as do my main mercs. Even Ansel is pretty damned dangerous nowadays.

Go ahead and take fragile Lovisa out for combat, give her Durasteel and she won't go down as much, though a rifle crit will still put her down. Don't worry about it, you can get the points back easily enough and the respect building is worth it. Here's my current Lovisa: View attachment 2414556 View attachment 2414574
How did you increase her max health?


Aug 3, 2018
How to increase the attributes of the mercs? I know you can increase the skills by training. But what if I want to raise strength of Enya? (her melee is 100, but str is 29 lol)


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
How to increase the attributes of the mercs? I know you can increase the skills by training. But what if I want to raise strength of Enya? (her melee is 100, but str is 29 lol)
affection should make them stronger. So either kill enemies with them or invite them to parties.


Sep 14, 2018
How to advance Kymanto quest line after Cyker bunker raid? I have also bouught Aria Biachi and finished her quest.
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Dec 27, 2018
Assembly plant dec stats, so it's not a good job.
i try to "craft on the side" (this run) but *COST* is too high [$/stamina/materials] to do it as an exclusive job.
Maybe later, but not early on.
Gambling is like Ass plant---you *LOOSE*! [yes, I know some win, ---but takes *VERY* long time to get very hi gambling stats, how do u make $ in 1st place? & 1st ~ ? 200 days]
Hunting---related to combat [R skill] Never know anyone to do this as "full-time job"---possible?
--->>> Has anyone ever done this? [recent ver] [ W/O combat!]
you'd need to really know/understand/use, the "famine" & price fluctuations....

*Teaching* is *ONLY* "pacifist" [lol!] job I know of can do from start, that's reliable & pays decent. [still need 2 upgrade house, pay expenses, etc]

I keep hoping for a Doctor/medical job [surely place this size has Dr offices, & hospital(s) ?] ---but nothing yet.

In short, every "non-Acad" (& no/min combat) run I've tried was *DISASTER*! [yes, that includes LOOSING $ gambling! ugh (to *WIN* enough/regularly, to make a living---80? 90? Gambling??? I know it's really hi (hello, if u win 1x, & then LOOSE 2x, that's LOOSING!]
An "Acad" [teaching] run has to be planned @ start, otherwise, even w books, your stats R too low.

Maybe I'll feel better when "Bounty hunting" changes to "live capture" [HOPEFULLY!]
---->>> Call me crazy, but just doesn't feel right to kill someone, for "INSULTING A NOBLEMAN"
[OMG Could've been ME!]

One would *HOPE*, that the future could be better, less barbaric cruel & sadistic evil, the the *PAST*. [eg, Romans, etc]
Or, am I dreaming? Maybe people haven't really changed at all in thousands of years---after all, tech doesn't make *MORALS* any better.... [for many, better tech = better ways to KILL...]

I'd need to start from scratch & check---but, how many Q s do *NOT* involve combat/killing? [can't be very many, + u have to *ASSUME* charm/manip fails ] 1-2?

I know investments R essential later on---BUT IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE to do a run W/O killing/murder?!?

Anybody ever done a run,
[recent start] SOLE INCOME = CRAFTING???
[crafting *Books* R recent addition too!]
My main PC died for two days so I started a new "Pacifist" run on Grimdark diff.
Rules are: no combat outside of quests, no bounties, no pimp and (to make it harder) no teaching.

After 47 days Im already getting some passive money.
Next goals would be read all books (so far only 3), attend 3 courses left, educate slaves so they can teach and earn more money.

Main drawback is Influence, money is scarce so the house is almost vanilla, maybe getting married and give her the Duty that gives INF which I never tried before.
Some caps on spoiler.

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Jun 8, 2021
If you train Stamina and include the slave in your training, then they have a chance of increasing their Toughness stat. When you get that to 50, 75 and 100 they get an equivalent boost in their health
Can you do something similar for the mercenaries? Otherwise it looks like mercs are pretty worthless.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
I have finished all the quests. Finished the arena climb, current champion on Raana. I have wiped out all the factions, and the bandits don´t dare to appear in Manston avenue or the Hills because his life expectance it´s one day or two. Have all the investments except the weapons shop and Rebeca is taking good care of them. Respected professor, 200 each day. Aria in the arena, wiping legend asses.

And my coffers have 70.000 give or take.

I have missed any way to get the 200.000 of the weapon´s shop investment and the 290.000 of the new house that would not be a long and grinding game play of going twice a day to figth to the arena, making Aria fight and rinse and repeat one day and another?


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
According to wiki this is how you increase slave health: How to increase: Through workout sessions - Include slave (slave must have Fear 4+ or Discipline 60+ or the Warrioress trait) or by getting knocked out in combat.

If those conditions aren't meet they only will increase the attribute trained.

If you train your merc using an martial training activity action there is a random chance that dexterity or strength will increase.

If you dismiss your household people they should return to their original location. You will have to pay the fee to hire them again if they had one. Also, dismissing them is a way for them to recover lost attributes points from falling in combat. How long they need to rest depends on how many points lost.

Currently, dismissing a slave will remove them permanently. That will probably change later.
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Dec 27, 2018
Can you do something similar for the mercenaries? Otherwise it looks like mercs are pretty worthless.
You cant, but you can improve their armors.
Mercs are far from worthless, they have their own perks/weapons, good ones doesnt use your ammo.
In an endgame scenario, where u have more slaves than work jobs, probably most mercs are dismissable and you just katana everyone with a team of sexy unemployed slaves.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
How did you increase her max health?
As others noted, if you include them while you train Strength, Stamina or Melee Combat their 'Toughness' will increase one point as well as long as their discipline is 60+ or their fear is high enough. I don't think them going down in combat allows Toughness to go up any more, I believe that was changed. When Toughness gets above a certain point, like 38, a 'Fragile' girl will go to 'Normal' and get 50 Health. When it gets to ~63, she'll go to 'Tough' and have 75 Health and somewhere around 88 she'll become a 'Steel Maiden' and get 100 Health.

Edit to add: If you want to check their 'Toughness' just click on their 'Fragile' (or normal/tough/steel maiden) trait bar in the 'Overview.' Lovisa starts with 15 as I recall.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Can you do something similar for the mercenaries? Otherwise it looks like mercs are pretty worthless.
Mercs also increase Melee and Ranged Combat with crits, so eventually even the lowliest ones can get pretty damn good at least in those categories. My Loren in my current Rise from the Ashes run has 98 Melee, 128 Ranged Combat.

When he first introduced it, you could train them in mental (INT & 'Education') or physical (Strength, Dex, Melee, Ranged etc) and pick up a point in one or more. My Loren in my Magnate run has 108 INT and 102 'Education' but sometime afterward he nerfed that to the point I stopped doing it as I wasn't getting much in increases anymore.
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