
Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
Capturing Slaves: I was able to capture one at day ¿20?. I´m now at day 180 and this one have been the one and only one. Without some source of slaves seems impossible to make the Dockgrave quest
If you're on the Tier2+ build, make sure you have rope and that you land the finishing blow with a whipping cane ideally (though any melee should work iirc)
If you're on the public build, then capturing slaves isn't actually in the game yet barring one or two special cases. That comes with 0.8.2
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
After having a run at the game in version 8.12, I have just made my run at 8.19 an I have some questions to ask just in case if some of the gentle readers here can give me an answer.

My run have been as an academic. I have finished all the quests, or almost, and now I have "hit the wall" of the 200.000+ investments. My daily routine it´s gearing up, go to the academy to teach, go to the arena to arrange a fight for Aria, check if there are any bounty (no problems at all except for the 6th tier ones) and clean of bandits (if any) the Stokke Hills and Manston Avenue with my team of Bud, Loren, Mr Doyle and Rebecca, armed with rifles an Coil Guns for the hard targets, armoured with Combat Armor. No troubles at home, all my girls with Willpower above 80 and 7 of the 8 (all except Caitlin) with corruption above 50. Daily income 540 per day, influence +51 per day (+ Aria + Teaching + Bandits +Bounties), so I´m facing a long grinding wall. I have gone to the arena till the mid of the High tier, but I´m not interested in an Arena gameplay, seems out of character to me as an Academic.

And now, the questions:

Capturing Slaves: I was able to capture one at day ¿20?. I´m now at day 180 and this one have been the one and only one. Without some source of slaves seems impossible to make the Dockgrave quest

The political and factions game. Seems that in late stages the game it´s geared to this kind of thing. It´s developed enough to be worth the grind or it´s still a WIP?

I´m missing some evident path to shorten the grind?

Thanks on advance

Thanks on advance
There are quite a few investments you can make around town but they're all pretty much dwarfed by the 200k investment in the weapon shop and the 75k investment in the general store. You really want to get those in place asap. With Rebecca's Skullduggery title active and the guy from the bank as an accountant, those 2 investments alone generate $1600 a day.

You can also have your girls be prostitutes if you've gotten them corrupted enough and that can generate a lot of income. The tier 5 and 6 bounties are what really pays the bills for quite awhile though with those occasional plasma gun drops.

Tier 6 bounties would be pretty questionable if you're not running with top tier mercs. I forget which version those were added in so I'm not sure if you're facing those yet. I usually lose at least 1 merc in each of those battles, sometimes 2 depending on which version it is. Doctors kits are basically mandatory.

In the newer versions you can also build enough influence with different factions to make them vassals and that generates passive income as well, but that takes even longer than getting the investments in the weapon store and general store.

Personally, I find that there is so much to do that I'm not really in any huge rush to finish the investments. For the first 3 months or so I'm busy fighting, training stamina, doing a bit of seduction and crafting, and buying house upgrades, armor, implants, etc. So usually by the time I hit 10k influence I'm still flat broke, but have most of my upgrades in place so it feels like things are starting to fall into place.
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Apr 30, 2017
Since there's a bank, wouldn't it make sense if money could actually be banked in there? Instead of just the option a loan, give us the option to make deposits too. Grind fest that this game is...


Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
Decided to give this game another go after some time of waiting for the game to get meaty with content. Note, last time I played was before the crafting system was added, so I want to talk about this new system as well as my other impressions.

I found the new crafting system is very underwhelming, it doesn't seem to be profitable compared to other ways of gaining cash in this game. Though, maybe it's like that on the low levels of skill. But what bothers me the most is how slow you get this skill points. I even thought you can't raise them at all! After reading the books and spending a lot of cash on those workbenches, you can craft swords and knives, as well as a pipe rifle. On market they cost very little, 80 for a knife and 150 for a sword. Craft is very time-consuming and very strict to your stamina level. You have to scrap merchandise, refine scraps to metal, buy andditional materials as fasteners or durasteel if you don't have them, plus time to craft. For much less amount of time you can just go do bounty hunt and get easy 800-2000 $ for few hours, then go to arena do random fights and get another 1500$. So I gave up on crafting after making a few swords while not receiving a single skill up (I had 30 at that moment). I did a small math in my head and came to the conclusion that currently it's the worst job right now. It might be useful to create ammo for coilgun though, as it opens right after you read the book.

Few suggestions, make crafting skill rise up quickly on low levels and also make crafting faster depending on your skill level (if it's not already in the game, I didn't check). Add something like a mine that you can invest in or send slaves to supply you with materials to work. Add something like creating mods for weapons and armor, and creating unique ones when you find rare blueprints, so it would be really tempting for the player to jump down that rabbit hole. I also looked in the info that you need durasteel to craft an assault rifle, I think that's too much. It's not like it's an advanced weapon, it's just a regular weapon like in our modern world. Maybe just making more steel for production is enough?

About some other little things.

New additional panels in the interface made it hard to navigate. Also there is lack of usuability. I have many times when I wanted to just hover on the item and see it properties. For example, in the chars menu, when you hover on attribute you should see what this attribute gives you. Same with interactions with mercenaries. Make every item they wear, weapons and armor, display information about them. For example, I didn't know what weave armor gives until I went to the store.

When you're fighting, you should be able to click on enemies and instantly see what armor and weapons they're carrying, instead of hover and wait until an information box will appear. It will be much more comfortable and intuitive for new players.

Without wiki, it is very hard to know all these mechanics while you're playing. For example, I don't see any info for what accountant gives you.

I read this forum a bit and found that late game investments are blocked if you skipped the tutorial. That shouldn't be in the game at all. If you skip the tutorial, you should still have benefits as if you finished it.

I didn't notice any way to raise medicine skill outside of the reading books. It's a very helpful skill and I assumed it would be logical to get a chance to raise it after using tendstim.

I remember there was talking about combat rework. To be honest, I didn't notice much of a difference nor an improvement. For example, melee fighters still suck. Fighting against elite arena melee fighters shows it clearly. In my vision, if a melee fighter attacks a shooting soldier, he should block him from shooting normally, creating a huge penalty to accuracy (Unless he has a shotgun, for example) or disable him from shooting at all, so he can only fight melee, it can be a skill for an elite melee fighters. There should be high risk - high reward. A good compensation for losing 1 turn until they reach the enemy, to making them valuable class. I realize that the game is still in development, but still hope that one day we will have more active skills during combat. For example, take cover, suppressive fire (would work nice if there would be machine guns), grenade throws, concentration on dodging for melee fighters as a skill.

I found big lizards after I crossed the river on the ferry. Isn't they too overpowered? Like they have about 10k hp or what? I don't even see reason to fight them. Like what do you even get from them, some skin maybe? They react to plasma like to a mosquito bite, it's insane.

Well, that will do for now. I hope you find my suggestions reasonable.
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Mar 17, 2019
Decided to give this game another go after some time of waiting for the game to get meaty with content. Note, last time I played was before the crafting system was added, so I want to talk about this new system as well as my other impressions.

I found the new crafting system is very underwhelming, it doesn't seem to be profitable compared to other ways of gaining cash in this game. Though, maybe it's like that on the low levels of skill. But what bothers me the most is how slow you get this skill points. I even thought you can't raise them at all! After reading the books and spending a lot of cash on those workbenches, you can craft swords and knives, as well as a pipe rifle. On market they cost very little, 80 for a knife and 150 for a sword. Craft is very time-consuming and very strict to your stamina level. You have to scrap merchandise, refine scraps to metal, buy andditional materials as fasteners or durasteel if you don't have them, plus time to craft. For much less amount of time you can just go do bounty hunt and get easy 800-2000 $ for few hours, then go to arena do random fights and get another 1500$. So I gave up on crafting after making a few swords while not receiving a single skill up (I had 30 at that moment). I did a small math in my head and came to the conclusion that currently it's the worst job right now. It might be useful to create ammo for coilgun though, as it opens right after you read the book.

Few suggestions, make crafting skill rise up quickly on low levels and also make crafting faster depending on your skill level (if it's not already in the game, I didn't check). Add something like a mine that you can invest in or send slaves to supply you with materials to work. Add something like creating mods for weapons and armor, and creating unique for items with blueprints, so it would be really tempting for the player to jump down that rabbit hole. I also looked in the info that you need durasteel to craft an assault rifle, I think that's too much. It's not like it's an advanced weapon, it's just a regular weapon like in our modern world. Maybe just making more steel for production is enough?

About some other little things.

New additional panels in the interface made it hard to navigate. Also there is lack of usuability. I have many times when I wanted to just hover on the item and see it properties. For example, in the chars menu, when you hover on attribute you should see what this attribute gives you. Same with interactions with mercenaries. Make every item they wear, weapons and armor, display information about them. For example, I didn't know what weave armor gives until I went to the store.

When you're fighting, you should be able to click on enemies and instantly see what armor and weapons they're carrying, instead of hover and wait until an information box will appear. It will be much more comfortable and intuitive for new players and.

Without wiki, it is very hard to know all these mechanics while you're playing. For example, I don't see any info for what accountant gives you.

I read this forum a bit and found that late game investments are blocked if you skipped the tutorial. That shouldn't be in the game at all. If you skip the tutorial, you should still have benefits as if you finished it.

I didn't notice any way to raise medicine skill outside of the reading books. It's a very helpful skill and I assumed it would be logical to get a chance to raise it after using tendstim.

I remember there was talking about combat rework. To be honest, I didn't notice much of a difference nor an improvement. For example, melee fighters still suck. Fighting against elite arena melee fighters shows it clearly. In my vision, if a melee fighter attacks a shooting soldier, he should block him from shooting normally, creating a huge penalty to accuracy (Unless he has a shotgun, for example) or disable him from shooting at all, so he can only fight melee, it can be a skill for an elite melee fighters. There should be high risk - high reward. A good compensation for losing 1 turn until they reach the enemy, to making them valuable class. I realize that the game is still in development, but still hope that one day we will have more active skills during combat. For example, take cover, suppressive fire (would work nice if there would be machine guns), grenade throws, concentration on dodging for melee fighters as a skill.

I found big lizards after I crossed the river on the ferry. Isn't they too overpowered? Like they have about 10k hp or what? I don't even see reason to fight them. Like what do you even get from them, some skin maybe? They react to plasma like to a mosquito bite, it's insane.

Well, that will do for now. I hope you find my suggestions reasonable.
Yeah,I completely ignore crafting system-hunting instead spen time on tier 5 bounty, fighting grouped enemies in Stoke hills. It gives u 10 grand+ everyday. U can spend all thoses money on ammo,stimpack ,repair Armor etc. Sometimes it's even cheaper to buy your stuff than crafting. I wish crafting is tied to slaves for auto produce,maintainance,scavanging.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
There are quite a few investments you can make around town but they're all pretty much dwarfed by the 200k investment in the weapon shop and the 75k investment in the general store. You really want to get those in place asap. With Rebecca's Skullduggery title active and the guy from the bank as an accountant, those 2 investments alone generate $1600 a day.

You can also have your girls be prostitutes if you've gotten them corrupted enough and that can generate a lot of income. The tier 5 and 6 bounties are what really pays the bills for quite awhile though with those occasional plasma gun drops.

Tier 6 bounties would be pretty questionable if you're not running with top tier mercs. I forget which version those were added in so I'm not sure if you're facing those yet. I usually lose at least 1 merc in each of those battles, sometimes 2 depending on which version it is. Doctors kits are basically mandatory.

In the newer versions you can also build enough influence with different factions to make them vassals and that generates passive income as well, but that takes even longer than getting the investments in the weapon store and general store.

Personally, I find that there is so much to do that I'm not really in any huge rush to finish the investments. For the first 3 months or so I'm busy fighting, training stamina, doing a bit of seduction and crafting, and buying house upgrades, armor, implants, etc. So usually by the time I hit 10k influence I'm still flat broke, but have most of my upgrades in place so it feels like things are starting to fall into place.
Thanks for your long answer. Most of the things you say are not new to me, but the subject of building influence with different faction it´s really interesting. Are you talking about the tier versions or about the 8.19 public one?


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
So I gave up on crafting after making a few swords while not receiving a single skill up (I had 30 at that moment). I did a small math in my head and came to the conclusion that currently it's the worst job right now. It might be useful to create ammo for coilgun though, as it opens right after you read the book.
From what some others have said you can make decent money crafting once you get enough skill to make plasma guns but I've never gotten that far. Personally, I don't treat it as a job, I treat it as something useful to do just before I go to bed when I have nothing else to do. So at 4am I might finish off a rifle or make a few tendstims or doctor's kits.

Few suggestions, make crafting skill rise up quickly on low levels and also make crafting faster depending on your skill level (if it's not already in the game, I didn't check).
I'm not sure what the future plans are for crafting, but for crafting and pretty much any other skill in this game it's easier to grind out skill points at relatively low skill levels than it is at higher skill levels. So I don't read the crafting skill books until my blacksmithing and artisan skills get up around 60, which admittedly does take a long time.

I didn't notice any way to raise medicine skill outside of the reading books. It's a very helpful skill and I assumed it would be logical to get a chance to raise it after using tendstim.
The only way I have found to raise medical skill aside from reading medical books is to use doctors kits on your followers when one of them gets taken down in combat. There's actually a relatively high chance you'll gain a medical skill each time you do that, but you have to have at least 40 to be able to use them. So reading the first couple of medical books is a high priority for me in my game. That gets me up over 40 and then doctors kits get me up around 80 before I read the other 2 books.

I remember there was talking about combat rework. To be honest, I didn't notice much of a difference nor an improvement. For example, melee fighters still suck.
I'm not sure if it's in the public version yet but the combat revamp added advanced tactics for bounties, arena, and some other fights where the enemy will focus fire on the strongest person in your team instead of attacking at random. So for those fights you need an actual tank because he's going to take most of the damage. Melee also got a revamp and is actually very useful now.

With a great sword and 80+ melee skill you can change your starting position to be close instead of ranged so you don't have to move before you hit and you can reliably do 75+ damage per hit even through duraplate so it does damage comparable to a plasma gun. Melee weapons of all types also have a higher chance to capture rather than kill, but if you want to make captures the most likely you'll have to use a cane whip which does crappy damage but is almost guaranteed to capture if you get the last hit with it.

Melee is not really very viable for followers though since for now they are unable to change their starting position in combat regardless what their skill is. So they have to waste a turn moving if they use melee.

I found big lizards after I crossed the river on the ferry. Isn't they too overpowered? Like they have about 10k hp or what? I don't even see reason to fight them. Like what do you even get from them, some skin maybe? They react to plasma like to a mosquito bite, it's insane.
The main reason to fight them is they have a chance to raise a random attribute like intelligence or willpower. You need a strong team for them but they're not too bad.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
From what some others have said you can make decent money crafting once you get enough skill to make plasma guns but I've never gotten that far. Personally, I don't treat it as a job, I treat it as something useful to do just before I go to bed when I have nothing else to do. So at 4am I might finish off a rifle or make a few tendstims or doctor's kits.
Well that way I would use it too it seems. It's just I was really hoping to see it as a peaceful job alternative.

I'm not sure what the future plans are for crafting, but for crafting and pretty much any other skill in this game it's easier to grind out skill points at relatively low skill levels than it is at higher skill levels. So I don't read the crafting skill books until my blacksmithing and artisan skills get up around 60, which admittedly does take a long time.
As I said in my post, I even thought that crafting is bugged. I created 3 pieces of cloth and didn't get a single skill point and my artisan is skill even lower - 27.
Sounds about the right tactic, but very grindy, considering how slow you get these points. For example, kissing gives you level from first or second action, if it's at the same skill diapason 10-30.

The only way I have found to raise medical skill aside from reading medical books is to use doctors kits on your followers when one of them gets taken down in combat. There's actually a relatively high chance you'll gain a medical skill each time you do that, but you have to have at least 40 to be able to use them. So reading the first couple of medical books is a high priority for me in my game. That gets me up over 40 and then doctors kits get me up around 80 before I read the other 2 books.
Yeah, I think I noticed it too, but I think everyone would agree that losing your teamates to get this skill up it's not a way to go...

About combat, yeah. In the arena at least. They focus on the most meaty member of the squad and it's... annoying. While it might be benefical in certain cases and plays in your advantage, I can't win 6th elite fight without losing my tank. I just don't want his skill to be degraded after he would be taken down, I didn't find the option how to train them on dexterity. Unless your MC's skill should be high, so you could train them.

What I was suggesting is to make melee more like a class. As for now, when I see melee fighters - I know it will be an easy fight. If you ever played the Warhammer Dawn of War series of games, this how it works there. Melee units face ranged units and they can't shoot, instead they have to fight them in melee as well, which gets them destroyed pretty quickly if they don't retreat or other units help them. I think it's one of the good ways to make those enemies really dangerous when they get close. In current engine in can be done as if your unit got hit by melee weapon they receive strong debuff to accuracy for their next turn.

As for melee 80+ I only can imagine how much pain you have to suffer until you get there... I mean, if you're going to raise it through combat as I usually do with ranged weapons. Right now, this route doesn't sound very tempting to play.

As for capturing, it seems this content for the next public release, not in this version. I read it in discord when I was looking for info.

The main reason to fight them is they have a chance to raise a random attribute like intelligence or willpower. You need a strong team for them but they're not too bad.
Interesting, thanks for the info. They're still very tough though, I was just shooting them until my tankiest merc went down and then I counted how much those expensive plasma shots cost me.... So I decided it wasn't worth it.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Yeah, I think I noticed it too, but I think everyone would agree that losing your teamates to get this skill up it's not a way to go...
Well I don't do it on purpose, but it's almost guaranteed most of the time if I do a tier 6 bounty.

About combat, yeah. In the arena at least. They focus on the most meaty member of the squad and it's... annoying. While it might be benefical in certain cases and plays in your advantage, I can't win 6th elite fight without losing my tank. I just don't want his skill to be degraded after he would be taken down, I didn't find the option how to train them on dexterity. Unless your MC's skill should be high, so you could train them.
This is why you definitely want to make sure you have medical at or above 40 before you start fighting stuff that can take anyone down. If you use a doctor's kit on someone who gets taken down they don't lose any stats. The exception is the main character which doctor's kits don't work on for some reason. Fortunately it seems that for the advanced tactics fights, as long as you have at least 1 top tier merc in your party they seem to prefer to target your strongest merc rather than the MC. I have never had MC be the main tank even if I boost him to 200 health unless I'm running a pure low tier squad.

As for melee 80+ I only can imagine how much pain you have to suffer until you get there... I mean, if you're going to raise it through combat as I usually do with ranged weapons. Right now, this route doesn't sound very tempting to play.
It actually doesn't take that long to train up melee purely through combat (no actual training sessions) if you're focusing on doing captures frequently. Sound like that's not a thing yet for the public release but it will be soon. For dangerous fights I don't necessarily attempt a capture but for the easier ones I will frequently just have everyone move in and melee.

That might mean 20+ rounds of melee attacks before I kill or capture everything so it's pretty much guaranteed to gain several melee skill upgrades spread between my main and my mercs with that many rounds. You do take a lot more damage that way but you can sell the slaves you capture to buy more stims.

If I take a brand new game where I start with around 40 melee and only train it up via combat I'm up to 80 by around day 90. Once I get to that point I switch to mostly using a great sword so then it goes up even faster. I always buy the aim implant so I don't really care what my ranged skill is. By the 2nd weak it's effectively over 100 with the aim implant so I never miss.

For the tier 6 bounties no matter how strong I get I still almost always lose 1 or 2 mercs, but with doctors kits they don't lose any stats. If you don't get any weapon drops that cuts down on the reward a bit since you're potentially spending $1200 on doctors kits and another $600 or so on stims for a single fight, but they can drop 2 plasmas so when that happens it's $10k for the plasmas plus another $2500 or so for the bounty so on average they're certainly quite profitable.

I also prefer to limit myself to combat armor on my main for an extended period of time because when I pick up Caitlyn and make her my quartermaster she can fix that for free. She can't fix weave or duraplate til I train her up to 80 science which can take awhile. So aside from fixing my leather armor once or twice for $50 a pop the first week I never spend any money repairing armor.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Decided to give this game another go after some time of waiting for the game to get meaty with content. Note, last time I played was before the crafting system was added, so I want to talk about this new system as well as my other impressions.
Give it another shot in a week or so, there's a major update about to go public which will give you more to do, and look at....

I found the new crafting system is very underwhelming, it doesn't seem to be profitable compared to other ways of gaining cash in this game. Though, maybe it's like that on the low levels of skill. But what bothers me the most is how slow you get this skill points. I even thought you can't raise them at all! After reading the books and spending a lot of cash on those workbenches, you can craft swords and knives, as well as a pipe rifle. On market they cost very little, 80 for a knife and 150 for a sword. Craft is very time-consuming and very strict to your stamina level. You have to scrap merchandise, refine scraps to metal, buy andditional materials as fasteners or durasteel if you don't have them, plus time to craft. For much less amount of time you can just go do bounty hunt and get easy 800-2000 $ for few hours, then go to arena do random fights and get another 1500$. So I gave up on crafting after making a few swords while not receiving a single skill up (I had 30 at that moment). I did a small math in my head and came to the conclusion that currently it's the worst job right now. It might be useful to create ammo for coilgun though, as it opens right after you read the book.
Heh, heh, heh...oh yeah, making coilgun ammo is worth it! I've got 3k or so hoarded up for the day Grim realizes just how cheap it is to maintain coilguns these days.

I make combat knives in the hundreds on the side to grind up my score whilst bounty-hunting, Arena fighting and keeping the board clear. After a little while that combination barely takes up the morning, I have the rest of the day to do other things like train, educate, and hang out at Furry's/Dockgrave. I can still find time for crafting, so perhaps it's best to start with it as a supplementary task until you've amassed enough skill from spamming combat knives.

Few suggestions, make crafting skill rise up quickly on low levels and also make crafting faster depending on your skill level (if it's not already in the game, I didn't check). Add something like a mine that you can invest in or send slaves to supply you with materials to work. Add something like creating mods for weapons and armor, and creating unique ones when you find rare blueprints, so it would be really tempting for the player to jump down that rabbit hole. I also looked in the info that you need durasteel to craft an assault rifle, I think that's too much. It's not like it's an advanced weapon, it's just a regular weapon like in our modern world. Maybe just making more steel for production is enough?
Good ideas, I especially like the one about creating unique weapons and armor when you get really good.

About some other little things.

New additional panels in the interface made it hard to navigate. Also there is lack of usuability. I have many times when I wanted to just hover on the item and see it properties. For example, in the chars menu, when you hover on attribute you should see what this attribute gives you. Same with interactions with mercenaries. Make every item they wear, weapons and armor, display information about them. For example, I didn't know what weave armor gives until I went to the store.

When you're fighting, you should be able to click on enemies and instantly see what armor and weapons they're carrying, instead of hover and wait until an information box will appear. It will be much more comfortable and intuitive for new players.
I am a big fan of tooltips too, I play many games where you get info by hovering so I didn't find that to be unintuitive, but more ways for the player to access information is generally good in my opinion.

Without wiki, it is very hard to know all these mechanics while you're playing. For example, I don't see any info for what accountant gives you.
I'd like to have a better idea of that too. As far as I know the only sure way to do it is to remove them and see what your incomes are like then.

I read this forum a bit and found that late game investments are blocked if you skipped the tutorial. That shouldn't be in the game at all. If you skip the tutorial, you should still have benefits as if you finished it.
Do you mean Ansel's tutorial which leads to the income from Belial Guns? There's many more incomes than that, are those disabled if you don't hire Ansel? If it's just the one with Belial I'd chalk that up to being a benefit from his quest, if you don't hire him and complete it you shouldn't get it. If it's all of them I agree that's a huge oversight and should be corrected.

I didn't notice any way to raise medicine skill outside of the reading books. It's a very helpful skill and I assumed it would be logical to get a chance to raise it after using tendstim.
You need to use Doctor's kits to increase Medicine. It's the only way outside starting with it or reading books that you can get it. Perhaps there could be a Medical course or something but it doesn't bother me too much that there's some skills that are more difficult to attain and Medicine doesn't strike me as an unlikely candidate for such a privileged state.

I remember there was talking about combat rework. To be honest, I didn't notice much of a difference nor an improvement. For example, melee fighters still suck. Fighting against elite arena melee fighters shows it clearly. In my vision, if a melee fighter attacks a shooting soldier, he should block him from shooting normally, creating a huge penalty to accuracy (Unless he has a shotgun, for example) or disable him from shooting at all, so he can only fight melee, it can be a skill for an elite melee fighters. There should be high risk - high reward. A good compensation for losing 1 turn until they reach the enemy, to making them valuable class. I realize that the game is still in development, but still hope that one day we will have more active skills during combat. For example, take cover, suppressive fire (would work nice if there would be machine guns), grenade throws, concentration on dodging for melee fighters as a skill.
I have found melee extremely useful, my current character critted his way to a 386 (that's not a typo) Melee Combat score before Grim capped it, and he capped it a long time ago. I take out their big guns with my big guns and close (with everyone else--I start up front) and finish them off with the sword; nowadays only against tier-6 bounties does my MC fire a gun. My experience and inclination suggests to me that melee is not useless unless you rely on it exclusively and in that case you should be at a disadvantage against ranged opponents.

That being said I like your ideas there, I just don't want to make melee overpowered either. There should be reasons not to bring a knife to a gunfight.

I found big lizards after I crossed the river on the ferry. Isn't they too overpowered? Like they have about 10k hp or what? I don't even see reason to fight them. Like what do you even get from them, some skin maybe? They react to plasma like to a mosquito bite, it's insane.
Heh, ironically hi Dex melee fighters are one sure way to take them down, one veteran player has his slavegirls do it naked. They hit hard but if you're limber and skilled enough they can't get their claws on you. I imagine that takes a while though. Otherwise they are a bit of a grind but once you've the top-tier mercs they're not difficult to take down, just time (and ammo!) consuming.

Well, that will do for now. I hope you find my suggestions reasonable.
I do! Thank you.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Decided to give Bud another shot at a long term spot on the team this game so I focused on training up his ranged skill to 75 before the end of the first month so he could be effective with a plasma gun. Did my first tier 5 bounty with Ayden, Doyle, Bud, and Connor on day 16 when Bud's skill was too low to be useful yet. Naturally it was the hardest version so I lost Ayden, but still won the battle, and since I made sure to have more than 40 medical before the end of week 2 I was able to get Ayden patched up again without any stat losses.

Had reasonable luck on the tier 5 bounties the first month and managed to score 4 plasma rifles before I got my first tier 6 bounty on day 36. Went and grabbed a few more doctors kits just to be safe and tossed everyone but Ayden a plasma gun. Naturally it was the hardest version of it. 2 guys in duraplate with plasma rifles, 1 guy in duraplate with a coil gun, 1 gun in duraplate with a pistol, and 1 guy in combat armor with an assault rifle. Lost Ayden, Connor, and Doyle before me and Bud finally finished off the last guy.

Have to say it was satisfying doing that with only 2 top tiers though. Both Bud and Doyle missed once or it would have gone a little better. Bud seems to be pretty reliable with a plasma once you get him to 75 ranged as long as you keep his attention whore trait capped, and his 75 health isn't a liability for the advanced tactics fights since only the melee and pistol guys ever hit him.

That first month stamina was in VERY short supply since the only way I could get my medical up past 40 and still get Bud's ranged up high enough was to stop training my own stamina at 60. I did switch to Christianity and buy the healing implant as well as max out my bedroom so that helped a bit but I was definitely feeling the lack of stamina that whole month.

I don't think a tier 6 would be possible that early without at least 2 top tiers barring extreme luck.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
For the tier 6 bounties no matter how strong I get I still almost always lose 1 or 2 mercs, but with doctors kits they don't lose any stats.
Interesting, somehow I missed this item, never knew it exists. Thx for info.

As for implants, it may sound silly but, I don't want to turn my MC into a cyborg. Let's say it's just a quirk of my roleplay :p

Since I see you're active in the thread, can I ask you about future updates to the game?
Since I missed that clinic where you can buy doctor kits, I have a question. Will the doctor profession be added in the foreseeable future?
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Interesting, somehow I missed this item, never knew it exists. Thx for info.

As for implants, it may sound silly but, I don't want to turn my MC into a cyborg. Let's say it's just a quirk of my roleplay :p
You can certainly get by without implants if you want to.

I discovered today that for the fights that use advanced tactics it seems that the main character will NEVER be the tank unless he's the last man standing. The only exception are enemies with pistols or melee weapons from what I can tell.

I did a tier 6 bounty a little while ago and had some bad RNG luck. First they killed Ayden, then Conner, then Doyle (so far as expected). But the next target after that was Bud despite him being dramatically weaker than my main character. So for the toughest fights like that it doesn't really matter that much if you have 100 health or 200. Your mercs will be doing the tanking unless you're using slaves with stealth suits. I guess that might explain why doctors kits don't work on the MC. You don't really need them to unless you have a full party wipe most of the time.

Since I see you're active in the thread, can I ask you about future updates to the game?
Since I missed that clinic where you can buy doctor kits, I have a question. Will the doctor profession be added in the foreseeable future?
I haven't heard anything about that. You can already start off with a doctor background if that's what you mean, but I don't know if there are plans for MC to be able to actually work a doctor job like he can do with teaching at the academy or working at the factory or whatever.
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Mar 17, 2019
You can certainly get by without implants if you want to.

I discovered today that for the fights that use advanced tactics it seems that the main character will NEVER be the tank unless he's the last man standing. The only exception are enemies with pistols or melee weapons from what I can tell.

I did a tier 6 bounty a little while ago and had some bad RNG luck. First they killed Ayden, then Conner, then Doyle (so far as expected). But the next target after that was Bud despite him being dramatically weaker than my main character. So for the toughest fights like that it doesn't really matter that much if you have 100 health or 200. Your mercs will be doing the tanking unless you're using slaves with stealth suits. I guess that might explain why doctors kits don't work on the MC. You don't really need them to unless you have a full party wipe most of the time.
Really? In advanced tactics having a health implant makes me target practice,that's what stopping me giving my character health implants. I have aria/ Rebecca as slave with stealth Armor,me and 3 mercs all duraplate. My mc has ranged skill over 90 like other mercs. Before implant they used to target Ayden first,Felix second,that teacher merc third then me. Now after having two health implants with 200 health ai going berserk on me making me lose valuable attributes. I usually repair my Armor after 3-4 extreme battles so ai don't go mushy on me.
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Jul 17, 2022
You can certainly get by without implants if you want to.

I discovered today that for the fights that use advanced tactics it seems that the main character will NEVER be the tank unless he's the last man standing. The only exception are enemies with pistols or melee weapons from what I can tell.
Strange, in my current game I've had the mc become the focus of advanced tactics a few times. Granted, only after the two toughest fighters on my team were down, but mc was definitely not the last man standing.


Jul 6, 2019
GD-studios I love the game with the freedom and all the kinky stuff. Just one thing:

It would be infinitely helpful to get a cause and effect stat change screen at the end of day. With more than 2-3 slaves you can track 1 or 2 stat changes over the day(s) but not much more. If I want to effectively track a stat over time I have to take up pen and paper and write it down and check the stuff every now and then -.- . You get some info at the end of the day for the main slave if she lost some strenght or gained a point in the domestic trait, but that's it. Seeing all the stat changes from one day to the next for all the girls would be immensely helpful to recognize (unwanted) trends and see if your actions have the desired effect for each girl. Something like:

Arias Intelligence increased to 48 (+1 - University)
Arias Willpower increased to 33 (+1 - Junos Advocate trait)
Arias Happiness decreased to 88 (-2 Buttplug)

You could even put that into a job, an upgrade or a service you can buy.


Jul 17, 2022
Arias Happiness decreased to 88 (-2 Buttplug)
Hah! That would help me solve the mystery of the missing buttplug!

I know I had a small one, but I can't find it anywhere. Certainly, searching for it was fun, but even after checking several times, I can't figure out which of the ladies has it.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Strange, in my current game I've had the mc become the focus of advanced tactics a few times. Granted, only after the two toughest fighters on my team were down, but mc was definitely not the last man standing.
Interesting. Maybe I'm doing something that keeps me out of the line of fire that I wasn't aware of. The pistol and melee enemies definitely do seem to be able to just hit whoever they want from what I can tell, but the guys with guns that are not pistols always shoot my mercs. If it's not advanced tactics then that all goes out the window and they can hit anyone.
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