Jul 24, 2017
Is there a guide or something for this game? I swear I've installed it and deleted it three different times cause I don't know what I'm supposed to do. It looks really cool and appeals to my fetishes but I usually just end up just getting frustrated then bully my slave till she runs away.
Early game is money game. If you start with high enough Academics or Science you can earn $100+ a day teaching at the Academy, but the easiest way to earn dough is fighting bandits. Grab some mercenaries ASAP, they'll pay for themselves many times over. I like the detective guy you can find in the western part of the city. Use your crew to fight people, get money, upgrade your gear, and then finally start clearing bandits for huge fame gains. When you're not fighting, do training activities at home. It's a slow grind, so start early.

I actually decided to go and look at the code for the training. As I understand, your chance to complete training and earn a point is initially taken from a 1-100 dice roll. Your character's willpower has a decent affect on the chance for success, around plus or minus 10 points. Small modifiers are added or subtracted from this chance based off of things like how horny or healthy you are. The most important modifiers, however, are your current skill, which is subtracted from your chance to succeed, and the inclusion of a trainer, which adds a flat +35 chance of success. If you roll greater than one, you get the stat upgrade.

Two examples:

1. I have a strength of 40, and I roll a 35 on my chance roll. I'm also injured, so my reduction of success chance is -40 + -5. 35 - 45 is -10, so no stat upgrade this time.

2. I have a Ranged Skill of 55, and I roll a 35 on my chance roll. I hired a trainer today though, so my final roll is 70. 70 - 55 is 15, so I get the stat upgrade.

Training is best when you're healthy and happy. Try to always hire a trainer. The higher your skill, the longer it takes to train. There does not appear to be "progress" carried over from one training session to the next.

For the Lazy:
Open the html file in a text editor and search for
<<set $chance=$skillroll>>
Change $skillroll to 100. Anything higher than this will most likely break intended game balance as you will probably be able to boost your character stats well past the intended limits. Note that this cheat will have to be reintroduced with every update.
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2020
save scrum....means choosing old style 1-100 die rolls at the very front end of the game. Then before you train..save. If you fail, reload and try again, and again, and again, and again,...you'll get it. Then save, and do your 2nd training session.


May 18, 2020
Needs a new game for new players, perhaps. NO more MASTERS of Raana, but, for example, Noobs of Ikaanos, where everything is given for free in the very start. A virtual novel or something - with carefully detailed and well visualized explanations. :cool:
I would suggest, that instead of a vn, it would be a popup book or maybe paint by numbers. :whistle:

In all seriousness, yes, the game does have a significant learning curve. That said, it doesn't take a lot to figure out the core mechanics and find a way to progress. I usually restart quite often, once I figure out a more efficient build or path to take. I mean hell, one of the best mercs (for starter wages) is on the same map, literally a hundred feet from you and the other has a significant initial investment for a low monthly wage only requires a small bit of searching.
My only gripe would be all of the WIP quests scattered around. I understand it is easier to leave a placeholder, but damn is it disheartening when you hit that quick end lol.
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May 19, 2020

GrimDark — 06/05/2022
ETA (Public): N/A.
ETA (ALPHA): July 5

NOTE! Patch notes are added daily. This is not a complete list.
Revamped slave control systems
The menus for inspecting, house rule assignments and work/study applications have been completely redesigned. You can now activate and remove slaves from various assignments, manage their inventory and view their builds without changing your active slaves or move them between the household and annex.

Revamped slave selection (Home screen)
You no longer have to switch between your two primary household slaves to interact with them. The household slave interaction box has been redesigned and now features pictures of your current slaves. Just click on the slave you wish to interact with to enter her menus.
GrimDark — 06/05/2022
Revamped job/academy assignments
You no longer have to take your slave "in person", or have the girl set as active, to apply her to a vendor or to the Academy. Now, you just have to talk to a vendor ("Do you need slaves?"), or visit the Academy to unlock the location's assignment button inside the new slave control menu.

All necessary information, such as skill requirements, income, possible risks and other important details can now also be found in a designated assignment popup next to the apply button.

Revamped Economy system
Added a new, stand-alone economy system which gives the player a much more detailed overview of his spendings, earnings and influence drains/boosts.

Slaves and the MC now eat Rations instead of spending money to buy food.

• You'll now have an additional batch of Rations when you start a new game.
GrimDark — 06/05/2022
New slaves and locations

• Added slave (tier2+): Emily Dunham. Emily is MoR's first dynamic slave with 15 possible backgrounds that you decide when picking her up from her cell (she can be anything from a submissive sex slave to a high-willpower Academy Nerd). You'll get access to Emily's starting quest once you've activated your Great House parameters/picked up the .45 Colt Peacemaker. NOTE! Choosing her background will affect the following chapters involving your lost brother!

• Added slave: Aria Bianchi.
GrimDark — 06/09/2022
Trait system
All slaves will now receive 2-4 character traits and 3 randomly assigned traits when you acquire them. Traits provide a completely new way of dealing with slaves, offering a uniqueness that both require different methods of training, varying difficulties in getting them to do what you want and a flavor to many of their events/dialogues.

You can read more about traits here:

GrimDark — 06/12/2022
Gameplay changes
• Replaced the Assault rifle firing sound to keep browsers from auto-lowering it.
• Added a letter from Westside Assembly plant to the player inbox, if you start a new game.

Bug fixes
• Fixed a bug that wouldn't give you any Influence if you offered the minimum amount of cash at Crystal Hills Cathedral.
• Fixed a bug that wouldn't make you sexually depleted after fucking Miss Winton.
• Fixed a bug that would give you endless cash/Aca. Influence from Academy work.
• Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow you to have anal and vaginal sex with a slave tied up in bondage if using a causal tone.
• Many text tweaks and typos fixed.
GrimDark — 06/14/2022
• Added 15 sex scenes for Rachel.


Active Member
May 19, 2020

While Aria Bianchi is a unique experience with tons of special dialogues/events, 0.8 also features several other slaves with rich backgrounds and interesting twists.

In the continuation of the Tier2+ quest, you'll meet (and acquire) Emily, your brother's old slave. A letter from a Skyguard jail leads you to an imprisoned girl who ran away from your brother for some reason before being captured again by a patrol in Marston Swamps. She's now mentally ready to return and start serving your family again.

Emily is a dynamic slave, however, meaning that you get to determine her past, her skills, her unique dialogues and the character traits of your brother (by selecting different choices like the ones in the "Emily-meets-your-brother" picture). Was your brother a wholesome guy, or renowned for his sadistic and cruel ways? Will Emily speak of pleasant fishing trips or dark nights down in the dungeon while you take her out for dinner?

A naked (NSFW) render of Emily can be found in the Pic channel on our Discord server.

I'll post some information on Mai-Lynn next week – an Asian girl with an interest for gardening and oriental music. Acquiring her activates certain business interactions in the new district of Raikan. You'll also meet her father and hear about her tragic journey into the world of slavery.



Active Member
May 19, 2020

You have 15 different backgrounds to chose from when "building" Emily. Each background means you'll interact with a completely different salve.

In the examples below, I've selected:

Fatherly > Combat focus
Perverted > Combat focus
Ordinary > Academic focus

Texts/names are still WIP!
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Active Member
May 19, 2020

0.8 is underway. First point on the list is implementing the Trait system. That also includes injecting hundreds of small random dialogues and extra buffs to existing frameworks.

A sweet toothed girl responds very well to all kinds of snacks. Do keep a track on her weight, however. Remember that all non-tough/steel maiden slaves over 180 lbs/80kg suffer combat penalties!



Active Member
May 19, 2020

GrimDark — 06/08/2022
You can now continue adding slaves while out on adventures, even if your household slots are full. The engine will automatically fill up all your six available slots, saving you from the hassle of moving around slaves all the time just to be able to house them.
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May 19, 2020

GrimDark — 06/09/2022
A first look at 0.8's new Economy system.

I've manipulated the numbers for this preview so the math is completely off.

Part of the new "Luxury system". Give each of your slave an allowance, that they'll spend on luxury stuff, invest in their own education, give away to orphans etc (based on character and traits).

New food system
You'll spend rations instead of cash on food. You can auto set the purchasing of rations in the economy menu, so it'll not mean any extra hassle for the player. I just wanted to separate cash and food, to make the player able to manipulate the market and store food in case times become harder (scourges etc, that'll intensify with the new event engine).

Set food ration "spending" like before, 1 ration per day (very poor), 2 rations per day (normal) or 5 rations per day (abundant). The new luxury system enables you to add extra seasoning to further enhance your regular dinners at home.

Petty work
Have some slaves knit baskets, create trinkets, etc, that they'll be able to sell on the market. A good way of earning cash while keeping your slaves at home.

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May 19, 2020

GrimDark — 06/14/2022
Damn. Fully implementing the new Title framework demanded a structured economic system, so I've spent the past two days coding that into existence, including all the new food controls and the new Influence system; and then replacing the old one in all necessary instances. I've also streamlined it to function in new homes (camping + mansion upgrade in later versions) and incorporating the wife and ISSID/offspring parameters.

The food system is what's really new here, even if it can be fully automated. A player is able to make a good amount of cash fetching his own rations and/or using his garden to increase his wealth during bandit scourges.

Because everyone in your household now eats Rations (R), instead of the simpler cash reduction found in earlier versions of MoR. Rations can be hunted or purchased at the markets. You can automate the purchase of rations (set as default) either fully, or when it reaches a certain threshold, if you just want to go on playing as before.

A pantry girl/skilled head maid (new titles) can make this process cheaper and more efficient. But it's probably wise to turn auto purchase off during scourges or famines (new rare event in a future version, that'll triple the cost of rations) and instead go out fetching your own food. Unless you're filthy rich, of course.
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New Member
Dec 24, 2018
Why do i see in discord 0.8 something patch nots but here is 0.79? Is there a place to get a more recent version? I did not find any on patreon resp. There is no patreon where i usually would search for something like it.
Esit: planned features… never mind my question
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New Member
Sep 15, 2020
Thank you! :)

Right now, there's only a combat penalty if they weigh above 175lbs (aprox. 80 kg), but I've planned to make this much more detailed with the new food/economy system that goes live in 0.8.

I also have an intention (if/when I get more hours to invest in this project) to create an additional set of Inspect pics that would display renders ranging between anorexic - normal - chubby - obese.
additional set of Inspect pics
it would be so cool ;)(y)
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Jun 8, 2021
How many slaves can you own at once? It seems to be ONLY 4 I upgraded the annex to include more room but it looks like I could only add 2 additional slaves from the original 2.


Apr 28, 2021

0.8 is underway. First point on the list is implementing the Trait system. That also includes injecting hundreds of small random dialogues and extra buffs to existing frameworks.

A sweet toothed girl responds very well to all kinds of snacks. Do keep a track on her weight, however. Remember that all non-tough/steel maiden slaves over 180 lbs/80kg suffer combat penalties!

View attachment 1889301
Bring on the sweet weight gain.

Thank you! :)

Right now, there's only a combat penalty if they weigh above 175lbs (aprox. 80 kg), but I've planned to make this much more detailed with the new food/economy system that goes live in 0.8.

I also have an intention (if/when I get more hours to invest in this project) to create an additional set of Inspect pics that would display renders ranging between anorexic - normal - chubby - obese.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
So, is there a reason why hunting game with the crossbow does not train my ranged skill as well? :whistle::coffee:
*Need more hunting spots, i started depleting mine lately... such a shame. :giggle::coffee:
*"SELL" button in the market needs variations, like x10 x50 x100, but you probably already put that into 0.8 plans. :whistle::coffee:
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Sep 17, 2018
So, is there a reason why hunting game with the crossbow does not train my ranged skill as well? :whistle::coffee:
*Need more hunting spots, i started depleting mine lately... such a shame. :giggle::coffee:
*"SELL" button in the market needs variations, like x10 x50 x100, but you probably already put that into 0.8 plans. :whistle::coffee:
Your ranged skill goes up during use when you crit. If you want it to go up faster train in it.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Your ranged skill goes up during use when you crit. If you want it to go up faster train in it.
I just found it rather weird.
The dev seem to be going for realism, and realistically your skills would improve during game hunting.
But i suppose it makes sense that the skill only levels during a crit, otherwise it would be too easy to max it.

In that case, hunting action itself should be able to crit as well!
Like: "You have been exceptionally lucky during your hunt today, you gained extra stuff and your ranged skill has improved."
That kinda thing. :giggle::coffee:
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Active Member
May 19, 2020
How many slaves can you own at once? It seems to be ONLY 4 I upgraded the annex to include more room but it looks like I could only add 2 additional slaves from the original 2.
Originally, the game was designed to have only 2 slaves at a time. Grim figured players would train up 2, sell one, then get another slave, train up that one, sell one, etc. He did not anticipate players becoming so... ATTACHED... to their girls. He quickly coded in the annex to expand capacity, then the arena slot, and the apartment slot.

The current version 7.9.4 capacity is 2 active in mansion, 2 in annex, 1 in arena, 1 (Michelle) in her own apartment. 6 total.

However, .8 will change the current system completely. Your mansion will house a max of 6 active slaves, and you will be able to directly interact with them without having to swap them in/out of the annex. In addition to this, you will have the arena slot, and the apartment slot. After that, the prostitution/harem expansion will open up more spots to place girls while still owning them and providing a passive or active benefit to the player. They can be swapped around at any time.

EXAMPLE: placing a girl at the arena raises all of her physical stats/combat skills over time, as well as giving you the opportunity to have her fight and win money for you. once she gets to a certain level, you can pull her out and replace her with another girl to repeat the process. there will be more of these type of locations/slots with each expansion.

Lastly, the legacy/waifu expansion will add at least one more spot in your mansion. That of your wife/headmistress/boss girl, whatever you wanna call her.

GrimDark — 05/18/2022
Let's face it - slave interaction menus in 0.7.9 are a bit tedious. Like the thing that you must have your slave set as primary to give orders or apply her for work, which is extremely time-consuming and confusing.

In 0.8, controlling your slaves will be easier than ever before!

With one click, you're able to access any slave's assignments, academy applications and character sheet. Make quick physical examinations to check if an annex slave has regained enough health to return to duty, or change the entire household's focus by re-assigning all slaves' work duties within the same menus. Small icons help the slave master with keeping track of assignments, stable activities, prostitution and other stuff that occupy his slaves.

And you'll no longer be forced to take your slave "in person" to a vendor/school - instead it's enough to just ask if a vendor needs slaves (or visit the Academy) to unlock an assignment button within the "Jobs & Titles menu".

Oh, speaking of titles, that's also another thing you'll see in 0.8. I'll post some more information about that later.

The screenshots here are pre-alpha versions of the new slave interaction menu and might change for the 0.8 Alpha release.

Ideas, suggestions and feedback on layout, additional features etc, are most welcome in this early stage!


Active Member
May 19, 2020
So, is there a reason why hunting game with the crossbow does not train my ranged skill as well? :whistle::coffee:
*Need more hunting spots, i started depleting mine lately... such a shame. :giggle::coffee:
*"SELL" button in the market needs variations, like x10 x50 x100, but you probably already put that into 0.8 plans. :whistle::coffee:
if you have 7.9.4, then you should have several at this point. 1656222891402.png

as for the sell amounts, that is going in with the economy revamp which is already being worked on and will have at least a partial release with .8

ill remind grim though.
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Active Member
May 19, 2020
I just found it rather weird.
The dev seem to be going for realism, and realistically your skills would improve during game hunting.
But i suppose it makes sense that the skill only levels during a crit, otherwise it would be too easy to max it.

In that case, hunting action itself should be able to crit as well!
Like: "You have been exceptionally lucky during your hunt today, you gained extra stuff and your ranged skill has improved."
That kinda thing. :giggle::coffee:
this is a good idea. im posting this in the discord for grim to see, with a linkback so you get credit for it.
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