Instead of "complete quit" (getting stomped on too much! UGH!) went back a ways. Current = D30.
I don't mind Brawlers ----*ONCE* they get hi Stats! [like you & so many love to quote1] -->> The problem is, 1) Trying to survive on FIGHTING (must pay 4 stims [loose $] or wait [loose $] or risk getting knocked flat. & 2) B need 2 *TWO* good stats to fight good [actually, 3 are better, but 2 is a MIN] So basically, take 2x as long to train. [Aria's the except, *IF* she' a B [um that's BRAWLER, she's ALWAYS a BITCH!]] Oh, & if pissed off/too hurt, they won't train w you anyway. [& w Reb bringing everybody down, Mostly they *FAIL!] R or M, really doesn't matter if you *MISS* a lot!
Know what I mean? (you can "win" a fight, & if several go down, or you take too much Dam, you "loose" $ [stims]
3) Some Bounties (nobody told me this!) have ***COILGUNS, MG, & DURAPLATE ARMOR!!*** (WTF?!) oh, & YOU CAN'T BACK OUT! [normal fights, if you know it's too tough, you can run away.]
--->> Since you seem 2B an "expert" on bounties, how do you "refuse" one? Or, is it possible? Which ones have MG & COIL? (or DURAPLATE!!!)
In between angry/pissed/depressed, & bad luck [Furry's] took a really long time to get hi Infl
so instead of *SAVE* $ 4 better weapons/ AR, wind up spend on Stims /ammo/survive. [taxes/rent/etc]
Orig targets: I've steered clear of those with: 1) 4 MG [docks] 2) King coilguns
How high does their WP have 2 B 4 Reb to not affect them? [Reb's an advocate, have several, so they mostly stay as a pack] Not sure it matters, LOW CHARM/MANIP = can't control anybody [+ or - ]
Like a runaway freight train, all I can do is clear track & try to keep it from derailing! lol
Honestly, from prev Exp, I'd rather get them all (ok, at least Reb & those w low stats!) down to *NEG* WP----at least then they R OBEDIENT enough to keep working (hey MEN DO, & WE get SICK/DEPRESSED/STRESSED/ETC!)
*PLUS,* w low WP, will bathe (help heal)
(some of us like our girls CLEAN
Not sure what #, but should add: --->> most normal "fights" pay very little (or NOTHING) So mostly, $ comes from Bounties/quests.
L & A---Yes. [BTW, *WHEN* do you get them? (maybe that's another key?)] They add a *LOT* to exp $, but L brings in almost nothing (Merch-$) I know u can train--but that too, takes LOTS TIME, stamina, & even then (can't train *JUST* R, it's EVERYTHING!)
Ansel's Q: if you do this too *SOON*, found you can get your BUTT KICKED! [ugh not fun!]
But again, EVERYTHING costs $$$, & early on, $'s hard to come buy. (better Weapons/AR/ammo, /etc)
-->> WEAPONS cost more now, so rarely cost effective to buy anything. [should make B better, --->>> BUT TAKES TIME 2 make them good Fighters...]
OH Finally, some Irony: Mich: She's IM (100 HP!) *BUT*, VERY low stats, (18M/10R) so a punching bag, but she almost never hits. *PLUS*, the only one who can do some jobs (everybody's too old! lol)