Why, not, I would not mind a few more female attention whores (who oddly enough usually get targeted in advanced combats - which of course has nothing to do with Bud having the Ammopack trait and therefor carrying an expensive plasma rifle¹ ;-), but him always drawing attention to him). And you know, if you put story slaves (with roaming locations, when temporarily removed from the household) on floor crawler duty, they get pregnant with a boy, you could also dismiss them from your household the day before birth, and readd them a day later or so (in the hopes, that the baby somehow disappears and not ends up in the players household - let the ikaanian society deal with a horde of male mini buds).
Again, I would not mind a few more stealing npcs, as long as they are female, eventhough they might be needed to be taught how it is done, so that "shopping of merchs" (ie. in the WAP) cannot be later easily traced to the players home (eventhough stealing by npcs in the WAP is currently not possible in the game).
And then with a newer game version not only unwanted female offspring of Bud and Ansel might be able to be put on the auction block, but also male offspring. And if properly trained they might fetch quiet a price. After all if Bud or Ansel is the father, they ought to not count as family of the mc/pc...
¹) the pc/mc is a total cheapskate, who usually only provides normal rifles to other followers (or crossbows, if the follower still needs to learn to hit an enemy in combat), regardless of enemies (and might only take temporary switching the weapons to automatic rifles for some high end fights).