- Jun 6, 2018
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There is no info on 8.3.4 yet.You must be registered to see the links
They increase the income from business ventures. But I guss you could also train one from scratch if you want?Is there any point in hireing an accountant ?
If you find a scenario where it doesn't work and is repeatable, please let me know.Oddly enough, that was the first thing I did. I should have been more specific, in that when in the house overview menu, the one that lists all the servents and slaves in your house, the changes didn't stick. Seemed off, but I got it working now
Yes, to add via console or save editor see Mc stats section here. Alternatively .htlm edit hereIs it possible to get more than 1 expert class by save editing or editing the game files? or if not what about more adepts?. Is there a command for building/upgrading points?
Thank you so much
1. well it depends on what u want with your slave , workaholic is good , perfectionist is good , techie for hacking techies stack when hacking, and says ALL bedrooms upgradedI met servial questions during my game, wants to get your suggestions. English is not my native langurage, hope I don't type anything make you puzzled or unhappy, if so, my apologize.
1.I think the Workaholic is the best traits for slaves, checking MOR wiki, it says NPCs assigned as Maids have 33.3% daily chance of raising their Workaholic trait value, if their Discipline is 50+, and their Happiness is 60+, and their Affection is 75+, and the Kitchen, Livingroom and Bedrooms are all maximally upgraded. May I ask if the bedrooms upgrades mean My bedroom or hers? I tried serval days, maybe I'm so unfortunate, I don't even got 1 point in Workaholic.
2.Had the Master traits already applied in I see them in wiki and they are so powerful, I can't wait to get them.
3.I know that my armor can be destroyed, I have to repair it frequently. What about the NPC's armor? I mean, should I also worry about their armor as well?
4.Can anyone also advise other useful NPC's traits? By the way, any suggestions for Teir 2 slave? I notice I can decide it's traits in someways(by selections), is their any powerful traits in her?
5.About the workshop. I think the first one is making the merchandise to servial mertails, the second one is giving point to make product, the third one is only giving a little money. so the second one should be the most powerful one, am I correct? if so, how should I deal with my merchandise? just sell them?
6.any suggestions for the combat configuration? I'm using myself as melee and my team mate as Ranged(wow this sentence is a little difficult for me i hope i don't make you too puzzled). do you have any suggestions on this?
Thank you all very much, I have to say my English is very bad, so sorry, and if you can tell me where is not correct, I will try my best to learn more.
As of last I checked, what has been revealed thus far regarding Aria as chancellor is that she will have different political events (the ones that trigger at the end of the day) depending on what her stats were with an Aria who is uncorrupted cleaving much closer to her original ideals compared to one who you corrupted who will instead spread further depravity across the republic.The first time I got to the stage where I offered to help Aria Bianchi in the rebellion, and new quest 'New World Order' appeared.
Anyway, I am wondering what happens after Aria become Chancellor of The Third Republic as her goal is to end slavery and bring equality to Ikaanos.
So for those that finish this storyline, does it matter if you break or even marry Aria before that? Can I keep her at home as my slave later? Can I make her into my political puppet?
Except she told me it will be worthy for me, I really don't see the incentive for doing all that beside doing main quest.
Thanks in advance.
1) u might mean go to ACTIONS & EVENTS > ARRANGE EVENT set a girl form under HOUSERULES > Main Attraction1) How to start an orgy? I saw images in Pics folder but never saw them in some events or interactions
2) Is there a way to increase libido points?
Automation mod ?What does the automation do exactly and where do I out the image pack?