Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
I'm exactly the opposite... For me, time in the dungeon can quickly overcome the pure, vanilla, delicate slaves. Dominant/Malevolent, however makes me cringe. i hate the happiness hit to the other slaves.
That's a lot of time in the dungeon though, and they don't pick up much in the way of sex skills, so that's a lot of time outside it too. The Delicate really drags it out for me, because I won't go past the halfway mark on wear and don't like even approaching it. That's still 'very sore' and I don't really want to hurt these girls that much, that's not my fantasy.

I don't like happiness hits either, but I do like the way Rebecca hits in combat! It seems so often she takes down what another shooter would leave standing with ~5hp. I'll work around her bitchiness for that kind of punch.


Mar 22, 2019
Most of what you're mentioning are things that will get more focus further down the road. The new household framework (0.8.5+) provides the MC with upgrade slots for gyms, library, etc, to automate/speed up training of slaves, a crafter/scrapper duty is something I'm currently working on and there will be a ton of more options to train slaves - especially in the bondage/corruption department.

Crafting is also constantly being tweaked - and, in fact, if you produce more advanced weaponry, the chance of a skill up is significantly higher.

Even if MoR is currently version "0.8.X", we're far from a game that's 80% done. It's more like 40%. So, stay tuned and keep the feedback coming. ;)
Good to hear that there is some automation coming in the future. I do understand that the game is work in progress - the game is already much, much better than the shape it was when I last tried it and quickly dropped it.

It can be hard thing to balance the game between having MC putting in his personal touches and being able to comfortably have multiple slaves at once - one of the reasons why so many of these games limit the player to only training one slave at a time.

Some more feedback:
- It would be nice if followers remembered what their last assignment was. Those extra clicks to set them back to their duties after every excursion to kill bandits is a minor thing, but it adds up over time.
- I really wish I could see follower health somewhere when they're not in my party. I've mostly let them naturally heal over time, but it seems the only way to see if they're ready to roll again is to add them to my party and check them up. Because of above point I've not ended up making a save every time I check so I can just load the save if they're still recovering.
- Mildly related: since the followers naturally heal somewhat slowly, it would be nice to have a title/assignment for slaves to heal them faster. There is already one for the MC, but the MC has never been the issue for me even with just bathing with slaves. This is one of the reasons I'm training my slaves for combat, as I can both monitor their health and heal them faster via bathing. Of course healing items are an existing solution for quicker healing, but this is another case of "it already exists for the MC".

Looking forward to what the future brings for the game!
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Dec 27, 2018
Crafting is also constantly being tweaked - and, in fact, if you produce more advanced weaponry, the chance of a skill up is significantly higher.
Care to elaborate further?
We could use some table data about that.
I like to learn by myself, but the RNG factor is high here, so far I do stimpacks cause they're faster to craft, while a single rifle takes a whole night.
In either case, is pretty damn hard to raise those skills.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Some more feedback:
- It would be nice if followers remembered what their last assignment was. Those extra clicks to set them back to their duties after every excursion to kill bandits is a minor thing, but it adds up over time.
Which version are you playing? That was changed to how you suggested a while back, either that's in the updated version or will be really soon. I found that irritating myself.

Edit to add: Ah, I betcha you mean the mercs too, don't you? I didn't think about that the first time around as I generally keep them for combat and when they're not I just set them on Guard duty or something and don't change it around much. It would be nice if you didn't have to reset them when you do that, I agree.
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Mar 22, 2019
Which version are you playing? That was changed to how you suggested a while back, either that's in the updated version or will be really soon. I found that irritating myself.

Edit to add: Ah, I betcha you mean the mercs too, don't you? I didn't think about that the first time around as I generally keep them for combat and when they're not I just set them on Guard duty or something and don't change it around much. It would be nice if you didn't have to reset them when you do that, I agree.
Yes, the mercs. I usually post them as janitors, originally to get access to the slave market in Crystal Heights, but since they are bad at scavenging I've just kept them to that. I'm guessing that eventually there will be some use for high influence.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2017
Reporting a bug that seems to have been reported a month or so back but not fixed in the current public version: setting a slave as Pantry Girl, and getting her above 80 domestic skill does not actually reduce ration consumption for slaves.
I reported that, to be fair, I am regularly ignored as it seems like the last 3 times I reported issues here, I was ignored.
Hopefully, you have better luck!


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
I reported that, to be fair, I am regularly ignored as it seems like the last 3 times I reported issues here, I was ignored.
Hopefully, you have better luck!
Oh, God no, never ignored. Missed? Maybe, or one of those typical early morning "Oh, I have to write that down!". Then one minute later, I'm occupied with something completely different with no memory of what I've been doing for the past half hour.

Regarding the Pantry girl thing - it's a known issue that you can temporarily fix if you revoke then immediately reassign her. When assigning a pantry girl, her Domestic Value is immediately transferred to the framework for household skills. I need to write a script checking and auto-assigning her Domestic skill once per day. It's on the list at least! ;)


May 10, 2019
if anyone is too lazy in finding stuff too cheat

F12 open console and type this stuff
Just add value after the "=" example then enter

Melee Combat-
Range Combat-

for the items[select the item you want in the auto fill function]=
Hiho, the Konsole-Cheats dosn´t work by me. I have firefox 110.0 (64-bit). I klick F12, klick console and take you example into, klick reaktion.
Can you help me?

Have a nice day


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Hiho, the Konsole-Cheats dosn´t work by me. I have firefox 110.0 (64-bit). I klick F12, klick console and take you example into, klick reaktion.
Can you help me?

Have a nice day
Some laptops put on the fx keys additional commands so try out fn + f12

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
How do you start Caitlin's quest? I interacted with her, but nothing happened. I haven't gotten anything new in the journal either.
Her affection needs to be high enough and you've got to click on all the hyperlinks ("More information available!") when asking about her background.

I've only done it once myself, but will give you a heads up: Don't be a chump like I was and give away the cure. All I got out of that was something like 4k influence and found out later I could have had an additional income of something like 160/day by selling it.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
How do you start Caitlin's quest? I interacted with her, but nothing happened. I haven't gotten anything new in the journal either.
Are you at Loving affection? I believe that starts her talking about her quest. Talk, Ask Something then Background is the selection.
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Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
Her affection needs to be high enough and you've got to click on all the hyperlinks ("More information available!") when asking about her background.

I've only done it once myself, but will give you a heads up: Don't be a chump like I was and give away the cure. All I got out of that was something like 4k influence and found out later I could have had an additional income of something like 160/day by selling it.
You're not a chump, just altruistic. :D You sure it's Background? Yes, I think you're correct.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
You're not a chump, just altruistic. :D You sure it's Background? Yes, I think you're correct.
Heh, I think I got some extra affection/happiness from Caitlin too, but I didn't need it as I'd already maxed it.

I did feel like a chump when I found out how much others had gotten by monetizing the cure. I was not hurting for money but I definitely could have used an extra 160 or so a day I heard others got from it, especially now that there's more expenses like the Retreat that would cut into my income.
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Dec 27, 2018
About to buy Caitlin in my new run, had a nightmare with Aria who came with Vanilla trait which I finally removed after 2 months.

Anyway its a bug filled run (all reported I think)

Permacock implant (or whatever) doubled my health to 200
Rifle ammunition magically growing by a hundred/day
50k investment in new shop didnt improve gains
No famines EVER

Meanwhile training Doyle as my 3rd accountant (and trying to figure if they all stack)
Will resign as teacher after this course season ends and go hunting for a while, and keep crafting stimpacks while I choose whos gonna be my wife.


Jun 11, 2017
one of my slaves has her corruption stuck at 36 and no matter what I do it doesnt rise, am I screwing up something?


Nov 13, 2019
Just a note on training, I don't have time for a lengthy reply. Combat only increases melee and ranged, and over time it's rather generous.
I think the main "problem" is the current lack of differentiation between low and high skill levels being used.

Ironically, you'll get faster leveling the higher your skill level. Considering how hit or miss the "personal training" is right now (unless you just reload), and how time-constrained MC becomes with just a handful of slaves/followers, I'm definitely looking forward to being able to assign slaves to some basic training on their own.

Incidentally, you CAN get Strength (and I think DEX very rarely, along with Toughness, especially if you play NOT to get hurt) increased through combat as well, just... finnicky to get.

Anyway, it's not that you can't level up if you grind hard enough. It's just annoyingly difficult to take a no-skill slave and turn them into someone that will get a hit or two during an encounter (for me, that's above 40 ranged), either through combat OR training.

Also, what do you grind so much on? o_O

I run out of potential early combat encounters rather fast, unless you're talking about in-game year+ duration.
Go ahead and take fragile Lovisa out for combat, give her Durasteel and she won't go down as much, though a rifle crit will still put her down. Don't worry about it, you can get the points back easily enough and the respect building is worth it.
Eh, it was more "thematic" of an objection than a mechanical one.

Once you unlock stealth armor you can pretty much take anyone, as long as you don't go after Charuk. And even before then, the penalties for going down aren't really much of an objection, either.

I do wish there were more "just melee opponents" encounters, and hope the new combat system will let you "body-block" so ranged back-row can get some practice without being endangered.

In general, it does feel like there aren't anywhere near enough combat encounters for "just starting" groups. Like getting hired by some merchant to rough up some wannabee-gangbangers demanding protection, or chasing down some petty thief, or any take on "that group might have a sword on them if we're really unlucky" type encounters.

Right now it's either one-time bounties/PoIs, or the dock punks. Even the Tigers are already a dangerous proposition with the rifle Raider among them.
Great suggestions! About half of them are already planned but I'll save this text in my feedback folder for future reference. :)
Haha, figured you were already ahead on most of it, if not all.
does anyone know of console commands ?
A few >.>

Though mostly I've been looking for them from the perspective of adjusting individual girls to fit a theme/personality I imagine them as.
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