Was a Quest Item for the new Irish Girl for me.Does anyone know what this legendary item (red river circlet) is? I found it on the last search before the scrap heap cleared (found wakizashi on final search) and I can't find it in the inventory afterwards.
You can not. They are too high in the food chain to be enslaved.How do you enslave mercenaries?
It worked for Loden and Laika but there is no button for Loren and Aiko or other mercenaries.
Thanks in advance.
1. The dev. wrote that it contains new images. That means it is a full download.1.) is 0.8.3d an html only download or is it the full game download?
2.) I thought the reason I cannot get surgery for my girls was that it was temporarily removed for 0.8.3 like the old event button. Turns out I have not visited the clinic since the version started and did not get the shortcut in the actions menu because of it.
Experiment continues.
Beauty gained from plastic surgery can be inherited. Leia's other kid had 70 beauty for comparison.
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3.) Anyone got an idea how Atmosphere works? Can it raise initial toughness if the combat training value is high enough?
You can control-F the button text in the html file to find where it's defined and what logic it uses.Don't suppose you'd mind sharing your methods? I've being trying to play around with this but can't figure it out.
quite the contrary. you can lecture ya peeps as a priest and decrease or increase will or corruption.For now, religion is useless in the game? I mean self-improving is a lot better than building up devotion for pesky benefits like charm, tax, and influence.
Do not forget about new job "Slave master/mistress" and ability to assign 4 slave under his/her command. Which can increase their stats, reduce Willpower, increase Corruption e.t.c. without your actions at all. Training new slaves for sale never was so easy.I´m now in my 60 day of a 8.3c run, and I want to talk about something new and really important in this version. Something that are game changers.
We need to change the mindset that we get from 8.22 and early versions. In this versions we manage a household with 8 slaves and some mercenaries, all in all a 20 people household. You can go, one by one, and check his happiness, check his affection, see his corruption and manage with smooth words and some dicking keep things fine. You can NOT do this with a 40+ household. Simply, the day it´s not long enough and it´s a lot of clicking. You need actions that affect more than one servant/slave. And there are actions that do this.
You need to build your gazebo, and have a shrine in your Yard. The actions are conducted in this locations. There are actions that affect only a close group, your followers, and there are actions that affect all your household. Let´s talk with the follower´s group action first.
As far as you have build the gazebo, you can give lectures about science and academics to your followers. It´s a 2 hour action, you make a check against your skill in the subject and, if successful, your followers gain a +1 on the subject. It´s faster that home schooling, you have better chances of success and you give bonus to 4 servants, not to one. It´s caped, not sure if to 70 or to 75, but you can raise effectively your servant skills enough to send her (or him) to work as professors.
With the basic temple, you can give lectures to your followers. It´s an hour action and a check against manipulation, and with Man 50 and religious rank 30 (not sure if relevant) I get a 75 chance. You can affect, as an ateist, Corruption or Willpower. And there are a third slot that it´s grey. May be it´s reserved for other religions, may be reserved for higher devotion, I don´t know at this moment.
All this things are nice, and convenient. But I have promised "game changers", and this hardly are game changers. Let´s go with them now.
WORK HARD, PARTY HARD! IT´S POOL PARTY TIME!!!Once you have build the gazebo, you can build a pool on it. Not sure if the basic pool it´s enough or you need to build an improvement, but then you can hold pool parties for ALL your household.
It´s a 2 hours action, and costs you 10$ per participant (dirty cheap, barely qualify as peanuts).
With the Party Animal Trait (by far the most potent trait in the game, and the only that I consider mandatory, or almost mandatory) and fancy lights and a cooled bar, you get +2 affection and +2-6 happiness. For all the 40+ members of your household. All of them.
In my household now I get 84 points of affection and 84-252 points of happiness each time you hove a party pool. Simply you can not beat it.
And it will keep happy your attention whores, as an extra. And you will have at least two of them (Bud and Sophie).
In order to perform a lecture/mass for all your household, you need to improve your shrine. It´s the same that the lecture for only your followers, but for all your household.
Depending in what subject you choose, if you are are successful you House get a +/-5 on corruption/despair and some (not all) of the participants are affected by your preach. There are some variability, and the effect will change with your degree of success, but with a 50 manipulation and 30 devotion you get a 75% chance of success, and with a 45 roll, 25 of my 42 members household get a +/-1 corruption/willpower.
And it´s hard to beat an action that uses one hour, cost you no money at all and not sure now if no fatigue or just a couple of points and put a 25 points shift in the point of view of your servants.
And just a point, both for the shrine masses or the party pools. Make them after 5pm. If you try to make them early in the morning or during the day, the attendance it´s a lot lower. Not every one will go to them.
I agree with you, i like the slaver background more. You get for free the slave that otherwise cost 6k, and unlike her market non-slaver background version, she comes with both workaholic and perfectionist traits guaranteed. Immediately assign her the head maid title and you get +4 influence/day for free. You can then assign her a job. Assigned mine as an herald so i earn 15 influecne / day right off the bat.I've been checking out some level 3 backgrounds (just soldier and slaver) but haven't tried the others.
With the lvl 3 slaver background, +50 bondage and the extra points on flaggelation makes corrupting slaves extremely easy right at the start of the game plus the points on charm + manipulate makes it so easy to mold and convince them to your will.
And the cherry of the top is the corrupted-sub-slut slave you get right at the start.
For you guys, which is the best one? Would be cool to share and compare different opinions.
For me, like I said, I haven't tried the rest (except for soldier 3) but just by the last arguments slaver 3 is the best one.
Did you just assume his/her/it's gender..?
A powerful argument and I agree it's a fine choice, but by the same measure for Combat Veteran you get three suits of Combat Armor that on Grimdark: A Dying World is worth about 17.4k RD and a huge discount on Einar which allows you to run nearly a top-tier merc crew from the beginning and must save you about 200 RD a day. That makes the start go so much easier.I agree with you, i like the slaver background more. You get for free the slave that otherwise cost 6k, and unlike her market non-slaver background version, she comes with both workaholic and perfectionist traits guaranteed. Immediately assign her the head maid title and you get +4 influence/day for free. You can then assign her a job. Assigned mine as an herald so i earn 15 influecne / day right off the bat.
You also get a very small quest that gets you 52 WEGA canisters and 12 units of gold by asking her background, which you don't get once more with her market variant.
As my number 2 choice i would go for doctor. High intelligence (i truly believe that intelligence is the definitive best skill / attribute) and high medicine (which is hard to farm otherwise)
My point of view it´s that there are not best one at all. May be there are "best one for the purposes of the gameplay I´m going to run". I like the most the scientific run, but I´m not going to claim that it´s the best. It´s the one that suits more for my tastes.I've been checking out some level 3 backgrounds (just soldier and slaver) but haven't tried the others.
With the lvl 3 slaver background, +50 bondage and the extra points on flaggelation makes corrupting slaves extremely easy right at the start of the game plus the points on charm + manipulate makes it so easy to mold and convince them to your will.
And the cherry of the top is the corrupted-sub-slut slave you get right at the start.
For you guys, which is the best one? Would be cool to share and compare different opinions.
For me, like I said, I haven't tried the rest (except for soldier 3) but just by the last arguments slaver 3 is the best one.
I won't argue with the hunter background, it does offer something unique. Still, there is a point in the game when hunting becomes irrevelant imho, and that point is quite early. Please note that i didn't try the dying world setting.A powerful argument and I agree it's a fine choice, but by the same measure for Combat Veteran you get three suits of Combat Armor that on Grimdark: A Dying World is worth about 17.4k RD and a huge discount on Einar which allows you to run nearly a top-tier merc crew from the beginning and must save you about 200 RD a day. That makes the start go so much easier.
However another way of looking at it is what gives you something unique, that you can't get anywhere else? You can buy Adora Sanor, you can buy the combat armor and pay more for Einar or someone else, the only way to get the Hunting Grounds is to take Hunter Elite which gives you even more unique bonuses as well. Imogen's Barrow depletes awfully fast and the others are a pain in the ass to get to/unlock, that extra hunting grounds can really make a difference. Prosperity in Ikkanos has dipped below zero and food prices are +250%....
Instead of saving $200 per day you could go for scholar expert and get passive income of $200 every day. Or Doctor and never have to spend stimpacs on restoring health.A powerful argument and I agree it's a fine choice, but by the same measure for Combat Veteran you get three suits of Combat Armor that on Grimdark: A Dying World is worth about 17.4k RD and a huge discount on Einar which allows you to run nearly a top-tier merc crew from the beginning and must save you about 200 RD a day. That makes the start go so much easier.
However another way of looking at it is what gives you something unique, that you can't get anywhere else? You can buy Adora Sanor, you can buy the combat armor and pay more for Einar or someone else, the only way to get the Hunting Grounds is to take Hunter Elite which gives you even more unique bonuses as well. Imogen's Barrow depletes awfully fast and the others are a pain in the ass to get to/unlock, that extra hunting grounds can really make a difference. Prosperity in Ikkanos has dipped below zero and food prices are +250%....
I agree about Adora, that combination is very useful and makes the start go easier. I prefer not to savescum and just take what I get mostly and while I'll eventually get a Workaholic/Perfectionist I haven't yet and I'm at day 100, though I've yet to buy Rebecca, Lovisa or others that I normally get by then and am waiting on this run because it can get tight on Grimdark: A Dying World at times. Tendstims are now 3700/case, at one point I was going through nearly a case a day in getting the board cleared. That 40 Tendstims the Doctor Elite gets would have lasted me about two days! However I don't disagree that the party-heal every other day and the discount would definitely come in handy.I won't argue with the hunter background, it does offer something unique. Still, there is a point in the game when hunting becomes irrevelant imho, and that point is quite early. Please note that i didn't try the dying world setting.
In a sence, the version of Adora you get with the slaver background is unique. Sure, you could farm pefectionist/workaholic traits but that would take a very long time. Or you could just reroll her by saving before buying. Once again, a lot of time. Having her with these 2 powerful traits immediately is very nice
Edit : Also the starting stats make training random slaves trivial, which can be a very easy way to make money fast.
For a combat-oriented playthought, i think that doctor is a powerful choice. Sure, the MC won't be extremely useful in battle before you grind him, but the starting medical supplies, the fact that you can buy more with a discount and being able to craft them almost immediately (you need to buy a nanite tube and a laboratory), plus being able to heal the entire party for free once every 2 days means that you can run a merc company and keep them healthy without permanent injuries pretty easily. The problem is gonna be money in the early game, but on the long run, it seems better to me than soldier.
Well i don't hunt when the weather is stormy / heat waves to avoid large stamina depletion. There are a lot of other stats to grind in the begining of the game so i alternate between a lot of stuff, so i never ran into that hunting grounds depletion issue. The evenings are spent at Furry's to grind the gambling stat, because past 70/80 you can gamble pretty confidently at dockgrave, where the real money is.I agree about Adora, that combination is very useful and makes the start go easier. I prefer not to savescum and just take what I get mostly and while I'll eventually get a Workaholic/Perfectionist I haven't yet and I'm at day 100, though I've yet to buy Rebecca, Lovisa or others that I normally get by then and am waiting on this run because it can get tight on Grimdark: A Dying World at times. Tendstims are now 3700/case, at one point I was going through nearly a case a day in getting the board cleared. That 40 Tendstims the Doctor Elite gets would have lasted me about two days! However I don't disagree that the party-heal every other day and the discount would definitely come in handy.
Once thing I did notice is if you line up all the bonuses and know which option to pick when hunting (found at the bottomYou must be registered to see the links) you can succeed almost every time even starting at 20 Survival like my character did. That makes the depletion of Imogen's Barrow happen very quickly. I haven't see the yield bonuses I was expecting from having the "Wildborn" trait and Loren accompanying me though. If that were applied then Hunting would be a much more profitable venture when food prices are about 12 like they are for me now and have been for quite some time.