That works. Great! Thank you.Try this: = 10000
That works. Great! Thank you.Try this: = 10000
AFIK, you can convert your servants/slaves to the religion you profess. 6 options do you have...Just want to make sure; there's only few religion you can convert your slaves/servant etc to right now right? Will we be able to do it for every religion later?
You are talking about the Lvl 7 Misions? They are far away. I´m at day 137 and I don´t make all the bounties, usually skip the bounties lvel 1-3 (unless they tell me where they are, they are very minor affairs for a man of my status, don´t bother me, call the local cops...)Oh, just do the legendary common bounty missions, they can also give HULC parts.
And at least in v8.3h the Titans seem to be a one-time enemy, ie. they will not respawn. As location for the Titans is only rerolled (or set), if $anta1.state > 0 and the $anta1.state is only set to 1, if $anta1.state=0 and $days > 29, and defeating them will set the variable $anta1.state to -1. But then I have kept them so far alive, as they can reduce control by 1 point per day (down to 19) and the control in my game was so far always above that value (and I do like control levels below 30).
It does not make sense to randomly add modifiers to the base die roll when the game says that it's the die roll. 1d100, 2d50 and 5d20 never add up to more than 100 (though come to think of it I have seen 1's and that should not happen on 2d50), so what is actually being displayed there? On the surface it's just the die roll but you're indicating that it's more than that sometimes?FYI: Max diceroll in the Arena is (currently) 105, eventhough GD-Studio might think about increasing it (so that poor Raven does not get beat-up with 100% probability every single day in some games). In some cases for very high dicerolls there is a success malus, which usually is substracted (directly) from the chance (second number), but in some cases instead the number is added directly to the diceroll value, eventhough the second case is usually done, if the diceroll values are not displayed in the game. (Also very low diceroll often give a chance boost, ie. the modifier is increased).
This is another weird design decision, why not make all the die rolls function the same. You either want a high roll or a low one. Is this THAC0 inspired?Giving a day off is the only case I know off, where you want to have a high diceroll (regardless of the approach), in the success case the humerous "+- n" (with n being an integer) is displayed as the second number.
I figured that something like the game thinking you were just re-entering an area/menu and if there is travel time it adds that to the use time, but this seems like an oversight to me.Outside tendstim usage on the mc/pc does depend on the travel time in that district, ie. if it is 6 minutes, the tendstim usage is 6 minutes, in most cases it will be 18 minutes (as the district is either an "unsafe" district or the Palace District, where normal travel time is 18 minutes, unless you are a limper).
I was not sure what to call this stuff so I just defaulted to bug,. So maybe its just me questioning game design?Also I would not call any of your reported - which by the way show, that you are paying some attention to detail ;-) - game mechanics bugs, but I would use the word feature instead.
Which one is this? Is it the subscriber quest? Is it a normal quest? It may be one of the randomized ones. Buy a hacking computer in Redhaven's general store, bring a slave or mercenary with the trait "Techie", and hack the door.whats the door code for inhertance?
I have not looked at the code at all. It´s not my field of expertise. I play and watch and sometimes take some notes, and that´s all. And yes, I´m playing the 8.31A2, but I believe that´s it´s the same for 8.3h. I have been using this trick since 8.1? with the same results.Is that according to the game mechanics (in v8.31) or is that according to your interpretation of the (ingame) displayed texts with information about the stables (Mullers et. al)?
At least in v8.3h (but then I am pretty sure, you are using the not yet public v8.31 version) the stables can only increase discipline upto 70. And happiness increase is also capped at 70 (via the stables increases). Also the possible dexterity increase is capped at 60. Also a girl or npc gains at most 1 happiness point per day via stables. But then again this is for v8.3h, so this might have been changed in the upcoming v8.31 version.
If you go to the Economy button from the house menu, all the information is on the bottom of the page.where can I check how many battles MC fought in?
I could only was able to find the numbers in the savefile:
"mybattles", "mybattlesw", "mybattles"
And now I wonder what the difference between them?
If you are willing to "cheat" a bit by playing the game not as intended, you can enter into the console command are talking about the Lvl 7 Misions? They are far away. I´m at day 137 and I don´t make all the bounties, usually skip the bounties lvel 1-3 (unless they tell me where they are, they are very minor affairs for a man of my status, don´t bother me, call the local cops...)
What factions are worth investments (weapons, merch, money, slaves) ?Well I guess it will get changed (and might have already been changed in the alpha version), but there are (at least in v8.3h) better and more efficient ways to boost discipline to at least 50 - if you have ie. an npc with a captainskill, as you just need one guard captain with captainskill of 100+ and put all the undisciplined girls with a discipline value of below 50 on guard duty, to get a guaranteed discipline increase by 1 (allthough you should then not employ any other guards with a discipline of 50 or more, as that would decrease the discipline increase chances). If the captain skill is lower, the chance to increase the discipline value is lower.
The thing about influence is (but I guess that might be a topic of its own) that I never really care that much about influence, I care about getting enough influence (in the beginning) to be able to get to emerald island (Crystal Heights) very early and also to be able to enter the Palace District (relatively early) and then the next threshold I care about is having enough influence to purchase HULC armors (for my followers) - which btw also cost a whole lot of money - and some other items (like Revital from the Transit Dept.). Other than that the influence value only becomes interesting again, if the influence value does go into the millions (and more). And at least getting early to Crystal Heights can be done with fighting alone, ie. clearing forts, doing daily common bounty missions (that depending on flavor can give you some influence after winning the fight as you did save some persons) etc.. Meaning it is very likely that in some certain quest I will pick the extortion option (and not the other one) and it is also very likely that I will purchase from Shady Dave (if he offers the right items).
And then in my unholy opinion there are - in the long run (as there are no daily costs involved) - better ways to increase influence values (ie. getting a guaranteed daily influence gain).
But for some of them, I probably should put up a post about the current faction mechanics first (ie. donate items, that guarantee power boosts, standing increases etc.). But as a small summary Fort Sera (after quest completion) will give you (with 150 standing) 0.5 daily influence and 2 dollar per day per point of power value (which btw means that in my current game I still voluntarily miss out on over 6000 Dollar and 1500 influence from a Fort Sera with power value above 3000, as I still did not donate the 25 automatic rifles and did not donate 150000 raanic Dollar)¹ and a faction, like the Aesir Tribe, can give you (with max standing of 150) 2.5 ranic dollar and 0.5 influence per power value (per day). Granted it will take some time until investments in power value (even with donate items which guarantee a power value increase) of factions will amortize (and time to amortize are higher than ie. the normal city investments), but then you get the influence and the dollars for the rest of the game and only some conclude day (global events) can decrease the power value (ie. the events a "Powerful Blow", which reduces the power value by 50 poiunts, can only happen to a few factions like the Aesir Tribe or the Catholic Church and if I remember correctly the power value needs also to be high enough in the first place). And if you do have a standing of 100 or more (preferable 150) you will get 1/3 of the power value of that faction (unless it if Fort Sera) added to the power value of your house, in case of Fort Sera you get the power value of Fort Sera added to the power value of your house (and at least the gold income of the goldwalking of the precious daughters of the mc/pc increase with power value...). Of course at least in v8.3 you are still not able to boost the standing of many a faction above 70 (or better 71), but then some factions can be boosted above 100 (and to 150) eventhough one must not be too attached to a certain faith (if one wants to control more than one religious factions, but ie. control catholic church, the caliphate and the aesir tribes), but be willing to be an opportunist, who switches faiths (to gain control of religious factions).
ps. As far as I know you can also sign up daughters (status=9) and wives (status=10) to the stables (and give them a horse). Meaning it is not only available to convicts, slaves and servants (but to more stati).
pps. In general it is worth a consideration to give the girls/npcs the janitor job, after they have discipline 60, to give them a chance to increase the workaholic trait, as workaholics have a much easier time to reach 100 discipline than npcs (who are not workaholics) as most discipline increases are capped below 100 (eventhough via the arena it is also possible to reach 100 discipline, if I remember correctly).
¹) It would not be right to complete the Fort Sera Questline before ie. completing the currently available chapters of the Kymanto Questline ;-). And I also like the thought of the Ikaanian republic being totally unaware (and being totally ignorant) of a big military force in the Outer Marston Swamps (which might be more dangerous than all other current threats to the Ikaanian republic as they are stationed not outside of the capital but are actually festering inside near the very heart of the capital) - ie. you will currently only get global events featuring Fort Sera (like the recruting events), if the Fort Sera questline is completed.
You don't release her, you click on hopes and dreams or background until you get "Worth checking out" click on it to start her questI released Aria Bianchi to start her rebellion, but I cant find her roaming around.
Does it even work this way? How do I start her rebellion?
Also do the Wrool Cat Wranglers actually decreased the control value?
That is her quest, I did that already. Now I want her to take over Ikanos.You don't release her, you click on hopes and dreams or background until you get "Worth checking out" click on it to start her quest
Patience, it has not yet been launched at higher levels.Public release 8.31 when?