The NPC Debug which allows you to cheat only shows up in Tier 4+ htmls and htmls modded for Tier 4+ access as far as I know.
Is this your first time trying to meet her? If yes, is she the pilot of the space shuttle you rode up to the Mastersphere?
Enter this in the console:
cheatgirlname = "mae"
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( {
if (value.hasOwnProperty("girlname")) {
if (value.girlname.toLowerCase() == cheatgirlname.toLowerCase()) {
console.log(value.girlname+' identified as'+key);
cheatgirl =[key]
console.log('Modify like this: cheatgirl.age = 18');
Replace mae with the name of the girl.
To cheat her strength to 100, type in afterwards
cheatgirl.str = 100
Figure out the rest of the variables.