I only just got around to playing this, having downloaded it a week back. Flash may be dead but the curse of side-scrolling porn games seems to live on... Weak "defensive" attacks, super attacks you'll spam but run out of cos the previous attacks are pathetically useless, enemies that randomly spawn up your dick hole cos reasons and destroy your orgasm bar, enemies who float right into you despite you punching them a ton, enemies grabbing you just as you're about to finish the masturbation animation and doing MASSIVE damage to you as a result... It's that Ninja game all over again. And the witch one. And angel one.... (there was a lot...)
God, why can they never get these things right? I'm gonna refrain from reviewing cos it'd likely just end in me rambling about how these types of games are never properly balanced and how the hitboxes and grapple escapes are utter cock, but I think I'm just gonna dodge this and wait until someone posts the animations somewhere. It'll save my laptop the abuse (it crashed twice and lagged it if I clicked off or lost. I got sick of it and deleted it on my second playthrough I was that annoyed. -_- I'm not gonna spend hours trying to beat one level, I did that with the ninja one way back when, was NOT worth it)