Dear dev, I read all the comments in this thread and I am impressed that you decided to share your game with us after it has been leaked. To be fair, I had my own issues with the game, like "grinding" through every single time slot while searching for the next hint. While there is not that much content accessable yet, I spent nearly 2 hours and 2 restarts to get to the point I am on right now: I lend some money from the shark and decided which studio I want to use. Because there is (yet?) no hint about the "best use case" I decided to pick Brooklyn, because it is cheap and I am low on money. After getting all the equiptment I visited my studio and can see that the stuff is already in place. I guess that I have seen everything in Alphav0.2 right now?
Why did I spent all this time and even write something for you? Because I think that your game has huge potential, even while I do not agree with your "force the user to play without roleback to make choices matter" - but becide that:
+ Really good looking renders
+ A huge amount of different places
+ Sweet setup and nice ladies
+ Spicy background story
Things I want to mention:
- Events seem to be bound to very special time slots, mostly the rooms are empty and there is no hint where I can meet anyone.
- Some elements seem to be not thought through, like the drawer in the Living Room. All cases are highlighted but when I click on them, a buggy dialog box opens instead of the case.
- When pathing from Kitchen to Living Room I come to a room with a cabinet where nothing can be done and the room doesn't have a name. (2 random events on day 1 excluded)
- The well known issue with entering the bathroom a second time on first day. I hope you have already fixed this for the next version, because this is a huuuuge game breaker ;-)
- After practicing in basement on day 2 and 3 I am not allowed to practice on day 4 at 10:00am - it says I already have practiced that day, but later the same day, around 6:00pm I am allowed to train once.
- There is no "cancel"-option after clicking on several objects, e.g. the bathroom door. In most games MC gets at least the info that someone is using the room and gets asked if he really wants to enter. Like in RL: Do you want to enter an unknown bathroom when you can hear running water? (ofc we want, but also we want the illusion of choice! ;-)
- After leaving the house, the left door is clickable but transfer leads to Brooklyn map without further notice.
- Is there any use for the objects in the Private Convinience Store yet? If planned, please hide everything that is not neccessary, I gladly haven't saved my game after buying the stuff just to realize that I need my money and should not spend it to (yet) useless stuff.
- Clicking on "Talk" and "Shop" in the mentioned store both opens the same menu. That is a little confusing but might be solved in the next version?
- Kate's appartement: The navigation in the building is a little weird and also I do not get any information about when Kate will be meetable - Probably not implemented yet but a note about this would have been nice.
- In the Adult Store the mother's name is written wrong (Marim)
- Tthe "films" in the adult store look pretty trashy, no offence meant but if you take those out, the size of your file might decrease a lot and they do not really add anything to the game, don't they?
- When visiting the Father's House, the entrance door is highlighted but when clicked you get transfered back to the map without any further notive.
- When I buy stuff at the Adult Store I get asked who shall get it, the mentioned amount of cash gets spend but I get only 1 copy in my inventory and no information about what happened to the stuff I bought.
- As I wrote above, I already bought studio and stuff and also visited my new working place - but there is nothing I can do, also no the hint still says that I need to get a studio to work out - did I miss something?