Comics Collection Melissa N. Collection [2024-10-16] [Melissa N.]


Dec 1, 2023
I get the opportunism theory. It's plausible from a writing perspective but unsatisfying from a reader perceptive (in my opinion). I just don't like the idea that Nikos most of this as things fell perfectly into place for him. He should have not have logically believed his unrealistic desires could come true in this scenario with his niece's husband. The odds were against him and he should have known that, no matter how desperate he was.
We don't really know enough about the plan to know if it has fallen "perfectly" into place.

How could he have thought that making Andrew, an American citizen (presumably with family/friends/co-workers), just disappear and get away with it without a single issue. Which as far as we've seen, Andrew's disappearance or death (so to speak), hasn't caused any issues. There should have been more chaos and Nikos should have been doing a lot of juggling to keep what became a very complex/complicated looking scheme from easily falling apart.
Right now, as far as we the readers can tell, Marina now believes that Elena is trans, and she has left Marina for Nikos. If they divorce, that is the story she will take back to friends and family in the States. If they investigate and track down Elena in Greece, she will basically confirm this story herself. Nikos has repeatedly insisted that Elena tell him that she wants him during sex, and has made a point of not forcing himself on her. And everything else that happened was technically agreed to by Andrew, so technically, as long as no one can prove that he was roofied, there are no legal complications.

Marina is angry right now but if she goes over to see Andrew/Elena and dumps him, that's just another perfectly executed plan or stroke of good luck for Nikos and that shouldn't have realistically been foreseeable. Nikos seems to have unnatural luck and Andrew seems to unnatural misfortune. The statistical probability of the opportunities presenting themselves at just the right times with just the right unique circumstances to guarantee success is unrealistic. Yes, I understand that this is a fictional story, but if it is set in the real world without any magic/divinity/futuristic technology, then it needs to follow "real world" logic.
Remember how back in April we were all discussing how strange it was that Nikos and Sofia were flaunting Nikos' and Elena's relationship in front of Marina? How Nikos keeps kissing her in front of Marina? Almost like they were intentionally making her angry? If getting Andrew and Marina to divorce is part of the plan, then it wasn't luck. They made it happen.

Out of curiosity, I know I've expressed frustrations with this story before. At least for me, I think I would have really liked a more focused story where the method acting was introduced as the premise, rather than the reveal. Would people have been interested in/preferred that story? An actor takes on a female role in a film, and gets lost in it and it starts affecting their normal life?
That doesn't sound like a mystery. The reason why this comic is entertaining for me, and why I believe it has generated so much engagement on 8muses, here, Patreon, Discord, etc., is because there is so much we don't know that gets revealed slowly. I'm not going to pretend this is the best written story ever, but it is certainly the most community engagement I've ever participated in. It's entirely possible that your story would be better written, but I think it would mostly be enjoyed privately rather than discussing it online.

For me, it's all going to come down to the ending. I'm always willing to overlook parts of the story that seem like plot holes or dead-ended threads because I want to assume they will be tied up neatly at the end. I have, of course, been burned by this way of thinking before. Game of Thrones was my favorite show of all time up to season 6. Even after watching season 7 I was still cautiously hopeful. After finishing season 8, I fucking hate it. I'll never watch it again, and that made me really sad.


Jul 25, 2021
That doesn't sound like a mystery. The reason why this comic is entertaining for me, and why I believe it has generated so much engagement on 8muses, here, Patreon, Discord, etc., is because there is so much we don't know that gets revealed slowly. I'm not going to pretend this is the best written story ever, but it is certainly the most community engagement I've ever participated in.

For me, it's all going to come down to the ending. I'm always willing to overlook parts of the story that seem like plot holes or dead-ended threads because I want to assume they will be tied up neatly at the end. I have, of course, been burned by this way of thinking before. Game of Thrones was my favorite show of all time up to season 6. Even after watching season 7 I was still cautiously hopeful. After finishing season 8, I fucking hate it. I'll never watch it again, and that made me really sad.
Fair enough. For sure, discussion is fun. But after being burned by Game of Thrones, West World, Lost, and other shows that relied on mysteries or mystery box type engagement (like the FNAF or most of the mascot horror genre of games), I've come to the conclusion that there's very few authors that can pull it off. Also, speaking of an ending really tainting the journey: Mass Effect 3 :mad:.

At least for me, I think if a series had really good tension and stakes, then it doesn't have to employ ambiguity and speculation to be engaging. House of the Dragon really didn't have any mysteries, but those were some of the most fun discussions I've had online and in person regarding character arcs, motivations, and emotional pay offs. But that requires some really strong character writing, and usually a level of plot sophistication.


Dec 1, 2023
I've come to the conclusion that there's very few authors that can pull it off. Also, speaking of an ending really tainting the journey: Mass Effect 3 :mad:.
Heh, I was actually ok with ME3. Not the best, but I didn't mind the lack of choice as much as some people because I was fine with the way it ended (I always go with the synth ending so Joker and EDI can be together, obviously ;)). Of course ME1 is by far my favorite, story-wise. I still remember how awestruck I was when the Normandy arrives at the Citadel for the first time, and then after you dock this massive library of lore suddenly gets dumped into your codex. So good.

But yeah, the best mysteries are movies and novels because, unlike serialized television and comics, the stories are completed before the audience gets to see anything. TV writers don't seem to bother working out the solution to a mystery before introducing it to the audience. But when done well, it's so damn satisfying.

House of the Dragon really didn't have any mysteries, but those were some of the most fun discussions I've had online and in person regarding character arcs, motivations, and emotional pay offs. But that requires some really strong character writing, and usually a level of plot sophistication.
I was too depressed about Game of Thrones to even bother with House of the Dragon. It's all tainted. :(


Jun 12, 2017
This post has nothing to do with Aphrodite's Mirror but since Mass Effect was brought up, I wanted to give a shout out to a very underrated game here on F95. I have yet to play Mass Effect but I have played a game called Tales of the Drunken Cowboy - Part 1, that was heavily inspired by it. It has a female protagonist so unfortunately no feminization of the main character. It's more focused on stuff like the female main character resisting/being corrupted, mind controlled, and/or bimbofied. There is a small side quest where a male NPC can be optionally feminized but it's just one of the hundreds of side quests. The game is one of the best adult games ever made in my opinion. The story is amazing. Top notch characters, lore, mysteries, and world building. I spent at least a hundred hours exploring different routes and I can't recall ever questioning any story logic or character motivations. Part 2 is in development. I've been eagerly waiting for years for the next part. :LOL: Hopefully, we'll get to see a demo within the next year.

I was too depressed about Game of Thrones to even bother with House of the Dragon. It's all tainted. :(
Me too! :(


Dec 4, 2023
This has all been really interesting and I have really enjoyed hearing a wife range of ideas from all of you.

A couple of things - Nikos - the one big opportunity for him to possibly get some exoneration will be when we find out what and how Andrew provided to him the cover story following the surgery and his conversation with Marina in the hospital. Andrew specific tells Marina he will deal with Nikos. Up to that point, Nikos was, while a bit creepy, willing to admit this was all a hoax, after that, no. Is he just sticking strictly to what Andrew told him to do, or is there more to it?

The doctor not telling Elena about the vagina. It does seem he lied, but it seems a weird lie. You've done all sorts of permanent shit to him, including castration. Why lie about the vagina? I don't think very many people would be fooled like Elena was for more than a day or two. If I'm the doctor, I'd rather be in the position of "hey you signed all the paperwork and we did everything you asked" as opposed to "oh yeah, we really did do a reconstruction of your private parts. I forgot that part"


Jul 25, 2021
Is he just sticking strictly to what Andrew told him to do, or is there more to it?
I think this entirely depends on whether or not you believe (and how much you believe) Elena:

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For some reason, Elena thinks it's entirely plausible that Nikos gaslighting her is purely just because she told him to treat her as if she was always Elena.

This one is going to really boil down to whether or not some of the characterization was just some... careless... writing, or if the characterization was intentional, and this particular line is showing Elena's warped viewpoint.


Dec 1, 2023
This post has nothing to do with Aphrodite's Mirror but since Mass Effect was brought up, I wanted to give a shout out to a very underrated game here on F95. I have yet to play Mass Effect but I have played a game called Tales of the Drunken Cowboy - Part 1, that was heavily inspired by it. It has a female protagonist so unfortunately no feminization of the main character. It's more focused on stuff like the female main character resisting/being corrupted, mind controlled, and/or bimbofied. There is a small side quest where a male NPC can be optionally feminized but it's just one of the hundreds of side quests. The game is one of the best adult games ever made in my opinion. The story is amazing. Top notch characters, lore, mysteries, and world building. I spent at least a hundred hours exploring different routes and I can't recall ever questioning any story logic or character motivations. Part 2 is in development. I've been eagerly waiting for years for the next part. :LOL: Hopefully, we'll get to see a demo within the next year.
Heh, that sure doesn't sound anything like Mass Effect but I'll take your word for it. :ROFLMAO:

The doctor not telling Elena about the vagina. It does seem he lied, but it seems a weird lie. You've done all sorts of permanent shit to him, including castration. Why lie about the vagina? I don't think very many people would be fooled like Elena was for more than a day or two. If I'm the doctor, I'd rather be in the position of "hey you signed all the paperwork and we did everything you asked" as opposed to "oh yeah, we really did do a reconstruction of your private parts. I forgot that part"
Yeah, that's a really good point. There must be something else going on there, but I have no idea what. There were two periods of unconsciousness at the hospital though. Andrew went into surgery, was unconscious for 2 weeks, had the conversation with the doctor, and then fell unconscious for another 2 weeks. Perhaps something else was done to him during that time, after the doctor had already spoken to him once. However, the doctor also said that they decided against vaginoplasty during the first round of surgeries because Elena said she didn't want to spend months recovering, which implies that that's how long it would take to recover from vaginoplasty in this universe. That amount of time doesn't fit into the timeline unless a) the doctor was lying/mistaken about the recovery time, or b) everyone, including Marina and Angeliki, is lying to Elena about how long she was in the hospital, and she's never bothered to check what the actual date is since being discharged.

Edit: I suppose there's one other possibility, and the doctor actually meant a month. As in, 2 weeks to recover from the other surgeries + 2 weeks to recover from the vaginoplasty. In which case, perhaps the doctor assumed or was led to believe that the reason Elena fainted was not because of the shock of being feminized against her will, but because she hadn't been feminized enough, and someone in the family convinced him to bring in the specialist to perform a second surgery.
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Jul 5, 2017
Yes! I'm trying to look at the logistics of the story. One scenario is that everything had to have been methodically planned out with full confidence that everything would succeed despite how illogical most of it was. For example, what if "roofied" Andrew had ruined the business meeting (assuming it was legit)? What if "roofied" Andrew didn't agree to everything that the doctor said (assuming he was legit)? Or if the doctor had noticed that Andrew was "roofied"? The call from James to remove Marina and let Joanna interfere, was that just perfect timing and more bad luck for Andrew? If Joanna and James are working together, that points more towards this being a massive conspiracy against Andrew. Every action has worked in favor of feminizing Andrew despite how low the odds should have been if this story is free of any outside influence and if most of the characters outside of the Samaras family were unaware of the truth about what was happening to Andrew/Elena.

I don't understand why the plan couldn't have been planned and fleshed out after that first dinner. I mean, you have real life examples of serial killers, like John Wayne Glover, who didn't start serial killing until 56 years old with wife and kids. I'll even say you kind of answered your own question here: Nikos has spent years of his life trying to live a hetero-normative life and it's not worked out. He's telling his favorite story again and Andrew acts receptive to the story and when Nikos pushes the boundary by suggesting it to Andrew, Andrew is again receptive. Nikos then starts orchestrating things to push things in the direction he wants.

I dunno. To me, that background doesn't seem too far fetched. It honestly just reminds me of anytime someone is trying to come out or reveal something private about themselves to a friend/family/partner. You test the waters to see how they respond to a similar story (Andrew finds the crossdressing story hilarious), you make a suggestion and see if they'd be receptive to trying it as well. The part that gets extremely immoral is escalating it unprompted (Nikos immediately starts kissing and does a fake proposal to Elena), and then continuing to escalate without permission (all the surgeries and such).

I mean, plenty of planning is still involved. I would just argue, some of the theories regarding when the planning started would require borderline psychic levels of knowledge, where as if we narrow down and reduce how much was preplanned, I think the sequence of events can still work.
I'm a fan of the A Song of Ice and Fire books. Seeing how Game of Thrones was discussed (seriously people, watch House of the Dragon, it's excellent), one minor plotline I very much enjoy is that of King Aerys II, the Mad King. The books very much imply his dreams were invaded by a distant family member of his, Brynden Rivers aka the Bloodraven aka The Three Eyed Crow. In the world of Westeros it's possible dreams can be invaded to give the dreamer visions to steer their behaviour. Euron also had his dreams invaded and he seemingly unintentionally turns into a massive nightmare. Bran Stark has his dreams invaded and we're yet to find out how he'll get out of it. But the Mad King had his dreams invaded and that probably lead to him wanting to blow up King's Landing before Jaime stopped him.

The point is, a seemingly divine being invaded dreams to influence their life path. The reason for me earlier bringing up I think the vision in the most recent Aphrodite Mirror update occurs in the time frame where Andrew confesses to losing their mutually saved up money. If that's true, he's already seen the person who would show him his feminine side months before the actual transformation. It raises questions about the cause and effect of the feminisation:
Was Andrew steered into the feminisation process long before he even stepped foot on Greek soil? Is that why he studied those Greek words? I think the true feminisation and submissive process was started with that dream.

Building off of that premise there are a few options, given Nikos' active role in the furthering of the feminisation process:
- there is a yet to be revealed mastermind planting that dream in Andrews and Nikos' mind, which is why every part of the feminisation process is so smooth;
- Aphrodite is real, she's the mastermind planting visions in the minds of Andrew of Nikos, which is why every part of the feminisation process is so smooth;
- Nikos is the mastermind who planned this path for Andrew long before they would go to Greece and somehow planted the dream in Andrews head;
- Andrew made up Aphrodite on his own as an escape mechanism for the way he lost all his savings and Nikos abused that guilt.

The fourth of these options appears to be more in line with the one that's currently being theorycrafted, but I personally lead more towards the first three ones. It explains Andrew as a character much better for me. I think he's being subliminally programmed to accept the changes. No roofies, just someone forcing this change via an Inception style dream invasion.


Jun 12, 2017
I mean, we already know the daughters are on board with this.
Remember how back in April we were all discussing how strange it was that Nikos and Sofia were flaunting Nikos' and Elena's relationship in front of Marina? How Nikos keeps kissing her in front of Marina? Almost like they were intentionally making her angry? If getting Andrew and Marina to divorce is part of the plan, then it wasn't luck. They made it happen.
Again, I want to know why! :LOL: I need to see what is motivating them. I've seen the theories about them possibly hating Marina or being jealous but it's really hard to feel that vibe from the information that we've been given. If we find out in the upcoming chapters... awesome! If the story ends without any answers, I'm going to feel disappointed. :(

All that is to say, my impression of your criticisms feels more like "Andrew doesn't make sense as a character", which I would generally agree with.
It's not just Andrew, nobody else makes sense as a character. :ROFLMAO: I'm struggling to relate to any of them.

Nikos - I don't understand his sexuality. He didn't appear to be gay since he didn't try to have sex with Andrew when he was in guy mode. He didn't go after Andrew when he was crossdressing, so that didn't seem to be what turned him on. He only had sex with Andrew after the surgeries that made Andrew into a "real" woman. So, Nikos seemed to only be physically attracted to a woman's body. Right? That's why he wasn't fucking Andrew prior to the surgeries. If the main kink that Nikos has is that he wanted to fuck a young man trapped in a older woman's body, he doesn't seem to really be fetishizing that. Maybe his inner thoughts are full of mocking comments about stealing away Andrew's youth and manhood, but we as readers are not seeing any signs of that.

The daughters - I'm baffled as to how Nikos could have convinced them that this was a good idea.

Joanna - What's her motivation? What's with the double identity? If she is working for/with Nikos and is married to Gjoka, then he should have known from her and/or Nikos about Marina being married to Andrew not James. So, was the bar scene just an acting job to get James into the equation and start to drive a wedge between Andrew and Marina? That's some really complex planning. If not, it was pure luck how it worked out.

Marina - ????????? :ROFLMAO:

I jokingly mentioned that maybe the story is just two warring goddesses. It would certainly answer some of the weirdness that happens in the story. But would that really be any more satisfying? There's basically no foreshadowing on that being the case. Andrew would still be a boring character, and would generally remove the (already little) agency of the characters involved.
I like the warring goddesses idea! :love: Aphrodite versus Marina aka Discord. Melissa did post one or two Aphrodite GIFs from Xena, so there is a chance. :giggle: Personally, I would love it but I agree that something like that should be foreshadowed.

Out of curiosity, I know I've expressed frustrations with this story before. At least for me, I think I would have really liked a more focused story where the method acting was introduced as the premise, rather than the reveal. Would people have been interested in/preferred that story? An actor takes on a female role in a film, and gets lost in it and it starts affecting their normal life?
Yes, I would have been interested if this had been like a mix of Tropic Thunder and The Truman Show. That would be quite a shocking reveal. Maybe in chapter 30 we could get a style twist at the very end.

We don't really know enough about the plan to know if it has fallen "perfectly" into place.
True! I'm assuming that everything has fallen "perfectly" into place because I haven't seen what is going on behind the curtain. Nikos hasn't shown any signs of worry or stress. His calm and relaxed appearance just gives off the vibe that everything is going his way.

Right now, as far as we the readers can tell, Marina now believes that Elena is trans, and she has left Marina for Nikos. If they divorce, that is the story she will take back to friends and family in the States. If they investigate and track down Elena in Greece, she will basically confirm this story herself. Nikos has repeatedly insisted that Elena tell him that she wants him during sex, and has made a point of not forcing himself on her. And everything else that happened was technically agreed to by Andrew, so technically, as long as no one can prove that he was roofied, there are no legal complications.
I'll agree with that being feasible but damn that would be an unsatisfying ending. :cry: Basically, Nikos would get the victory because Marina was a complete fool and Andrew was the perfect victim. Andrew's story arc would basically boil down to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. As far as legal stuff goes, American documents need to be filled out for Andrew's transition into Elena. I think a date of birth can actually be changed by a judge. I think Charo (famous musician) did that, maybe? Elena would legally need to immigrate to Greece. Right now, Elena is an illegal immigrant using a fake ID. If the ID isn't fake and Andrew has replaced a previous Elena, then we need to come with some new theories. :D

The point is, a seemingly divine being invaded dreams to influence their life path. The reason for me earlier bringing up I think the vision in the most recent Aphrodite Mirror update occurs in the time frame where Andrew confesses to losing their mutually saved up money. If that's true, he's already seen the person who would show him his feminine side months before the actual transformation. It raises questions about the cause and effect of the feminisation:
Was Andrew steered into the feminisation process long before he even stepped foot on Greek soil? Is that why he studied those Greek words? I think the true feminisation and submissive process was started with that dream.
I agree with you! I feel like "Aphrodite" was in Andrew's mind before he arrived in Greece.

Building off of that premise there are a few options, given Nikos' active role in the furthering of the feminisation process:
- there is a yet to be revealed mastermind planting that dream in Andrews and Nikos' mind, which is why every part of the feminisation process is so smooth;
- Nikos is the mastermind who planned this path for Andrew long before they would go to Greece and somehow planted the dream in Andrews head;
I like this! I'm reminded of one of my favorite TV shows - Farscape. In particular, I'm thinking about the storyline with Scorpius and Harvey. Spoilers -

-Aphrodite is real, she's the mastermind planting visions in the minds of Andrew of Nikos, which is why every part of the feminisation process is so smooth;
:love: Aphrodite the Goddess being real is one of the best ways to plug up the plot holes and one of the few ways that Elena and Nikos can have a happy ending together without Nikos coming across as a villain to some of us fans. From a story telling perspective, in this situation, magic is the best way for someone like Melissa to make a nerd like me shut up. :LOL:

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Jul 25, 2021
Again, I want to know why! :LOL: I need to see what is motivating them.
I want to be clear: I ALSO want to know why! I ALSO want to know their motivations! But that's an issue with poor characterization, which is more of a criticism of the writing and presentation, not a litmus test on whether a theory on the story is or isn't correct. We can (and hopefully we will) still get characterization and explanations of why people are doing what they're doing. But given the shallow characterization, if the only answer is that everyone behaves like wooden board because they're just being puppeted by a godlike entity... I mean while that is an answer, I feel like that's kinda similar to when people criticize a game for having bad controls or bad menu system, and the creators respond that "it's bad on purpose for immersion reasons". Like... that might be true and might have some artistic merit... but being bad on purpose isn't exactly praiseworthy, right ;)?

Or at the very least, for it to be satisfying to me, than you at least have to have some characters be well written and contrast the bland ones to hint that the reason why these people aren't acting "right" is because of outside influence. A variation of this would be the episode of Star Trek Enterprise: Observer Effect. Two godlike entities possess various members of the Enterprise crew to observe how they react to facing a plague. Throughout the episode, they possess different people, and there's a noticeable change in the way they act since they've been possessed. Something like that could have been really compelling, where you can pick up some clues as to who is being manipulated. But we really haven't seen any hints to anything that nuanced.

He didn't go after Andrew when he was crossdressing, so that didn't seem to be what turned him on.
GREECE68.png GREECE70.png GREECE77.png GREECE139.png

Proposes to Andrew and kisses him (with increasing intimacy) 3 times in the same night. That doesn't raise any red flags? He's quite clearly enjoying the power dynamic.

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Some of the stuff could just be sex talk. But it's all really commanding and demanding submission.

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And especially something like this. For pretending that Elena isn't Andrew, this is pretty explicitly telling Andrew to give up and stay Elena forever.

I dunno. There's enough of a running theme with how Nikos behaves, it feels like some kind of cross of a feminization/identity death/twinning fetish, with a bit of dominance sprinkled in.

Like, look at this response he has to when Elena still has signs that she's resisting being Elena:

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He's disappointed. He's obsessed with Elena being Elena (hence my mention of an identity death fetish). He's not interested in lording over and taunting Andrew over the male life he's lost. He's getting off on successfully killing an identity. As to how he's so sure he can pull it off: we have to see.

And maybe you're right that the only solution is magical. I'd still say it needs foreshadowing, but I could see an argument made that Nikos prays to Aphrodite, and she's answering his prayers. Because fundamentally, Nikos has been the only winner in this whole story. But if that does end up being the reveal, that doesn't make Nikos any less of a monster.

From a story telling perspective, in this situation, magic is the best way for someone like Melissa to make a nerd like me shut up. :LOL:
I'm gonna flip this around: If this whole thing was just goddess Aphrodite feminizing someone, would that really be a satisfying answer considering there's no clear motivations here? What is Aphrodite's relationship with any of these characters that makes that satisfying? What connection does she have with Andrew that feminizing him into Elena worthwhile? Why give Nikos seemingly everything he wants? Why put Marina through this torture?

It would literally be a deus ex machina. Effectively saying that the plot is so broken that the only answer to the questions of the plot is that god/magic/"it's all a dream" is at play. Those types of stories can work. In Batman the Animated Series, Over The Edge where Batgirl dreams that she dies, and Commissioner Gordon starts hunting Batman in a destructive way is an amazing episode because it deepens and progresses our understanding of Barbara's loyalties, as well as forces the watcher to consider some of the possible scenarios that could make the series incredibly dark. Perchance to Dream has Batman dream about if he'd never lost his parents and the story utilizes the fact that it's a dream to showcase Batman's mental endurance and determination. These kinds of stories can be satisfying, but the purpose needs to be beyond just being the twist of the story.

You compare early Shyamalan movies like Sixth Sense, where knowing the twist actually makes rewatching it interesting as you spot threads you didn't realize before (or West World season 1), compared to Shyamalan twists like Signs (or Westworld Season 2), where the twists doen't really add to the plot and might even make the story make less sense.

That's where I really struggle with adding a strong magical element. We're so far into the story and if we had an explaination that this was from magical influence, to me that just raises all sorts of questions as to why was magic able to do X but not Y? Like, let's say that Sofia and Eva are magically on board with this feminization due to this goddess's influence. So why not Marina? Like... I'll be honest: if there really was no one on Andrew's side at all, if this was written a bit like a horror story where everyone Andrew encounters gaslights him, even the one person he thought he could trust starts behaving like he was always Elena, then that would actually be narratively compelling to me if the reveal was that he was being tormented by a god. Kinda like that horror movie, Smile.

But we really haven't had that kind of build up.

Or on the flip side, if there was no magical elements, I would personally love it if the story was about how Nikos and the daughter's enterprise isn't hotels, but a professional feminization service. It would explain why they have these resources, contacts, and confidence to pull this off. But just like the "done by a goddess", while we have some elements of this (Eva and Sofia having these prosthetics on hand, this really sketchy doctor with some very specific medical procedures available), we really haven't built up any of that either. We've had no other victims foreshadowed, no concurrent feminizations happening, etc.

I think the Game of Thrones comparison is interesting because it does feel like an apt analogy. Going into the 8th season, there were some massive questions people had. Really, two big ones: How do they stop the Night's King and his army of white walkers, and who rules Westeros after all is said and done? I think every one of us was highly skeptical that Season 8 could deliver when it was announced to only have 6 episodes. Those are questions requiring massive payoffs, and how do you deliver on 7 seasons of build up with just 6 episodes?

In their case, the answer was that they couldn't. Hell, George RR Martin is still struggling with the second to last book, never mind the last book. Getting all the pieces in place, foreshadowing them, and delivering on that ending is fucking hard. And we're at a point where Mirror is long enough. I love these discussions, but does anyone want Mirror to go on an additional 3000 pages? Probably not. So I think we're all seeing that the ending is in sight, and there's already some signs that we might need to temper some of our expectations. At least, that's how I've been feeling (especially after the "plot exposition/clarification" chapter).


Jul 25, 2021
Kinda sounds like a nice idea. An actor taking on a female role for a series or movie and losing themself in it, while becoming famous like that and getting deeper and deeper into the feminization. Might yoink that plot in the far far future.
Please, by all means! If I may offer a suggestion/idea: the movie is an action one. Maybe a superhero one, or an anime adaptation. Or an original story, but regardless has a female action lead. The perfect stunt double though happens to be a man. Plot could have the stunt double be cast since he seems so perfect for the role. Or the actual lead act like a total primadonna and get into legal issues, requiring them to find a new lead. Regardless, our protagonist gets acting coaches, and other coaches leading them down a path of feminization.


Dec 1, 2023
Kinda sounds like a nice idea. An actor taking on a female role for a series or movie and losing themself in it, while becoming famous like that and getting deeper and deeper into the feminization. Might yoink that plot in the far far future.
Sounds a bit like...


Edit: Actually, now that I think of it, Emory Ahlberg just started up her own riff on this concept on Patreon called "Anywhere But Boring". It's about a male actor who's having trouble breaking into the industry and auditions for a character in a TV series who is supposed to be a prom king type at the start and then comes out as trans and transitions during the story. While trying to win the part, he tells the casting director that he is trans, but hasn't started transitioning yet. He gets cast and figures the show will probably get cancelled quickly but might be good exposure for his career anyway, but the show is a hit and his character in particular becomes a breakout star. So he... kinda commits to it. Seems interesting so far but it's not finished. Currently on part 3 of 5. Sort of a short story.
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Dec 1, 2023
Cant have shit in 2024! :mad:
Eh, whatever...
Rebirths idea is way better anyway.
There's really no original ideas anymore. But that's ok, it's more about execution on those ideas anyway :ROFLMAO:.
Haha, whoops... sorry, I wasn't trying to discourage. But rebirth095 is right, it's about the execution. Just because the concept isn't unique doesn't mean the finished story can't be.

But also, if anyone wanted to read a story like this that's available right now, TGT's The Actor is not bad. The main character is an actor who wins a part that employs this high-tech sci-fi VR setup, so he's playing a woman in a virtual environment that is indistinguishable from reality. And while the movie isn't pornography exactly, it does require him to have real sex with male actors. His immersion in the role causes mental/emotional changes that carry over to the real world, and at some point there's actually a malfunction in the technology that causes physical changes to carry over to the real world. Oh yeah, and he's married to a very supportive and loving straight woman, so there's a lot of emotional drama to navigate on that side.
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Jun 12, 2017
I remember an interesting stunt double story but I'm not sure that many of you are into animal transformations. :whistle: :LOL:

Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 22-38-56 Fictionmania Contains Super Search Results.png


Dec 22, 2023
Haha, whoops... sorry, I wasn't trying to discourage. But rebirth095 is right, it's about the execution. Just because the concept isn't unique doesn't mean the finished story can't be.
True. And authors always bring in their own distinct style of story telling and visual cinematography or whatever its called with them. I for one can see a lot of degen stuff happen in my vision within the first 200 pages. Consideirng how showbusiness works, I could add at least 1-2 sex scenes early on. :KEK:


Jul 25, 2021
The main character is an actor who wins a part that employs this high-tech sci-fi VR setup, so he's playing a woman in a virtual environment that is indistinguishable from reality. And while the movie isn't pornography exactly, it does require him to have real sex with male actors. His immersion in the role causes mental/emotional changes that carry over to the real world, and at some point there's actually a malfunction in the technology that causes physical changes to carry over to the real world. Oh yeah, and he's married to a very supportive and loving straight woman, so there's a lot of emotional drama to navigate on that side.
I've enjoyed similar premises. "The mind makes it real" can be quite fun. I really enjoyed the Sword Art Online doujin by Imitation Moon, where the female characters get corrupted inside VR, and then they force Kirito to enter VR as a female avatar and feminize him mentally as well as physically.

I'm always interested in stories where people are transformed into characters from IPs. One of the ones that I'm working on and debating about turning into a series (to cover other franchises) is a VR story where a beta tester for Overwatch VR accidentally taps into some developer settings, which unlocks a lot of tactile settings that weren't intended for normal game use. As such, he's able to sexually play around as the female characters when in the spawn room. Things start bleeding into the real world (although I hadn't worked out what I wanted to do with the real world side yet. Been having too much fun with the VR side of things and playing around with the different characters and costumes).
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