Comics Collection Melissa N. Collection [2024-10-23] [Melissa N.]


Jul 25, 2021
I agree with you on most of this. Which is why I think it's possible that it is only one of Andrew or Marina involved. Then the initial meeting dinner makes sense. I'm betting on Andrew (Andrews attempt to learn Greek beforehand comes in mighty handy here)
I think the problem is, what's the con here? How does Andrew get paid?

As far as I can tell, there's two "paydays" here. Either you're trying to con Nikos out of money. Or you're trying to con Toska. Toska is merely a matter of staying on his good side, which is what kicked off the feminization. As far as we can tell, this really was impromptu. We have Nikos' inner thoughts that do seem to show that feminizing Andrew was upon hearing that he has acting skills.


I'll note, I'm still in the camp of "everything is Nikos' fault". To me, this scene just suggests that I was wrong in some of my theories that Nikos was preplanning the feminization even before the trip, but rather Nikos started manipulating things when he realized he had an opportunity to entrap Andrew.

But going back to the earlier point... Andrew (or Marina) still need to be able to get that money. So if feminization wasn't part of that plan (we can generally also rule out Marina having conspired with Nikos to feminize Andrew and getting a payout, for the previous discussion that was had about Marina being in on the feminization all along), then what was the plan?

To be honest, I don't think there was a con involved. Nor do I think Marina and Andrew are "on the run". They're really casual in all the earlier scenes, and at no point does the stress cause them to slip up about having fears outside of the current plot. I think that maybe at worse, Marina and Andrew lost all their money but are still barely making ends meet.

I had completely forgot: Marina's a (fledgling) journalist:


I'm assuming that features into the plot somewhere? Maybe that will be a part of that flashback then? Like, Andrew was doing something thinking he was helping Marina's career, but really screwed it up. Which might also explain why Marina was more willing to forgive him for losing their life savings.


Dec 1, 2023
I think the problem is, what's the con here? How does Andrew get paid?

The best I can come up with is that they're working with Toska. Nikos invests his own cash into a fake deal and they take the money and run. But then if Toska is a real businessman, why would he help Andrew and Marina? And if he's a con artist, how would Seferi have had previous dealings with him? Maybe he's not the real Toska, but an imposter. But then how much does Joel know and who is he really working for?

Like I said before, there are a lot of holes in this theory and it probably won't pan out unless there's some crazy unknown factors to connect the dots. Then again, there are still many unknowns in this comic. Joanna, James, Fillip, Dimitra and Stefanos, this new inspector guy...

Alicia Mae

Dec 13, 2023
It’s possible they weren’t there to con Nikos, but to ask him outright for money. He was generous to gift them a honeymoon trip. Perhaps he’d loan them some extra cash to keep them afloat while they rebuild savings. $10k is a drop in the bucket to a man as wealthy as he.

Then the “opportunity” of feminization arises. Andrew stands to gain several thousand dollars for his role (I think 30k is the number?)- He sees this as a crucial chance at redemption. Now they don’t have to grovel, he can earn them a ton of cash, and he can put his acting skills to use. He can really prove himself in one quick evening...Or two… or 20… or 200 ;)

My hypothesis is that Mr. Orlov is the one who scammed Andrew out of their savings. A con man acting coach, or scheming fake agent- He promised Andrew his dreams and made off with their money when Andrew shared banking info. Or he convinced Andrew to spend 30k on expensive acting lessons, believing it would would pay for itself quickly once he is a world famous movie star.


Jun 12, 2017
Andrew stands to gain several thousand dollars for his role (I think 30k is the number?)
$30,000 USD or EUR is correct. I'm speculating that was like a 10% cut of the deal, so the total deal with Mr. Toska might have been worth $300k. Kind of a small amount that wouldn't even cover the costs for the surgeries. :unsure: I would guesstimate that the surgery expenses are probably over a million dollars.
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Dec 4, 2023
How about this:
Andrew not only lost their money but even owes more, gambling perhaps. He needs to get out of town, Nikos offers his niece the trip. BUT the Albanians are the one Andrew is in trouble with ( he doesn't know this). Nikos finds out that the Albanians are looking for Andrew before they arrive and comes up with his crazy scheme to hide Andrew.
Both Seferi and bald guy are looking specifically for Andrew. I think it's decently possible the police inspector is as well. There should be a reason why.


Dec 5, 2023
How about this:
Andrew not only lost their money but even owes more, gambling perhaps. He needs to get out of town, Nikos offers his niece the trip. BUT the Albanians are the one Andrew is in trouble with ( he doesn't know this). Nikos finds out that the Albanians are looking for Andrew before they arrive and comes up with his crazy scheme to hide Andrew.
Both Seferi and bald guy are looking specifically for Andrew. I think it's decently possible the police inspector is as well. There should be a reason why.
there has to be a reason that the Albanians were looking for Andrew and why he allowed himself to be disguised as Elena so easily. He mouthed his unhappiness at what the daughters were doing but he could have just hopped on a plane back to the USA with the 30K Nikos paid him for being Elena at the dinner. If Andrew goes back to the states Nikos could say Elena went to stay with relatives in the USA. It's not like Elena has been involved closely in any of Nikos's negociations with the Albanian. having stayed on in greece the simple procedure the girls wanted turned out to be a whole raft of procedures and it seems that after drinking white or rose wine Andrew feels more at ease with being Elena to the extent that he makes love to Nikos.
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Jul 25, 2021
But let's not lose sight of a couple of things.

1) If Nikos really is this rich, if Andrew/Marina are there to ask for money, then they could have just done so at any time. But neither of them ever broach the topic of being compensated. Nikos is the one that casually alludes to it. And neither Marina nor Andrew focus on the monetary side in their reactions to the idea:

GREECE25.png GREECE26.png GREECE27.png

In fact, the topic of money is so far from their minds, it doesn't even seem like Andrew asked how much money he'd be rewarded for being feminized. When Nikos brings up the $30,000, Andrew reacts like it's the first time he's heard it:

GREECE66.png GREECE67.png

2) If Andrew still owes money, then this "past" issue isn't really resolved, right? It's one thing if Andrew messed up, got scammed for a bunch of money, and they've lost the money but Marina forgives him, believing it's a one time thing. It's another if they're still in the hole and they're still under pressure. We've seen what that looks like: Andrew under stress ends up fucking Nikos. Marina when feeling betrayed by Andrew grew spiteful. It's hard to reconcile how casual their behavior at the start of this series is if they had some kind of threat looming over them.

Nikos finds out that the Albanians are looking for Andrew before they arrive and comes up with his crazy scheme to hide Andrew.
3) Remember that based on Nikos' inner thoughts, the idea of feminizing Andrew was a spur of the moment thing:


Nikos reacts genuinely as if he's discovering that Andrew would take on "any role" for the first time.

Really, we had some major aspects spelled out to us that we should keep in mind:


Seferi told Elena that Toska was after Andrew, but there's no evidence that's true. Assuming Marina's telling the truth (which I do think she is), then even if she was followed in Crete, it's on Seferi's words that this was done on Toska's orders.

Considering Seferi is working on the same side as Joel, why should we trust his words?

The major story bits we're fed by Joel:

GREECE667.png GREECE668.png GREECE669.png

and by Seferi:

GREECE395.png GREECE396.png GREECE397.png GREECE398.png GREECE1030.png GREECE1035.png

Which we find out really is all bullshit:
GREECE418.png GREECE419.png GREECE1198.png GREECE1199.png GREECE1200.png

Looking at the broad picture, I think this flashback revelation is more about answering something we've discussed before: is there any reason for the family to want Andrew out of the picture? Andrew losing Marina's life savings is something I could buy as making him not "worthy" for Marina.

Basically, as far as I can tell, the idea that Albanians are after Andrew is an entire fabrication to gaslight Elena into believing there's a threat to the family, so that she continues to act like Elena. For some reason, Elena being Nikos' wife is key to Seferi and Joel's plan. Either because that's the end goal, or the means to the end goal.

If it's the end goal, then to me, the person that benefits the most is Nikos and it makes the most sense to me that all of this is something that was orchestrated by Nikos once he realized there was an opportunity to feminize Andrew. My working timeline is now:

- Andrew lost a bunch of money, making him look like a loser.
- Nikos wasn't initially planning on doing anything to Andrew, but decided to test the waters and see how Andrew looked as Elena.
- Nikos liked what he saw, and at dinner, he improvised the whole thing about breaking Joel's glasses. (This explains why later on, Joel rather smugly says that the glasses gave him and Seferi this opportunity)


- Nikos paid Joanna (Gjoka's wife if Joel is to believed) to help Elena with the role. I'm assuming Nikos does want to land the deal with Toska, so getting that contract is goal 1. Feminized Andrew is more a cherry on top. Hence why Joanna shows up in a restroom that should have been off limits to guests.
- After Andrew accidentally commits to staying as Elena longer, Nikos pays off Joel, Seferi, and Gjoka to help create this narrative to entrap Andrew. They might not even be aware Elena's connection to Andrew. Maybe they just think Nikos has the money and is controlling of his wife. Regardless, from their perspective they see it as a win-win. Nikos lands his contract by appealing to Toska's old sensibilities by "scaring straight" Elena to being the obedient wife. Nikos pays off these men.
- All the feminizing we've seen since then is just playing into this fictional narrative. When in actuality, there's no real threat here.


Jul 5, 2017
My read of the latest update appears to be different from most. We see Elena asleep in the current day, a dream and Andrew wake up in the past. From what I see here, most people assume the dream happens today, but I read it as Andrew having that dream in the past and waking up from it in the past. The dream is about Andrew deserving punishment and when he wakes up we see why he deserves punishment.

As for who the person is in the dream, a link with the Aphrodite dream has been suggested before. I think if we put page 971 and 1384: 14.jpg


I think they're the same person. And if we go back to the first time we see Aphrodite, Andrew says on page 972 "I know you! Yes, I... I've created you! I remember now!"

I believe the dream sequence we get in the latest update is the creation he talked about. And if this indeed the first time Andrew encounters Aphrodite, the first steps of his feminisation have been set even before the wedding of Marina and Andrew. If his mind was indeed massaged into embracing the feminisation it would explain why he never really fought back when in Greece. So while he had money problems (they end up getting married, so it's probably resolved somehow), he didn't go through it because of the money offered. He went through it because he was somehow manipulated into embracing it via his dreams.


Dec 1, 2023
Joel said that Joanna is Gjoka's wife? I'm not remembering that.

- Andrew lost a bunch of money, making him look like a loser.
- Nikos wasn't initially planning on doing anything to Andrew, but decided to test the waters and see how Andrew looked as Elena.
- Nikos liked what he saw, and at dinner, he improvised the whole thing about breaking Joel's glasses. (This explains why later on, Joel rather smugly says that the glasses gave him and Seferi this opportunity)
This would fit with the demeaning pet names that Nikos uses for Elena during sex. "My horny little wife", "My little slut", etc. This could be interpreted as just normal dirty talk, but it could also be that Nikos gets off on demeaning a "loser" like Andrew, if your theory is correct. The "horny/slut" bit would be especially fitting if Andrew had cheated on Marina at some point in the past, which still remains to be seen.

In other news, those of you who have been anxious for Nick to finally go to Korea will be pleased with the latest K-pop preview:
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Dec 22, 2023
- After Andrew accidentally commits to staying as Elena longer, Nikos pays off Joel, Seferi, and Gjoka to help create this narrative to entrap Andrew. They might not even be aware Elena's connection to Andrew. Maybe they just think Nikos has the money and is controlling of his wife. Regardless, from their perspective they see it as a win-win. Nikos lands his contract by appealing to Toska's old sensibilities by "scaring straight" Elena to being the obedient wife. Nikos pays off these men.
- All the feminizing we've seen since then is just playing into this fictional narrative. When in actuality, there's no real threat here.
If Seferi and Joel are Nikos minions, why did Seferi shoot Joel with a pistol?
That scene really escalated things beyond the possibility of scamming anyone, punishing Andrew/forcing him into becoming Elena or something similar.


Dec 1, 2023
I completely forgot about that. :oops: I guess I just discounted that information because it came from Joel. :LOL:
Allegedly came from Joel. We never actually see that part of the conversation, which I find slightly odd. He's about to tell Andrew about Joanna, and then the next page suddenly skips ahead 5 minutes:
ch18-0803.png ch18-0804.png

Then we get the page I pasted in my previous post where Andrew recalls verbatim what Joel just told him. IMO, this is a way more ham-fisted way to present that information to the reader than simply showing the conversation and letting Joel deliver the exposition directly. So why skip over that 5 minutes? If you really wanted to dive down a rabbit hole... maybe Andrew hallucinated that part of the conversation. We already know he has more than a few screws loose. And there was also the much earlier scene where Eva and Sofia just miss seeing Joanna in the distance when Andrew tries to point her out... if Joanna was even there at all... She wasn't captured on any of the surveillance footage that Joel recovered, and the only other person who has seen her besides Andrew is Dimitra, but under a different name (and sans bandages... and she denies having met Elena before).
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Dec 4, 2023
If Seferi and Joel are Nikos minions, why did Seferi shoot Joel with a pistol?
That scene really escalated things beyond the possibility of scamming anyone, punishing Andrew/forcing him into becoming Elena or something similar.
The shooting scene shows they are in this together - it also revealed that Joel's glasses are props (and somehow important); and that they don't seem to know Elena is Andrew; but they did seem to know she is not really Nikos' wife; that they believe her ultimate fate is not good; and that they are manipulating her into doing something, I guess getting attached to Nikos.

Earlier on Seferi indicates that Mrs Samaras is the best candidate for their plan, so whatever they are after doesn't seem to be focused on her, but rather the family, or just Nikos(?). Is the plan to take down Nikos and his business? That would be bad for Elena. Are they planning on somehow replacing Elena,bit exposing her as a fake to somehow take down Nikos?

I assume they have fed Elena bad information - but there's a lot - toska is bad. Gjoka is bad, Joanna is gjoka's wife, other stuff I forget.


Jul 25, 2021
If Seferi and Joel are Nikos minions, why did Seferi shoot Joel with a pistol?
That scene really escalated things beyond the possibility of scamming anyone, punishing Andrew/forcing him into becoming Elena or something similar.
We haven't seen the "payoff" to Joel being shot yet. But, Seferi spells out that this is to get Elena to stop questioning things:

GREECE1203.png GREECE1205.png

I think the most straightforward explanation is:

They were hired to gaslight Elena. I believe this is being paid for by Nikos, but regardless of the person paying them, they've been paid to weave this elaborate fantasy to keep Elena obedient.

Seferi believes Joel has been too careless with the details he reveals and thus needs to re-establish trust with Elena. So I'm assuming what's going to happen is Seferi is going to frame Joel's shooting as part of this conspiracy:

"See Elena! See how dangerous Toska is? They shot Joel! Those bastards! You better keep sucking Nikos's dick. That'll keep those assassins off your back!"


Dec 4, 2023
A question:
Before Joel gets plugged by Seferi, he complains that Seferi messed up and Elena "almost forced Marina to..."
The obvious thing is to say what happened to Folio, which Marina is about to until Elena floats into Dreamland suddenly.
BUT! how does Joel know this! Are they bugging Elena's hospital room? If so, why don't they know Elena is Andrew? Is Marina in cahoots with them?


Joel is referring to something else besides Filip


Jul 5, 2017
I'm very glad Melissa uploaded pdf files for the current running stories on her Patreon. Because of the file size for the Aphrodite's Mirror pdf being a limiting factor for Patreon uploads and that being a factor on Mediafire I've merged the two files and uploaded it, just like A K-Pop Idol and included them in the OP.


Jul 25, 2021
A question:
Before Joel gets plugged by Seferi, he complains that Seferi messed up and Elena "almost forced Marina to..."
The obvious thing is to say what happened to Folio, which Marina is about to until Elena floats into Dreamland suddenly.
BUT! how does Joel know this! Are they bugging Elena's hospital room? If so, why don't they know Elena is Andrew? Is Marina in cahoots with them?


Joel is referring to something else besides Filip
So the reality is that we don't know. This is a mystery we simply haven't been given enough information to know the answer. Actually... Now that I'm going through it again, I've realized I jumbled up the timeline in my head. I kept thinking Seferi and Joel met "in the past", so that whatever Elena asked Marina to do could have only happened at the hospital. But that's not true. Seferi and Joel meet "in the present". We know this because after the hospital, Elena meets with Joel at dinner, and that's the conversation Seferi is angry at Joel about.

Unfortunately, this means whatever Joel is referring to about Marina's "mission" could take place anywhere inside the missing time period, not just the hospital scene.