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Nov 11, 2017
We are a federation of independent States that have granted a limited amount of authority, including foreign relations and defense, to the federal government. ANYTHING not specifically granted to said federal government in the Constitution is something the States can legally tell the government to "piss off!" over - except, of course, in cases where a partisan Supreme Court chooses political expediency over the Constitution and exceeds its authority by MAKING law instead of ENFORCING law, "interpreting" the Constitution instead of following it. (Or where ego-maniacal nutbars issue outrageous "Executive Orders" and generally act the fool enough to almost make me consider voting Democrat!)

If the Federal government had much more authority than it is granted by the Constitution and, thus, the States far less, THEN we would be more like provinces.

However, we've journeyed too far off-topic now and need to abort this conversation before the mods decide to slap us (or, more probably, just me) down for it.
Some subsets of people in the USA consistently offer a hackneyed complaint about judges "making law" (at least, when decisions go against their desires), but , i.e.,

As common law courts, U.S. courts have inherited the principle of stare decisis. American judges, like common law judges elsewhere, not only apply the law, they also make the law, to the extent that their decisions in the cases before them become precedent for decisions in future cases.
RustyV was correct: the Supremacy Clause is important and inevitable clashes between how state (which are essentially like sovereign bodies within the nation) and federal laws are interpreted and especially enforced ... will naturally occur. Federal always trumps state, in theory. But practice is funny and interpretation + situation matters - just as the subtle roles that justices offer at various levels to decide upon relevance and meaning from law in any given case before them, how federal and state legal matters complement and intersect is grey. Grey realities are seen as messy and randomly inconsistent to some people, but it's the natural human state.

How does this impact Melody? Not sure, honestly.

Oh, and to batten down another couple of noisy points . . . we're not just a collection of states in a federal container: depending upon where in a given state you live, there can be a combination of state/county/city/town courts, practices, interpretations and applications of law which apply to your specific situation (or not). There's layers upon layers that overlap with different missions meant to support the overall whole, but which can still cause clashes and coordination issues.

As to your claims about "Slick Willy" and the WTO, it again matters that rather than specious, ideological claims muddy our conversations:

The broad-gauged trade agreements entered into by the United States in the 1990s—the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement, and the multilateral trade agreements that a country must accept as a condition of WTO membership—were negotiated by the President and submitted to Congress under the terms of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 (OTCA) and the Trade Act of 1974. The OTCA provided the President with authority to negotiate and enter into tariff and nontariff trade barrier (NTB) agreements until June 1, 1993, authority that was later extended to April 15, 1994, in order to complete the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Uruguay Round.1
Again, how does this impact Melody? We were talking about ages allowed in various jurisdictions for high school enrollment, I believe . . . last I knew, President Clinton was not in this game.


Feb 20, 2019
I think you guys have veered way off topic of the game.
Indeed. Also, who gives a flying fuck, yawn politics.

For my next playthrough, I'll name the MC 'Rhythm'. Because of obvious reasons.
Female MC would be Aria. She'd be a ninja-assassin-ghost kind of thing - just filling out some backstory by ripping of 'Play of Chairs', with a generous Koko-cameo as a random Bannister (very) camp soldier.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
If Bill Clinton was able to be President again....AMERICA WOULD BE GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
Hey , he fucked a couple interns and messed up a dress after a blow job.... Never put the COUNTRY at risk!!!


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
^ I would actually like to see a game where the MC was a president of a country and seduces his/her interns and other world leaders.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
^ I would actually like to see a game where the MC was a president of a country and seduces his/her interns and other world leaders.
That would be cool really..Hell , have Trump buttfuck Putin already... loves him enough!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
Back to topic. Since Mel and M.C. did the deed. Why not have Sohpia and Amy come in the room right after Mel squirts all over his dick, then double blowjob
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New Member
Feb 28, 2019
That "innocence" of D turned out to be entirely on purpose as part of the storyline (per revelations in Chapter 2, especially the latest installment) - it was something she was meant to overcome, IMHO.

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Yea I agree having played chapter 2 but I just saw a lot of people on here kind of complaining about that fact, I personally thought it made the story much more interesting watching the development of the character.
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Nov 11, 2017
Does anyone have a save from a few updates ago for a melody only route?
How far back were you thinking?

Maybe see if the saves being shared here are useful (see the quoted section about halfway down) - they have compatible saves all the way back to Week 2:

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Dec 9, 2018
How far back were you thinking?

Maybe see if the saves being shared here are useful (see the quoted section about halfway down) - they have compatible saves all the way back to Week 2:

Thanks man, I really appreciate it!!!!
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Nov 11, 2017
When I try to use the saves, I just get an error screen
Sorry to hear - what kind of error?

Also, did you clear out your old saves before using the new one(s)? It sounds weird, but I've sometimes had problems from old autosave files hanging around, for example.
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
But, since all powers not SPECIFICALLY granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution are reserved to the several States, many laws can vary from State to State. This includes things being legal in one State that are illegal in other States (Nevada's prostitution laws being one example). Reciprocity is up to the several States to negotiate between themselves, which is why I can carry a concealed pistol here and in a large number of other States that have an agreement with Michigan, (I believe it's up to 38 now,) but I can be imprisoned in the rest for exercising my duly licensed right. This is how States justify legalized marijuana - which is STILL against Federal statutes. The power to make binding treaties with foreign powers IS reserved to the Federal Government in the Constitution but any such treaty affecting U.S. sovereignty MUST be ratified by Congress in order to take effect. (This is why ol' Slick Willy's signing us up for the WTO is illegal.)

50 States, a shit ton of different laws, and no Federal authority overriding most of them. In very many ways we are more citizens of our individual States than citizens of the USA - otherwise we could travel from anywhere in the country to anywhere else in the country without having to check the differences in local laws that could land us in prison anywhere along our route.
Yes there was supposed to be protection over some local control, for instance in West Virginia it is illegal to walk a lion not on a leash.
However if it is an inter-state action the Federal Government has authority.
Unless apparently it involves the 2nd Amendment. Then suddenly Fed authority over inter-state commerce and full faith and credit disappears. My drivers license is good in all 50 but not my concealed carry.

But yeah valid point.
Takes me back to teaching the basics of the U.S. Constitution.


Nov 11, 2017
Yes there was supposed to be protection over some local control, for instance in West Virginia it is illegal to walk a lion not on a leash.
It would be really wild and out of left field if Bethany gained a recording of Melody and MC in 69 or something, then managed to get them arrested for violating local anti-sodomy laws or similar (which we find out were unknown to MC from where he used to live with Bethany).
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4.50 star(s) 280 Votes