4.50 star(s) 289 Votes

Creeping Death

dies in loneliness
Jan 28, 2018

Melody v0.11

Hello again to all our supporters!


Android Users: Please make sure to uninstall your previous version before installing this one. Also, make sure that you backup your saves before doing that. Your saves should be located here:

Android\data\com.mrdotsgames.melody \files\saves ]

After another tiring month of hard work and persistence to put out a great update for you all, it’s our pleasure today to be able to officially release Version 11 (Week 12) of our current visual novel MELODY!

This update has some new features, interesting renders, more animations (for $20+ members), and the Lewd Gallery will have sixteen new renders included (more on this below in the Lewd Gallery section).

Any previous bugs or errors that you guys have listed on our page or on the unofficial discord have been amended for this release.

Thank you again to all of you for that.

As mentioned during our last update, there’s quite a number of Lock/Unlock options in the Menu section now (under “Other Girls”), which should make life a little easier when trying to access certain scenes within the game.

Just keep in mind that if you lock or unlock specific paths from this update onward, then some of the story lines may not make sense. So for instance, if you’ve already decided to be with Amy, and Rebecca is locked, then unlocking Rebecca will give you dialogue for both girls, which won’t make sense to the story. You can however view scenes featuring both girls individually.

Scenes with audio (New Feature ADDED!)

After months of issues trying to obtain the music we wanted for Melody (and any other games that we produce in the future), we have finally been able to purchase a thirteen hundred song library of music that we can put into our games.

Due to time constraints, we didn’t manage to add music to every scene in this update, as doing that would have meant pushing the release date back.

However, you should immediately notice music playing in the start up menu, and for the majority of Week 12.

There are however still some scenes with no audio, but they will be feature some music in time.

Once the game is completed, we will add this new themed music to the rest of the game before we release our final ever version of Melody.

As always, there are a few more live songs added for the scenes where Melody plays on stage.

Let us know what you think of this added feature. It’s still very new to us and it’s been quite time-consuming having to go through every single scene in Week 12 and working out which songs were the right fit for these scenes.

About this update (SPOILER ALERT)

Your relationship with MELODY is now set to go off in two different directions, depending on if you are dating her or if you two are just friends.

If you’re just friends, then is this seemingly unbreakable bond you have with her about to finally be broken?

Will you go back to your previous life with your ex Bethany?

Or will you stand up to her so you can continue your happy life and relationship with another?

If you are dating Melody then you find yourself in a position to take more control of her career as her manager.

But have you allowed anyone else the chance to perhaps disrupt this perfect duo that you have?

Do you know for sure if three, really is a crowd?

Speaking of which, Melody’s BFF SOPHIA made her intentions known to you during the last update.

So the question is, what are you going to do about it during this week of the game?

Do you think you can get any closer to having a relationship with both girls at the same time?

Your lock and unlock combinations with these characters will determine what outcome you will get in the next few updates, and this update too.

Your casual encounters with the sexy Asian XIANNE continues if you are on her path.

But if you are on one of the other girls paths, then it could be “sayonara” to Xianne for the very last time in this update.

Again, keep an eye on your relationship settings. Also look out for an incredible erotic scene with Xianne about halfway through this week of the game.

AMY and REBECCA unfortunately won’t feature much in this update, but they will definitely feature in next months Week 13 release.

You will however be in contact with both of them during Week 12, and discuss your plans to be with them, if all goes according to plan…

Game Endings

As you may well know by now, the end of “MELODY” is almost upon us, which means that some of the paths in the game will be coming to an end.

There are TWO ENDINGS in this update. One good, and one bad….

If you have the walkthrough, then you will be able to find one of these two endings. The other ending you will have to try and find for yourself.

On the bad ending, things are made unspeakably worse during the final scene on this path. Let us know if you can find it!

Two more endings to the game will feature in next months release. And please keep in mind, just because specific characters paths are coming to an end, doesn’t necessarily mean that they won’t feature later on in the game in some capacity ;) ;)

Lewd Gallery

This month we ran a poll on our Patreon page for you to pick a combination of our female characters that you would like to see feature in the lewd gallery.

Due to the results, the gallery will have eight brand-new designs featuring Melody and her best friend Sophia, as well as eight of Melody, Sophia and the girl next door Rebecca.

These will be available to view for our $10+ Patreon members, and a new special gallery code will be provided in one of our other posts I’ve put up today.


If you didn’t notice this during the last update, another recent new feature added to Melody is the Instagram icon, which you will find in the top right-hand corner of the Home screen.

Click on the Icon to take you directly to Melody’s very own Instagram page!

Please “Follow” Melody’s page to view her recent updates, as well as some rare, unseen renders that we were unable to use in the game.

Alternatively, you can check out her Insta page right now at this link here:

Extra Scenes for $20 Patrons (SPOILER ALERT):

Note: “Bonus” scenes will feature if you make the right decisions during the game and if you are on that character’s specific path.

- 3 x sexual positions with Melody in the hotel room (animated scene)
- Blowjob from Sophia (animated version)
- 69er scene with Sophia (bonus scene)
- 2 x sexual positions with Sophia in her bedroom (animated scene)
- Blowjob from Melody (animated scene)
- Fingering Melody (bonus scene)
-2 x sexual positions with Melody in the apartment, morning (animated scene)
- Blowjob from Melody (bonus scene)
- Cowgirl morning sex with Melody (animated scene)
- Xianne fingering Sophia (bonus scene)
- Xianne going down on Sophia (bonus scene)
- Xianne using strap-on dildo on (bonus scene)
- Oral performed on Melody (bonus scene)
- Reverse 69er (MC on top, animated scene)
- 2 x sexual positions with Melody in the apartment, evening (animated scene)
- Melody and Sophia shower together (bonus scene)
- Sophia masturbating while you and Melody have sex (bonus scene)
- Izzy cowgirl sex (bonus scene)
- Izzy doggystyle sex (bonus scene)
- Izzy doggystyle anal sex (bonus scene)

Final Words

MELODY v12 will be released in late August, with an official release date to be posted up in the Overview section of my Patreon wall in a few days time.

As always, if you find any errors or bugs in the current update of the game, please post them up on our Community Board or in the comments section below. Or if you are a part of our Unofficial Discord channel, please post them in the “bug reports” section.

We will have them fixed asap.

I hope you enjoy playing MELODY v11, and again, a huge thank you for supporting us during its production.

Please help us further by spreading the word about either of our visual novels and making them aware of the free demo version in the Overview section. We’d love to continue making these kinds of visual novels or games for you all for several more years to come, and letting as many people know about what we do will give us the best chance of that happening!

This has been a great journey creating Melody since early-2018. But the end is nigh, and we are looking forward to giving you guys some memorable game endings and a satisfying conclusion to the Melody path. It’s still hard to believe that we were able to put some ideas and the overall concept of this game together, and to also release the very first version of the game, in just a few short weeks (especially after the issues we had with our previous game).

But we like working under pressure. We don’t always get it right but my team and I really believe that we are improving every day, and we want nothing more than to always deliver quality updates for you guys, to always meet our deadlines, and to make our games an enjoyable experience.

Have a great day, and we hope you are pleased with the newest update of MELODY!



Jun 21, 2018
I tried deleting and reinstalling, and still get this on android, Any suggestions?
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4.50 star(s) 289 Votes