4.50 star(s) 289 Votes

Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
Yeah, from what it looks like you have to stay faithful to Melody and pretty much nail every points decision to get her perfect ending.

Having Melody and Amy active at the same time blows up in your face.

You might get away with Sophia and Xianne to get a foursome scene, but it is not out yet if that will lead to a good or bad ending.

And like Avaron said, Izzy to date just never shows up again and Rebecca ditches you.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Speaking of endings, from a dev with this amount of resources the Amy and Becca ones were slightly disappointing.

They had a lot of similar words and scenes with just the model on screen being different. I thought that was really lazy.

As it stands right now Izzy's ending is by far the better one. Amy's picks up after the opening scenes that it shares with Becca's and ends really well. Becca's ending was pretty good but doesn't say what happened to the cat so I guess they forgot him, he's still sat at the flat wondering where the hell everything is.


Oct 19, 2017
Speaking of endings, from a dev with this amount of resources the Amy and Becca ones were slightly disappointing.

They had a lot of similar words and scenes with just the model on screen being different. I thought that was really lazy.

As it stands right now Izzy's ending is by far the better one. Amy's picks up after the opening scenes that it shares with Becca's and ends really well. Becca's ending was pretty good but doesn't say what happened to the cat so I guess they forgot him, he's still sat at the flat wondering where the hell everything is.
I agree with what you wrote, but I almost get the feeling that when the game is completed, they might do more work on those two endings especially.

Who knows what the circumstances were in terms of time they had available, as they had to create two endings and a week of the game all in one update (as opposed to just one ending - not counting the Bethany ending) the week before.

It’s the main drawback of putting an update out every 4/5 weeks (some devs take 3-6 months and still don’t get it right!). MrDots and his team may not get everything in that they want to, or some scenes can be reworked at another time. That’s how it reads to me.

MrDots also mentioned in one of his recent game day posts to “not rule out any possibility, and just because certain paths are ending, doesn’t mean they won’t feature again in the game”.

That gives me hope that there’s more to come from Amy and/or Becca in some way.


Feb 9, 2019
frankly it is a great story, a very good script and breathtaking images: I recommend it to everyone and its authors deserve support and to be supported.
now my opinion: very very personal: even if I love this game, there are a few things that annoy me to the highest degree:
melody: after a difficult start, the player, even if he shows him that he cares for her, with love and tenderness, with attention, even if he feels feelings for her, is not part of Melody’s plan.
Of course, she thinks of him, masturbates and thinks of him, but refuses. I’m at the point where she did her show at the club, so maybe I’m wrong for the issue...; but until then, as soon as he touches her, she’s on the defensive even though it’s starting to come out, and she accepts some things,she remains on the defensive ...On the other hand she accepts joyfully to be fingered by her friends sophia until enjoying... and then like a 19-year-old girl, she thinks about the player...once I kiss you "as friends" once I jump on you and I put the tongue...it’s a kid in front of a guy, who even sincerely aims at nirvana ...
That! It pisses me off, I even almost threw out the game so much that it bothers me!
the player: me in the game I call him Troud: short for asshole in French!
So my player, Troud, apparently a good guy like a lot of us who put his job ahead of his life and his wife...good choice but good starting scenario,I have personally the identical experience with the same consequence and out the mess with but good start of the game even excellent! He wants to get back on his feet and it’s as soon as he can his dick "in a nutshell" which dictates his urges...then of course there are moments of tenderness when he takes care of melody,but basically, as soon as he can lay a hand on a boob, pussy or ass...bam! you don’t have multiple choices ...
He gets manipulated by becca who sucks his knot but wants no to get fucked without a condom, but she swallows! He is being manipulated by amy, but to no one he has the choice of him: chick, I want to be serious and not a toy, I am a human being and I hold then, well, we stay there!. With Amy who told her previously that she was going to see a potential client dressed as a whore and without a slut! And what’s he doing fingering her in the locker room, Him the so-called male feels used or scorned...no go hop to pussy job like a jerk while in the game he despises steve for his attitude towards melody!
amy: pretty woman full of surprises but mostly secrets ... and its attraction to my player Holes and more than doubtful because at no time, they say that all in all we take fun and no point! but he, my friend! he makes the model to melody when she tells him that she has "feelings" yeah ..... he even goes so far as to explain the increments of their situation with amy, arnold and all the tintouin around ... shit oh, I missed something?
izzy: hey, it's the one I like best! yeah! because she is attached to Holes (my player) and she tells him! she even asks him for advice for his job and his future! if he says no, she stays and they develop (well or badly) their reaction, she offers herself to him and goes to the end! and he like a big cunt what he does he let her go away by altruism! he thinks of his happiness .... aouai ai! and after he finds himself like a con! to try more or less to pet melody and try to jump knowing that it is not part of his plan for the future ... to play doggie well learned for amy without ever rebelling, to be winded with becca when she sends him off because her mother is coming? play voyeur with no future with sophia .....
good I stop there ... of course I have not finished the game yet .. maybe I am in error and if it is the case you all promised and especially to the authors I would present but more apologies and this in front of the world but if it continues in the same direction I will certainly try to redo the game but in a more drastic way my choices! good positive! as I said at the beginning it's a great extra game! with graphics that in aunts as painter, I would have the difficulty to imitate and a very good scenario d! time to feast when even, but I would have liked to be able to clauer the mouths of some and some assuredly!
See you soon and best regards!
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Snipped because lots of text
Most of what you typed came across as gibberish but a couple of things stood out.

Amy is a fashion designer, she wears dresses and you say she dresses like a whore. Then you say both her and Becca "manipulate" the MC.

I don't think you understand women at all or whatever culture you are from has a very low view of us.


Respected User
Former Staff
Nov 11, 2017
Most of what you typed came across as gibberish but a couple of things stood out.

Amy is a fashion designer, she wears dresses and you say she dresses like a whore. Then you say both her and Becca "manipulate" the MC.

I don't think you understand women at all or whatever culture you are from has a very low view of us.
Women should be "giving out" to always-deserving men at a moment's notice, don't you know? If men aren't getting what they should implicitly expect in this man's world, then they are obviously being treated like a toy by those controlling, conniving and selfish lady-folk.
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Feb 9, 2019
I make a response to the comments but before that two things:
thank you for the comments but I do not start a debate, the game is what he, I like it and I like it even if it does not seem obvious.
then English (misfortune of me) is not my native language and I use a translator like google and / or reverso, so it is likely that the translation is not fair ...
I said that if it evolved I would apologize to both the people who support and the authors: that's what I do. I strove to advance in the game and I evolved: I'm after the night with melody and the moment sophia tempts the player (out of curiosity I made a quick lead to see the choices possible) and I confess that my feeling of frustration flew over the advance and unfolding of the scenario: so I will continue my lncée but making shorter backups to consider all paths offered ok? so I renew my apologies ok?
I just realized that reverso does not translate correctly what I write, so I will try with google that seems more reliable.
to respond particularly to avaron 1974 and Fried_ without any animosity I make a small precision. very old military, son of military family I was educated in respect and traditions; I am what we call old France: where the woman is the universe of the man (summary) and where the man is the protector and the guarantors of the honor, but also the lover, the friend , the confidant, the husband, the husband! ... I am neither phallic nor phallocrat, nor macho, no imbued with any superiority. the woman always has my muse and whatever her appearance is. no ! simple grace of the French gallantry where the man must be the perfect gentleman.
my frustration in the game is that I do not feel any tenderness or affection ... no simple gesture that shows that the player feels attachment and feeling: for example Melody offers himself to him, and gives him his virginity, it is magnificent, it is superb, it is the most beautiful gift that a woman can do to a man no? When is it finished what does it do? he shows him his gratitude, he tells her that he loves her? he strokes her hair? No, he is happy that it is done! now how long will it last if they are dry normally ... it's melody who talks about love not him never and nowhere ... that's what annoys me a bit in the game .. personally the woman who shared my life and gave me beautiful children, the day she gave me her virginity, I spent the night watching her sleep, listening to her breathing, admiring her body .. .in my heart and mame, I was and I am always filled with gratitude and pride ...
no ... my vision is not low ... it is different! If some pseudo "males" could have this vision, it would certainly have more love and especially less violence against women ... that's the end of subject wholesale and for me.
let's go back to Amy, in the game pleasantly surprised by the choice she offers so I come back on my first appreciations but difficult choice which on one side and the other engage to leave on the side of the road one or the other, Melody or Amy ... me for the moment by personal loyalty reaction in Melody I chose his way I would see more ... but I wager to try the game by accompanying Amy (my fear of player are the consequences on Melody) I had a good life, and god (if it exists) knows how difficult it is to abandon someone on the side of the road .... I saw so many companions to fall, full of life and hope ... so much pain and suffering that it is difficult even for a simple game even if it is beautiful like this, to formulate a choice ... memory is ineffable ... when the blood of a friend dyes your hands in red ... it is an unalterable engraving with which one must live .... good day to all and without rancor ...I like you anyway!
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Respected User
Former Staff
Nov 11, 2017
I make a response to the comments but before that two things:
thank you for the comments but I do not start a debate, the game is what he, I like it and I like it even if it does not seem obvious.
then English (misfortune of me) is not my native language and I use a translator like google and / or reverso, so it is likely that the translation is not fair ...
I said that if it evolved I would apologize to both the people who support and the authors: that's what I do. I strove to advance in the game and I evolved: I'm after the night with melody and the moment sophia tempts the player (out of curiosity I made a quick lead to see the choices possible) and I confess that my feeling of frustration flew over the advance and unfolding of the scenario: so I will continue my lncée but making shorter backups to consider all paths offered ok? so I renew my apologies ok?
I just realized that reverso does not translate correctly what I write, so I will try with google that seems more reliable.
to respond particularly to avaron 1974 and Fried_ without any animosity I make a small precision. very old military, son of military family I was educated in respect and traditions; I am what we call old France: where the woman is the universe of the man (summary) and where the man is the protector and the guarantors of the honor, but also the lover, the friend , the confidant, the husband, the husband! ... I am neither phallic nor phallocrat, nor macho, no imbued with any superiority. the woman always has my muse and whatever her appearance is. no ! simple grace of the French gallantry where the man must be the perfect gentleman.
my frustration in the game is that I do not feel any tenderness or affection ... no simple gesture that shows that the player feels attachment and feeling: for example Melody offers himself to him, and gives him his virginity, it is magnificent, it is superb, it is the most beautiful gift that a woman can do to a man no? When is it finished what does it do? he shows him his gratitude, he tells her that he loves her? he strokes her hair? No, he is happy that it is done! now how long will it last if they are dry normally ... it's melody who talks about love not him never and nowhere ... that's what annoys me a bit in the game .. personally the woman who shared my life and gave me beautiful children, the day she gave me her virginity, I spent the night watching her sleep, listening to her breathing, admiring her body .. .in my heart and mame, I was and I am always filled with gratitude and pride ...
no ... my vision is not low ... it is different! If some pseudo "males" could have this vision, it would certainly have more love and especially less violence against women ... that's the end of subject wholesale and for me.
let's go back to Amy, in the game pleasantly surprised by the choice she offers so I come back on my first appreciations but difficult choice which on one side and the other engage to leave on the side of the road one or the other, Melody or Amy ... me for the moment by personal loyalty reaction in Melody I chose his way I would see more ... but I wager to try the game by accompanying Amy (my fear of player are the consequences on Melody) I had a good life, and god (if it exists) knows how difficult it is to abandon someone on the side of the road .... I saw so many companions to fall, full of life and hope ... so much pain and suffering that it is difficult even for a simple game even if it is beautiful like this, to formulate a choice ... memory is ineffable ... when the blood of a friend dyes your hands in red ... it is an unalterable engraving with which one must live .... good day to all and without rancor ...I like you anyway!
Well, je parle seulement un peu de Francais but this post seems very different in tone than your prior post, I feel.

As for the MC, he does talk often of love and caring for Melody but (from my experience) that is most evident when she is his only committed love. When the MC is still sleeping with multiple women, his feelings for them seems a bit dispersed - he doesn't have a singular woman upon whom he can focus most of his love. When you get to the point of committing to one of the women, then tone does change, IMHO.
Last edited:


Feb 9, 2019
Hello Fried,
first of all thank you for your answer and let me humbly tell you that French is not your mother tongue, you master the writing very well; I guarantee that your French must be excellent..I had the advantage of handling easily the English language, German and Japanese, but the time and especially the lack of practice I was lacking, so please forgive my linguistic and grammatical mistakes ...
to answer finally and in a simple way, yes my position changed on the game and unfolding (melody has recovered his guitar and stove was humiliated ... lol ..) So I push my way but but I can see pleasantly that the player has a little more commitment than before that's why my position has changed..see more ... this is my second favorite game after the game Acting lessons where there are more difficult choices and more serious consequences in the scenario; but I admit that with this one I have fun anyway and even if sometimes I forget that it is a game ..... thank you and see you soon


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
here. just disable unwanted relationships.

4.50 star(s) 289 Votes