So what you're saying is if people like that "content" they should hold onto their older versions?Note: The developer will redo some events (reasons for my previous comment), so we ask that you do not leak the version until the developer resolves this.
Is the sharing route viable this time around? :>I think the developer will make a post explaining it. But the most affected content will be Sarah's, she will no longer have that body that is on discord. She will have a body more like Molly's. Mariel will perhaps be excluded from the game, but that will depend on the backers if they want her to continue (although the final decision is up to the developer).
Bro you must be terrible at these kind of games because this game has all sorts of fuckin.nothing but grinding and NO pay out = deleted
Bro, don't blame the player, blame the game...Bro you must be terrible at these kind of games because this game has all sorts of fuckin.
Cmon you could have waited a bit to share it. It's not like it's a dev with a massive amount of subs...
I think any game that forces a player to rely on a separate walkthrough is poor design.Did you even take a look at the Walkthrough?