But I like that others think like I do lol... Guess I'm not as over the top with my thinking as I thought....
Thing is what I said Isn't a question... Just pointing out possible "what IF' or possible paths... reason why I prefer VN's like this over Harem VN's or "normal" non Share, NTR or Dark paths VN's, is all the possible paths and twists the VN COULD go. Which I think this VN has one of the most possible what "IF" Share, NTR or Dark paths that COULD be made,,,
"IF" the Dev did try to make ALL the "WHAT IF" Share, NTR or Dark path content, this game would never end in their life time..... It seriously endless to the possibilities... Which is truly up to the DEV's imagination... All "US" fans of the game can do is say possible scenarios that COULD happen to help give the DEV a thought of a possibility that might or might not work with THEIR planed paths....
I understand the tags for this but also why LIMIT it to that as tags just give a rough idea of the game, BUT tags over lap...
EG Share, NTR or Dark path can cover separate topics or cross over or intertwine with each other intricately.... Like the 5 points I made before.... They can be separate stories/paths but also cross over and link together to be seamless..... Thing is if they are linked together to be seamless, the DEV isn't wasting renders or content....
Which I feel said you never get to see the Share, NTR or Dark path content unless you go looking for it... It is to me by far the best written paths to the VN, especially how conflicted or excited Jesse gets depending on what's happening to Molly... Which to me I'm only interested in Molly and what happens to her in the VN. I know Jesse has fun with other females, but to me they are door that open to possible event that will lead to Molly being apart of or happening to her later.... Jenny and Jesse doing the webcamming is a good example, Jesse even says he would be ok with Molly doing it.... Which only time will tell if the DEV will ever add that to the game or complete and of the "to be continued" Share, NTR or Dark path content that I mentioned before....
As you said the DEV is having personal issue to deal with, which I hope this doesn't kill off the game in the end.... So fingers crossed that regardless to what happens at least the "normal" path get finished... As much as I wished the Share, NTR or Dark path content got finished sooner then later.... But I accept that it he VN may never get to see any more work done to the Share, NTR or Dark path content thanks to the haters of that content....
Only time will tell and what the DEV ends up choosing to do once their personal life improves.... Fingers crossed and they start to focus on all of the Share, NTR or Dark path content that was "to be continued"..... Thing is unlike other Devs, BINARYGUY doesn't half ass the story lines/paths and content when they add stuff... Which I'm so looking forward to the next update!!!!