Unity Midnight Sin [v0.4.3] [Faerin]

4.10 star(s) 38 Votes
Oct 16, 2019
There really should be a tracker or quest of some sort to remind people how to make money. As it is now if you miss, skip, or simply forget a single, specific line of dialog during a conversation near the beginning of the game, you just have absolutely no idea where to go or when...

I played the early part of the game awhile back. I just recently came back and was doing all the quests until it became obvious I should have money and be buying things. I started clicking everything I could, going everywhere, talking to everyone, and could not for the life of me figure out how to make money. The fact that it is only at a specific time, in a specific place, makes it all the more difficult to figure out if you don't remember that one random line from that conversation.


Jul 19, 2021
I've never had a problem obtaining money in the game. Go to the mall parking lot at 22:00 (if you're far enough along in the game) and you can earn money that way.
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Digga D

Jun 5, 2019
People just want to see Madeline. Victoria and Olivia are OK. Annabelle just a fat pos.
Those "people" are just more loud than others. This is common for mom fans in any incest games, they think the game revolves around the mom and need a reality check.

Actually, "people" seem to want Victoria most, judging from this thread, she's seems to be fan favourite. Which is also common in most incest games, the older sister usually becomes the most popular character. Another reality check for mom fans.

Also respect Annabelle, thicc girls are hot and she's definitely above Olivia


Active Member
May 9, 2024
Those "people" are just more loud than others. This is common for mom fans in any incest games, they think the game revolves around the mom and need a reality check.

Actually, "people" seem to want Victoria most, judging from this thread, she's seems to be fan favourite. Which is also common in most incest games, the older sister usually becomes the most popular character. Another reality check for mom fans.

Also respect Annabelle, thicc girls are hot and she's definitely above Olivia
Or you could stop lumping people together as fans of one character type. I played games where the older sister was my favourite, games where the younger sister was my favourite and games where the mom was my favourite. The popularity of a character is not based solely on their role in the family.

And I refuse to believe you've played every incest game there is let alone know their fanbases well enough to say which character types are most popular.

Especially since you just claimed that mom fans are just more vocal. If the others don't voice their opinions how can you possibly tell what those opinions are?

The only person whose opinions and tastes you can speak for is you. How's that for a reality check?
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Digga D

Jun 5, 2019
The popularity of a character is not based solely on their role in the family.
Both true and false. The character's popularity can be based on their storyline, writing and dynamic with the protagonist, from what I've seen tends to be the older sister in most games I've played. But sometimes it is based solely on their roles in the family, for example they like milfs so they instantly decide that the mom is their favourite before giving others characters a fair chance etc.

And I refuse to believe you've played every incest game there is let alone know their fanbases well enough to say which character types are most popular.
I never stated I played every incest game and I don't claim EVERY incest game has the older sister as the most popular, I said MOST from what I've personally seen. Should have clarified that, guess that's on me. I've played my fair share of incest and know the fanbases of the games enough to know which characters were #1. Which were mostly big sisters,

Especially since you just claimed that mom fans are just more vocal. If the others don't voice their opinions how can you possibly tell what those opinions are?
You're proving my point here, if other fans aren't voicing their opinions then they are the silent majority/minority. Mom fans are in a lot of threads asking for mom content like every update and always complaining when there's no content, I don't see this as much in fans of other family members.

So yes, Mom fans are more vocal (and demanding). Hence why I said they need a reality check since these games do not revolve solely around the moms, they can't expect their favourite to get content in every update when there are other main girls too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Emh, Madeline is not a mom, and Victoria is a little sister.... I like Victoria most, because of resemblance to Veronica from MotH.
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Active Member
May 9, 2024
You're proving my point here, if other fans aren't voicing their opinions then they are the silent majority/minority. Mom fans are in a lot of threads asking for mom content like every update and always complaining when there's no content, I don't see this as much in fans of other family members.
On what basis are you claiming that the silent majority aren't fans of the mom character? You are assuming cause and effect where there is simply a correlation. Vocal fans favouring moms does not in any way dictate the preferences of silent fans. You can't assume that all mom fans are vocal about it. Silence is neither agreement nor disagreement. It is just silence.
4.10 star(s) 38 Votes