Finally, anyone who compares MwM and MotH is, in MY opinion, misled. They are different types of game.
This is really the key point
Getting annoyed that MM isn't
another MOTH is like getting mad at EA for making Mass Effect instead of another Madden game.
I know the management sim is polarizing, but the mechanics are very solid to the point you could take the porn out and pop it on the google play store for kids to play, bottom line is MM is a quality game, and it's hard to sympathize with the people mad that it's not the quality game they specifically wanted to be made.
Also consider that MOTH, on top of being an amazing game on its own, existed in a time where there weren't a lot of games of that quality (as someone mentioned, there was a sub where the most popular would appear and that was like, 6 games). That's not the case anymore, there's plenty of quality games being made. So while someone on here asks "why not just make another harem sandbox," the answer is likely "because there's now plenty of harem sandboxes" on top of Faerin themselves wanting to try something new.
Also take into account that much of the content of Faerin's games is decided by polls on his patreon...the ones actually paying them to make them. If you want to dictate how they make their games, I suggest you open your wallet