Why do think we are lurking in this thread otherwise

Most comments are not born out of trolling, we are interested in this game and some minor (maddening infuriating soulcrushing) nuisances won't deterr us!!:closedtongue:
Please note that the criticism you got are mostly toward specific single aspects and your game in general is praised, because othewise.. we wouldn't be around to talk about it. I kinda don't even understand the small amount of posts this game/thread has but i've not been following for that long. Too few, slow updates? Well, beside the rpgmaker engine. That genuinely can hurt the popularity, especially if we are talking about a visual novel otherwise. So if the content is small and comes slowly plus when you do a VN in rpgmaker the negative effects of these are stacking.
And please, for the love of the Dark Gods, rip that cap off the mc's head? At least while he is taking a bath?

Like.. his aunty could take it off! She could take off anything of me, i'm sure the mc wouldn't mind at all if in turn he could see more of those boobies:coldsweat:
(I'm trying guys! To get more scenes with those boobies in our faces!)