Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
so i got to the part with last qyest note and nothing happend no in the morning not in the evening with sophie ....why is that?
Anyone who stuck in this quest and have complete every other quest, just keep skipping day by sleep till next day in MC's bed. Might need multiple times. In the morning, MC say he's too much sleep & need to wash his face. Go downstairs to the bathroom, scene triggered.


Jun 25, 2020
It seems that some files were corrupted after the encoding process, sorry for the inconvenience.

I've redone these 10 files and added the extra animations (290 animations in total).

Let me know if the fixed version solves your game crashes.

still error message on daisy scene sir T.T


Jun 25, 2020
Post the message or snapshot. Because without it's hard to answer
default questLogDataEnabled = {}
default questLogLinesUpdated = []

#call question_helper_enable("question_helper_hairdye_find_julia")
#call question_helper_disable()

label questLog_init:
$ questLogData = [
[1, t_("Роуз"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[10, t_("Эмили"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[2, t_("Оливия"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[9, t_("Синтия"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[0, t_("Миссис Морис"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[4, t_("Миссис Кларк"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[6, t_("Миссис Адамс"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[7, t_("Мама Шона"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[11, t_("Тренер Брукс"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[12, t_("Миссис Уилсон"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[13, t_("Мисс Янг"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[5, t_("Профессор Ричардсон."), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[14, t_(""), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[15, t_("Дейзи"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[16, t_("Сара"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[3, t_("Найти способ получать деньги."), True, t_("Жизнь в городе")]

label questHelp_init:
# в начале игры активно:
$ questHelpDataQuests = {
"start_1" : [t_("СТАРТ"), t_("Знакомство с геймплеем. Начало истории."), t_("Поговорить с девочками на пляже.")],
# срабатывание: Ты кое-что забыла расскать, Лили...
# открываем house_1

"house_1" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Новая семья."), t_("Пойти на кухню и поужинать с новой семьей.")],
# срабатывание: Наконец-то, ты притащил свою задницу сюда, придурок!
# открываем house_2
# house_desc1
"house_2" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Завтра сложный день."), t_("Пойти в свою комнату и лечь спать.")],
# срабатывание: Ненавижу тиканье часов.
# открываем house_3 и house_4
"house_3" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Приятная неожиданность."), t_("Утром зайти в ванную комнату.")],
# срабатывание: И не услышала, что я зашел...
# открываем college_4
# house_desc1 -> house_desc2
# при отказе - стоп для college_4
"house_4" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Завтрак."), t_("Пойти на кухню и поговорить с Софи.")],
# срабатывание: Завтракай и бегом в колледж, иначе ты опоздаешь.
# открываем college_1
# college_desc1
"house_5" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Ужин с семьей."), t_("Поговорить с Софи и Генри по поводу денег. Сказать Софи правду про синяк.")],
# срабатывание: Я с этим идиотом Гарри еще со школы не ладил.
# открываем house_6
# house_desc3 -> house_desc4
"house_5a" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Ужин с семьей."), t_("Поговорить с Софи и Генри по поводу денег. Солгать Софи про синяк.")],
# срабатывание: Я просто ударился о дверцу своего шкафчика.
# открываем house_6
# house_desc3 -> house_desc5
"house_5b" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Идти спать."), t_("Пойти в свою комнату и лечь спать.")],
"house_6" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Фотки Оливии."), t_("Посмотреть аккаунт Оливии в сети.")],
# срабатывание: Хотел бы я быть на месте того, кто ее фоткает для Инсты.
# открываем house_7, house_8
# house_desc6
# при отказе - стоп для house_7, house_8
"house_7" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Телефон Оливии."), t_("Лечь спать. Ночью пойти на 1 этаж и попытаться стащить телефон Оливии пока она в душе.")],
# срабатывание: Возможно, даже успею посмотреть какие-то фотки.
"house_8" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Слежка за Оливией."), t_("Лечь спать. Ночью пойти на 1 этаж и подглядывать за Оливией пока она в душе.")],
# срабатывание: Но что у нее тату внизу живота, об этом я не знал.
# Оливия попадает в WishList
"house_9" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Избавиться от стояка."), t_("Принять душ.")],
# срабатывание: Забиваешь себе голову всякой хренью с самого утра. Придурок.
# открываем house_10
"house_10" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Идти на кухню."), t_("Пойти на кухню и поговорить с Софи.")],
# срабатывание: Вот твои пять долларов, о которых мы вчера говорили.
# открываем college_14
# house_desc4, house_desc5 -> house_desc7
"house_11" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Возвратиться домой."), t_("Пойти домой. Ужин с семьей.")],
# срабатывание: Я сейчас на минутку поднимусь наверх и подойду.
# открываем house_12
"house_12" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Идти в свою комнату."), t_("После ухода Софи и Генри пойти в свою комнату. Знакомство с парнем Оливии.")],
# срабатывание: А! Ты парень Оливии?
# открываем house_13
"house_13" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Проверить инстаграм Эмили."), t_("После ухода Оливии и Марка пойти в свою комнату и посмотреть фото Эмили в сети.")],
# срабатывание: Эмили хорошо смотрится в купальнике...
# открываем house_14, house_15
# college_desc11
"house_14" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Посмотреть кино с Синтией."), t_("Пойти на кухню. Разговор с Синтией в холле. Согласиться посмотреть с ней фильм.")],
# срабатывание: Спасибо за компанию и хорошего сна!
# открываем house_16
# house_desc2 -> house_desc8
"house_15" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Откровения Оливии."), t_("Пойти в комнату Оливии и поговорить с ней. Массаж для Оливии.")],
# срабатывание: Тренируйся на сверстницах, опытный!
# открываем house_16
# house_desc6 -> house_desc9
"house_16" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Лечь спать."), t_("Пойти в свою комнату и лечь спать.")],
"house_17" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Завтрак."), t_("Пойти на кухню и поговорить с Софи.")],
"house_18" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Принять душ."), t_("")],
"house_19" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Возвратиться домой."), t_("Пойти домой. Ужин с семьей.")],
# work_desc0


Jun 25, 2020
Post the message or snapshot. Because without it's hard to answer
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/00_Functions/scene_controller.rpy", line 157, in script call
    call show_achievements() from _rcall_sprites_action11
  File "game/Quests/Question_Helper_Info.rpy", line 525, in script call
    call screen achievements_screen()
  File "game/Gallery/gallery.rpy", line 59, in script call
    call expression gallery_label from _rcall_rgallery_label11
  File "game/Quests/MLS/EP1_07/ep07_dialogues6_family_daisy.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call phone_outgoing_call("Daisy", "daisy_chat5") from _rcall_phone_outgoing_call_16
  File "game/Phone/phone_controller.rpy", line 136, in script
    pause 1.0
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 453, in execute_pause
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 5, in execute
    if phone_visible == True:
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 27, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 52, in execute
    if phone_menu_active == "calling_screen":
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 53, in execute
    use phone_calling_screen()
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 247, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in execute
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in <module>
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/00_Functions/scene_controller.rpy", line 157, in script call
    call show_achievements() from _rcall_sprites_action11
  File "game/Quests/Question_Helper_Info.rpy", line 525, in script call
    call screen achievements_screen()
  File "game/Gallery/gallery.rpy", line 59, in script call
    call expression gallery_label from _rcall_rgallery_label11
  File "game/Quests/MLS/EP1_07/ep07_dialogues6_family_daisy.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call phone_outgoing_call("Daisy", "daisy_chat5") from _rcall_phone_outgoing_call_16
  File "game/Phone/phone_controller.rpy", line 136, in script
    pause 1.0
  File "renpy/", line 1969, in execute"execute")
  File "renpy/", line 1957, in call
    return, parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/", line 278, in call
    return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 453, in execute_pause
  File "renpy/", line 1525, in pause
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='pause', type='pause', roll_forward=roll_forward, pause=delay)
  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact
    rv =, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/", line 3101, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/", line 3512, in interact_core
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/", line 567, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/", line 567, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/", line 567, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/", line 432, in visit_all
  File "renpy/display/", line 3512, in <lambda>
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/", line 443, in per_interact
  File "renpy/display/", line 631, in update
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 5, in execute
    if phone_visible == True:
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 27, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 52, in execute
    if phone_menu_active == "calling_screen":
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 53, in execute
    use phone_calling_screen()
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 247, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in execute
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in <module>
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

Thu Jun  8 18:14:53 2023


Engaged Member
Nov 3, 2022
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/00_Functions/scene_controller.rpy", line 157, in script call
    call show_achievements() from _rcall_sprites_action11
  File "game/Quests/Question_Helper_Info.rpy", line 525, in script call
    call screen achievements_screen()
  File "game/Gallery/gallery.rpy", line 59, in script call
    call expression gallery_label from _rcall_rgallery_label11
  File "game/Quests/MLS/EP1_07/ep07_dialogues6_family_daisy.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call phone_outgoing_call("Daisy", "daisy_chat5") from _rcall_phone_outgoing_call_16
  File "game/Phone/phone_controller.rpy", line 136, in script
    pause 1.0
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 453, in execute_pause
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 5, in execute
    if phone_visible == True:
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 27, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 52, in execute
    if phone_menu_active == "calling_screen":
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 53, in execute
    use phone_calling_screen()
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 247, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in execute
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in <module>
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/00_Functions/scene_controller.rpy", line 157, in script call
    call show_achievements() from _rcall_sprites_action11
  File "game/Quests/Question_Helper_Info.rpy", line 525, in script call
    call screen achievements_screen()
  File "game/Gallery/gallery.rpy", line 59, in script call
    call expression gallery_label from _rcall_rgallery_label11
  File "game/Quests/MLS/EP1_07/ep07_dialogues6_family_daisy.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call phone_outgoing_call("Daisy", "daisy_chat5") from _rcall_phone_outgoing_call_16
  File "game/Phone/phone_controller.rpy", line 136, in script
    pause 1.0
  File "renpy/", line 1969, in execute"execute")
  File "renpy/", line 1957, in call
    return, parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/", line 278, in call
    return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 453, in execute_pause
  File "renpy/", line 1525, in pause
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='pause', type='pause', roll_forward=roll_forward, pause=delay)
  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact
    rv =, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/", line 3101, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/", line 3512, in interact_core
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/", line 567, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/", line 567, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/", line 567, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/", line 432, in visit_all
  File "renpy/display/", line 3512, in <lambda>
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/", line 443, in per_interact
  File "renpy/display/", line 631, in update
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 5, in execute
    if phone_visible == True:
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 27, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 52, in execute
    if phone_menu_active == "calling_screen":
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 53, in execute
    use phone_calling_screen()
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 247, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in execute
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in <module>
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

Thu Jun  8 18:14:53 2023
This error have nothing to do with the video enhancement pack, but with the crypted files you hve with the Extra S1 10 version.
Have you downloaded the pkg_s1 to have this files decrypted ?


Engaged Member
Nov 3, 2022
default questLogDataEnabled = {}
default questLogLinesUpdated = []

#call question_helper_enable("question_helper_hairdye_find_julia")
#call question_helper_disable()

label questLog_init:
$ questLogData = [
[1, t_("Роуз"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[10, t_("Эмили"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[2, t_("Оливия"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[9, t_("Синтия"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[0, t_("Миссис Морис"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[4, t_("Миссис Кларк"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[6, t_("Миссис Адамс"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[7, t_("Мама Шона"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[11, t_("Тренер Брукс"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[12, t_("Миссис Уилсон"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[13, t_("Мисс Янг"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[5, t_("Профессор Ричардсон."), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[14, t_(""), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[15, t_("Дейзи"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[16, t_("Сара"), True, t_("Список желаний")],
[3, t_("Найти способ получать деньги."), True, t_("Жизнь в городе")]

label questHelp_init:
# в начале игры активно:
$ questHelpDataQuests = {
"start_1" : [t_("СТАРТ"), t_("Знакомство с геймплеем. Начало истории."), t_("Поговорить с девочками на пляже.")],
# срабатывание: Ты кое-что забыла расскать, Лили...
# открываем house_1

"house_1" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Новая семья."), t_("Пойти на кухню и поужинать с новой семьей.")],
# срабатывание: Наконец-то, ты притащил свою задницу сюда, придурок!
# открываем house_2
# house_desc1
"house_2" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Завтра сложный день."), t_("Пойти в свою комнату и лечь спать.")],
# срабатывание: Ненавижу тиканье часов.
# открываем house_3 и house_4
"house_3" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Приятная неожиданность."), t_("Утром зайти в ванную комнату.")],
# срабатывание: И не услышала, что я зашел...
# открываем college_4
# house_desc1 -> house_desc2
# при отказе - стоп для college_4
"house_4" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Завтрак."), t_("Пойти на кухню и поговорить с Софи.")],
# срабатывание: Завтракай и бегом в колледж, иначе ты опоздаешь.
# открываем college_1
# college_desc1
"house_5" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Ужин с семьей."), t_("Поговорить с Софи и Генри по поводу денег. Сказать Софи правду про синяк.")],
# срабатывание: Я с этим идиотом Гарри еще со школы не ладил.
# открываем house_6
# house_desc3 -> house_desc4
"house_5a" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Ужин с семьей."), t_("Поговорить с Софи и Генри по поводу денег. Солгать Софи про синяк.")],
# срабатывание: Я просто ударился о дверцу своего шкафчика.
# открываем house_6
# house_desc3 -> house_desc5
"house_5b" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Идти спать."), t_("Пойти в свою комнату и лечь спать.")],
"house_6" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Фотки Оливии."), t_("Посмотреть аккаунт Оливии в сети.")],
# срабатывание: Хотел бы я быть на месте того, кто ее фоткает для Инсты.
# открываем house_7, house_8
# house_desc6
# при отказе - стоп для house_7, house_8
"house_7" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Телефон Оливии."), t_("Лечь спать. Ночью пойти на 1 этаж и попытаться стащить телефон Оливии пока она в душе.")],
# срабатывание: Возможно, даже успею посмотреть какие-то фотки.
"house_8" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Слежка за Оливией."), t_("Лечь спать. Ночью пойти на 1 этаж и подглядывать за Оливией пока она в душе.")],
# срабатывание: Но что у нее тату внизу живота, об этом я не знал.
# Оливия попадает в WishList
"house_9" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Избавиться от стояка."), t_("Принять душ.")],
# срабатывание: Забиваешь себе голову всякой хренью с самого утра. Придурок.
# открываем house_10
"house_10" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Идти на кухню."), t_("Пойти на кухню и поговорить с Софи.")],
# срабатывание: Вот твои пять долларов, о которых мы вчера говорили.
# открываем college_14
# house_desc4, house_desc5 -> house_desc7
"house_11" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Возвратиться домой."), t_("Пойти домой. Ужин с семьей.")],
# срабатывание: Я сейчас на минутку поднимусь наверх и подойду.
# открываем house_12
"house_12" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Идти в свою комнату."), t_("После ухода Софи и Генри пойти в свою комнату. Знакомство с парнем Оливии.")],
# срабатывание: А! Ты парень Оливии?
# открываем house_13
"house_13" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Проверить инстаграм Эмили."), t_("После ухода Оливии и Марка пойти в свою комнату и посмотреть фото Эмили в сети.")],
# срабатывание: Эмили хорошо смотрится в купальнике...
# открываем house_14, house_15
# college_desc11
"house_14" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Посмотреть кино с Синтией."), t_("Пойти на кухню. Разговор с Синтией в холле. Согласиться посмотреть с ней фильм.")],
# срабатывание: Спасибо за компанию и хорошего сна!
# открываем house_16
# house_desc2 -> house_desc8
"house_15" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Откровения Оливии."), t_("Пойти в комнату Оливии и поговорить с ней. Массаж для Оливии.")],
# срабатывание: Тренируйся на сверстницах, опытный!
# открываем house_16
# house_desc6 -> house_desc9
"house_16" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Лечь спать."), t_("Пойти в свою комнату и лечь спать.")],
"house_17" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Завтрак."), t_("Пойти на кухню и поговорить с Софи.")],
"house_18" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Принять душ."), t_("")],
"house_19" : [t_("ДОМ"), t_("Возвратиться домой."), t_("Пойти домой. Ужин с семьей.")],
# work_desc0
Use the English version, see the forum rules...


Jul 13, 2020
My compressed unofficial Android port of Milfs of Sunville v9.00 Extra
Included LaikDink Walkthrough and Cheats mod
Added Incest patch by St_Dmitry
Usual gestures, seethru textbox, resizeable text and dialogue etc etc...
Scrollable choices if multiple
Scrollable textbox - no more text off the bottom of your screen
Alternative persistent saves and log location

Special Instructions:
Install apk.
Grant storage permissions on first run!
On first run you will get a prompt to copy the archive.rpa file to documents/Wills747/milfs.of.sunville/game folder.
Keep the rpa file, I'll look at making an update APK patch in future
Copy the rpa file to the directory indicated in game. (game will quit now)
Restart the game.
Keep in mind if your default install location is an actual SD card this may slow the launch.
Advise keeping gl2 disabled unless you have a PowerVR gpu or experiance video problems.

archive.rpa file (8.01e) (4.10GB)

Apk file (9.00e)
(RPA file 8.01e required)

Can u update it to latest version. Already requested in android port request thread but looks like everyone is busy. Thank You in advance.


Active Member
Aug 26, 2018
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/00_Functions/scene_controller.rpy", line 157, in script call
    call show_achievements() from _rcall_sprites_action11
  File "game/Quests/Question_Helper_Info.rpy", line 525, in script call
    call screen achievements_screen()
  File "game/Gallery/gallery.rpy", line 59, in script call
    call expression gallery_label from _rcall_rgallery_label11
  File "game/Quests/MLS/EP1_07/ep07_dialogues6_family_daisy.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call phone_outgoing_call("Daisy", "daisy_chat5") from _rcall_phone_outgoing_call_16
  File "game/Phone/phone_controller.rpy", line 136, in script
    pause 1.0
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 453, in execute_pause
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 5, in execute
    if phone_visible == True:
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 27, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 52, in execute
    if phone_menu_active == "calling_screen":
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 53, in execute
    use phone_calling_screen()
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 247, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in execute
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in <module>
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/00_Functions/scene_controller.rpy", line 157, in script call
    call show_achievements() from _rcall_sprites_action11
  File "game/Quests/Question_Helper_Info.rpy", line 525, in script call
    call screen achievements_screen()
  File "game/Gallery/gallery.rpy", line 59, in script call
    call expression gallery_label from _rcall_rgallery_label11
  File "game/Quests/MLS/EP1_07/ep07_dialogues6_family_daisy.rpy", line 23, in script call
    call phone_outgoing_call("Daisy", "daisy_chat5") from _rcall_phone_outgoing_call_16
  File "game/Phone/phone_controller.rpy", line 136, in script
    pause 1.0
  File "renpy/", line 1969, in execute"execute")
  File "renpy/", line 1957, in call
    return, parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/", line 278, in call
    return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 453, in execute_pause
  File "renpy/", line 1525, in pause
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='pause', type='pause', roll_forward=roll_forward, pause=delay)
  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact
    rv =, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/", line 3101, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)
  File "renpy/display/", line 3512, in interact_core
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/", line 567, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/", line 567, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/", line 567, in visit_all
    d.visit_all(callback, seen)
  File "renpy/display/", line 432, in visit_all
  File "renpy/display/", line 3512, in <lambda>
    root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
  File "renpy/display/", line 443, in per_interact
  File "renpy/display/", line 631, in update
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 1, in execute
    screen phone(phone_menu_active):
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 5, in execute
    if phone_visible == True:
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 27, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 52, in execute
    if phone_menu_active == "calling_screen":
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 53, in execute
    use phone_calling_screen()
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 246, in execute
    screen phone_calling_screen():
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 247, in execute
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in execute
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
  File "game/Phone/phone_screens.rpy", line 250, in <module>
    $ contactImg = Image(phone_contact["img"])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

Thu Jun  8 18:14:53 2023
Yeah I can confirm that my mod isn't the Rootcause because I was able to recreate the exact same issue without it

AnonDev any idea ? I have a blackscreen just before the crash error, looks like it mainly triggers during some daisy scenes
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Nov 3, 2022
Yeah I can confirm that my mod isn't the Rootcause because I was able to recreate the exact same issue without it

AnonDev any idea ? I have a blackscreen just before the crash error, looks like it mainly triggers during some daisy scenes
Have you download the second version of pkg-S1 and applied it ? The first does not unblock the extra version because it contain files from the Extra V9 not the V10.


Active Member
Aug 26, 2018
Have you download the second version of pkg-S1 and applied it ? The first does not unblock the extra version because it contain files from the Extra V9 not the V10.
I downloaded this one

Milf of Sunville S1 Extra Crack
Contains the decrypted extra images for the S1 Extra version of the game.
I will upload this archive to other websites as well, for now I am posting this on anonfiles.

EDIT: The files I had linked in my original post were containing the wrong images. I have re-uploaded the correct version, sorry if you downloaded the wrong one prior to me fixing it :(

Gofile mirror

Instructions included in the zip file

1. Extract wherever
2. Copy the slides folder to <your_game_installation_folder>/game/images, replace existing files
3. Copy the z_activation.rpy file to <your_game_installation_folder>/game/00_Functions

When starting the game, if it tells you it is modded, press accept and continue. You should see Activated in the bottom left of the main menu.

I haven't had time to play the update yet with the crack, so please let me know if there is any bugs.
  • Like
Reactions: Don Marquez


Engaged Member
Nov 3, 2022
I downloaded this one
I'm unable to reproduce the problem.
Can you upload the save file you load with the persistent file in the game\saves from your game.
The mod's you have installed and if you have used cheat to progress in the game ?
And what you do just before ?


New Member
Jan 22, 2023
For those of you that can't/want download the full Extra version, but have the normal version. I have made an update pack version.
Unzip in the game folder and overwrite old files. After that you have to double click on "remove unneeded file" or "remove unneeded file.bat" in the game directory to remove files that are no more present in the Extra version.

You still need any relevant mod you need. This update package will produce a strict identical to "MilfsOfSunville-Season-1-Extra-pc" files and directory from the original. No Gallery Unlocker, Decrypted files or multi-mod have been added, because you have to thanks any work made by a modder.
i tried this one but it gives me an error when i log in the game :(


Jul 25, 2020
For those of you that can't/want download the full Extra version, but have the normal version. I have made an update pack version.
Unzip in the game folder and overwrite old files. After that you have to double click on "remove unneeded file" or "remove unneeded file.bat" in the game directory to remove files that are no more present in the Extra version.

You still need any relevant mod you need. This update package will produce a strict identical to "MilfsOfSunville-Season-1-Extra-pc" files and directory from the original. No Gallery Unlocker, Decrypted files or multi-mod have been added, because you have to thanks any work made by a modder.
when i tried downloading from gofile, it says this is a deadlink. Is this the same for anyone else?
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