GorillaJuice69 - Thank you for your 5* Review man ^_^. We are currently working our asses off on the next update so hold on and it will get there soon enough
brood1 - Thank you for your 5* Review man XD. Like you mentioned , we are working on the Gallery and even the "revamped" version is not the actual final version that we want BUT it is a step towards the right direction where we will be including animations. Slowly , we will get where you/we want. The bed/skips and locations/times are all ommited with Part 3 so you don't have to worry about those either
All of these are fixes/additions/changes that we got from this forum from suggestions and from people that were kind enough to see the potential in our game and provide us with feedback , help on how to improve. Thank you all again for the positive reviews and for being there for us!