
May 11, 2017
I know this is off topic. But I'm sure some will appreciate that it's not the typical repeated question.

Does anyone else browse this site using chrome mobile on a phone? I'm having an issue viewing full-size images in people's posts. For example I can tap on that lovely pic of Caroline a few posts above, and the image opens off center and zoomed in somewhat. Similar to the modal view that is on desktop. The problem is, I can't zoom out or change the position of the image. If I go back it takes me to the previous page instead of just closing the dialog. I can click outside of the image and it will disappear as expected.

The real problem is I can't tap and hold on the picture to get an option to save it or any other alternate option, open in new tab, etc...

Anyone have this issue in the past? Any suggestions? I'm typically using desktop chrome, but from time to time I would like to browse from the phone or tablet.

Feb 22, 2018
I know this is off topic. But I'm sure some will appreciate that it's not the typical repeated question.

Does anyone else browse this site using chrome mobile on a phone? I'm having an issue viewing full-size images in people's posts. For example I can tap on that lovely pic of Caroline a few posts above, and the image opens off center and zoomed in somewhat. Similar to the modal view that is on desktop. The problem is, I can't zoom out or change the position of the image. If I go back it takes me to the previous page instead of just closing the dialog. I can click outside of the image and it will disappear as expected.

The real problem is I can't tap and hold on the picture to get an option to save it or any other alternate option, open in new tab, etc...

Anyone have this issue in the past? Any suggestions? I'm typically using desktop chrome, but from time to time I would like to browse from the phone or tablet.

Same issue, no idea how to solve it :x

Deleted member 54063

Active Member
Jun 4, 2017
I know this is off topic. But I'm sure some will appreciate that it's not the typical repeated question.

Does anyone else browse this site using chrome mobile on a phone? I'm having an issue viewing full-size images in people's posts. For example I can tap on that lovely pic of Caroline a few posts above, and the image opens off center and zoomed in somewhat. Similar to the modal view that is on desktop. The problem is, I can't zoom out or change the position of the image. If I go back it takes me to the previous page instead of just closing the dialog. I can click outside of the image and it will disappear as expected.

The real problem is I can't tap and hold on the picture to get an option to save it or any other alternate option, open in new tab, etc...

Anyone have this issue in the past? Any suggestions? I'm typically using desktop chrome, but from time to time I would like to browse from the phone or tablet.

There is a forum dedicated to these questions. You'll have a better time getting help there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
Not passing judgement in any capacity or another, but you have to look at more than just "Person did x". He could've made 100 games that had 0 mechanics, or just engine baked in mechanics, and it could still be well below the bar of someone that uses actual custom coding and has less games.
The point is he's been active and completed things he's started, I didn't go into quality of game play, depth of his coding (yeah I know he started with RPGM) or story or any of that because that wasn't the point. 90% of these games don't have any special mechanics especially the minigame stuff when it does come up is usually more an annoyance than enhancing the game.

And really I just kind of wanted to shit on Slonique again.
There are quite a lot of developers with completed games around here.

Genuine question. Did he stopped his patreon during that time? I seem to remember people mentioning otherwise around here.
How many have completed as many as he have though or been actively working on them in that time? It wasn't that there aren't any it's that there's not a whole lot who have been around since 2014/2015 doing this and still doing it with several completed projects under their belts, I mean creators like BBBen have been around for like 15 years, maybe more since the days when AIF was still more of a thing. There are definitely better games with better writing (which to be fair isn't that hard since these games are more romps than actual story driven content) and even with better models (though I still think in this area ICSTOR is on the upper end) and everything but he it's not like the audience ICSTOR has came out of no where or entirely from this game, those games were the building blocks of why he has over 7,000 patrons.

The issue is and always been the incessant whining about the issues he's had and the lack of updates because of it.
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Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
What does nobody else want to see some Macy content? Just me?
All we've seen of her so far is during the first day and she already seems to like MC they are supposed to be friends.
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I wanted and expected to see content with the girl he played spin the bottle with. The more the merrier right?
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