Nothing new since the update. Now it's just some grumbling about amount and quality of the latest content. Let's see what happens in 2 weeks.What is the latest on the Milfy City drama?
Look in the mirror and see who's whining like a kid now. I personally don't fall into any of your accusing stereotypes. I was a patron to ICSTOR when he was still updating. I used to be respectful to him but was given the same "f#ck you" treatment despite that. I even used to stick up for him but was betrayed by his moderaters with me being honest and kicked out of discord. I know what it's like to get backstabbed despite my support. Think twice before you start making such accusations towards everyone.People have been waaay too hard on icstor for his lack of any updates on this game. I completely get that if you were a patereon or something you would have a right to be upset as you're basically paying for nothing at this point, but I bet 90% of the people who do this aren't even patrons and are just waiting for a pirated version. And if you are a patreon then you should have cancelled your membership way back.
Honestly I really don't see how anyone believes that all this shit talk towards icstor is going to work in their favor, if anything it's going to have the opposite effect of what you want. I don't know about you guys but if I was being constantly nagged and borderline harassed over something like this I wouldn't give shit to anyone. Matter of fact I'd probably scrap the whole thing and told all you whiny babies to go fuck yourselves.
As a fan of this game it's actually infuriating to see you people act like fucking children over a god damn porn game you aren't even paying money for.
Grow the fuck up.
You're waiting 2 years at the least. Quick question are you a patreon?This update is beneath you, ICSTOR. The renders are lesser quality. The story lacks subtlety. The content is tiny. I'm so disappointed in this from the developer of what started out as such a great game.
I really hope things turn around, and that I don't need to wait two years to find out.
I actually asked to be banned. The scene there is Jamestown. I didn't drink the koolaid. I had a talk with one of the mods and thought he did listen he still tried to defend the dev.Is there some badge involved in getting kicked/banned from ICSTORS Discord? Why is everyone posting how they got kicked like it was some kind of feat. Isn't it better to lay low and relay actual information than to troll the mods there? F95 users speedrunning discord bans, I don't get it.
They won't listenThis is the type of shit that will screw it up for good developers who actually deliver on their promises. 2 years and that's all he did? He obviously didn't do anything during the entire time and just took people's money knowing they won't get anything in return. Instead of supporting this guy, take your money to other more consistent developers who take their work seriously.
I you want reliable, honest, and active developers with good games along with regular updates and kept promises, I recommend these two. RyenSaotome and Killer7. I've watched them both for well over a year and I officially support one of them with what little I can update? ok see you in 4 years again. One Piece is going to end and this project is still going...
So you're saying that one can only be upset about something if they paid for it? Well...People have been waaay too hard on icstor for his lack of any updates on this game. I completely get that if you were a patereon or something you would have a right to be upset as you're basically paying for nothing at this point, but I bet 90% of the people who do this aren't even patrons and are just waiting for a pirated version. And if you are a patreon then you should have cancelled your membership way back.
Honestly I really don't see how anyone believes that all this shit talk towards icstor is going to work in their favor, if anything it's going to have the opposite effect of what you want. I don't know about you guys but if I was being constantly nagged and borderline harassed over something like this I wouldn't give shit to anyone. Matter of fact I'd probably scrap the whole thing and told all you whiny babies to go fuck yourselves.
As a fan of this game it's actually infuriating to see you people act like fucking children over a god damn porn game you aren't even paying money for.
Grow the fuck up.
I've already fucking forgotten how to playHey guys, anyone has a save from the previous update ?