I wasn't trying to be "political", when adding my take on Elon Twitter.
I'm glad he overpaid for Twitter, it exposed a lot, Covid Lies, FBI covering for the "Biden Crime Family" Laptop that they had and knew it was true for a long time and called it Russian Dis information. Forced that on Social and Mainstream Media, which they were happy to run with. Unfortunate so many believe what they are told to believe.
I don't deny or care that Twitter lost value, Unless Elon sold for less than he bought, hasn't lost anything.
I'm not a fan of Tesla or EVs in general, I live in a small town in Minnesota, EV's useless for me.
If others like them, fine, I consider them a toy but I don't think my taxes should pay for others toys and I shouldn't be forced to buy one.
And about Bumbling Stumbling Biden falling down, I think it is Fucking Hilarious.
But can't decide which time is funnier:
Falling up the stairs not once, not twice but thrice
Falling off his bike
or the most recent one, he earned a sniff of a little girls hair and a bowl of ice cream after that.
All of the above is My opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone.
After a long time away from this thread I checked it Mid March and thought Holy Crap its going to be updated...
Well I hope so, I have doubts, but I hope so.
also have had hopes of others, the Tyrant, Bad Bobby, and a Big Brother...
We are living in very scary time right now, and fear it getting worse before it gets better if it ever will.
Not sure if I believe Onxydime or not but maybe he is working to get it done, maybe not.
Hope so