I feel like his writing the aunt as a lesbian was a major mistake, it makes no sense to the plot and kinda ruins the character. Who wants to hit an unwilling ugly thing or even her cheating slut 'wife'? You are already intent on the cheating slut wife that is the MC's own mother, could have had the Aunt as her sister uncovering the secret illicit relationship and trying to blackmail Linda while ALSO lusting after the MC, or perhaps trying to dominate him (and perhaps also the secret Dom of dad Bob!), married or not. Could even have linked the aunt with the twins. But for me the aunts are now just a disgusting side-quest, even less of interest than raping Celia as payback for a minor diss. MC deserves a bullet to the gut and a torch to the testicles for 1) raping Celia, 2) participating in the oral rape of lesbian Aunt ( ignoring night molestation), 3) fucking over Dad's company, 4) treating Violet as a whore (even amidst her willingness). There are probably other things too, but honestly the lesbian aunt bullshit is what tipped the scales for me. And I get that all is avoidable, but since it is also all possible and no path currently excludes any other, it is also all canon. Like Caroline blabbing about sex with other boyfriends WHILE doing all things EXCEPT fucking MC... Just stupid story-telling. Have the MC tell her to STFU and submit. Sheesh, the only girl in this story that doesn't talk you to death is Sara.
Sara has an excuse for not giving her pussy to the MC. Caroline and Linda do not. Opportunities abound, no reason they have not fucked MC by end of this update. At this point, they have become boring. That's my $0.02