Ren'Py - Completed - Milfy City [v1.0e] [ICSTOR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    So it seems like a lot of the recent reviewers forgot that the reviews are supposed to rate THE GAME, not the dev or the latest update. I will actually be rating the whole game in this review.

    Milfy City is the classic premise of some guy wakes up one day / moved back in with his family and decides to fuck every girl in town including his own family. There is not much story for the MC, instead the games focuses entirely on the relationships with the several love interest. And that is where Milfy City shines.
    The girls don't simply jump on your dick the moment they see you. There is some buildup and drama for every girl before you get to actually fuck them. Especially the story with Linda, the MCs mother, is really well done. Milfy City is one of the few games that manages to tell an incest story and actually somewhat include the social taboo that comes with it. In many games you can fuck your sister and nobody seems to even care, but here MC and his mom go through a great effort to be alone with each other without anyone catching them or suspecting anything. It makes the game so much more immersive and makes the incest so much more taboo, and hotter.
    Caroline and Celia also have a lot of great drama in their relationship. Sara, the youngest sister of the MC is sadly still very underdeveloped, but hopefully Icstor will fix that in the coming updates. I have high hopes for the future updates.
    Another strength of the game is the internal dialog of the girls. Especially during sex scenes, you can read their inner thoughts, thinking about how good they feel and how hot the MC is, which is really hot to read for the player. I wish every game did that.

    The only real issue I have with the game (ignoring the dev drama and total lack of updates in 2020) is the money grind. That is just tedious and stupid. Either you have to play memory on your PC or sort files at your dad's company. This is boring, grindy and serves no other purpose that to bloat gametime, I hope Icstor gets rid of stupid grind like that in his future games.

    In conclusion, Milfy City is a fantastic game. It might no longer be the best game on the site and the golden standard for all western porn games, like it was in 2018, but it is still one of the best games here on F95 and definitely deserves the 5 star rating.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game started out really well, and was one of the best several years ago. But with time, it has not really aged well. Its plot lacks depth, and doesn't make you attached with the MC. And there are no real arcs for majority of the characters. The animations are decent, but still better animations are available in other games. Some actions can be considered grinding, and then one has to resort to mods.
    That said, one of the main girls, Caroline, is still one of the best looking girls among all adult VNs. Some other main girls can also be considered really hot. I think it is them (their looks) that most of this games' players are attached to and not really the game itself. Although, there's a lot of content to play for if you start playing from the beginning, beware that the game's update cycles are one of the worst. And you might have to wait for years for more content.

    Being one of the first players myself, and having waited for years for updates, I am actually very frustrated with the game, and wanted to give it a one star rating. But objectively, there is still a lot of fap content in the game. And thus, the game does deserve some stars just for the beautiful characters and their sex scenes.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It's all in the comments thread. Great potential in the beginning but the project was not managed properly.
    Still worth it for people to play the early content but don't count on having an ending in this game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    What can I say about this game ? Except that it is the " Megan Fox of adult games". Just like her, this game came in with a bang, then suddenly went downhill and now nobody knows when it'll show up .. Well, unlike Megan, this dev is still milking his cash cows while feeding them peanuts worth of updates.
    The game is rubbish and if anyone would ask me if the story has any backbone, I'd say an earthworm would stand straighter than this devs game plot. The MC other than being a horny dumbfuck, has no life goals and his interactions with the women has no impact/ outcome on the surrounding world. The usefullness of the characters in this game is no better than the various NPC's you encounter in an RPG game that give you horseshit quests.

    Another thing about this game, is it's flexibility... and by that I mean how well a meager story was stretched that it could give serious competition to spandex. hours and hours of pointless room clicking. Playing hide & seek for hidden cards., and the most (Un)fun part..the torturous mini games, which is a fact when you have to mash ur keyboard to make the MC climb a ladder into his neighbors room, and not once, twice...But four fucking times to climb a ladder.

    The only reason this game is still here is because of its visuals & renders. The animations while still looking good, feel linear and robotic and I've definitley seen better in other games.
    And lastly, the dev itself looks like he succumbed to the success of his game to the point that he got lazy and doesn't care about his fanbase anymore. Months & months between updates, a year between the last and you can already realize where this is heading.

    So, not sure what to call this game..maybe a generic spineless incest story.....Or better, A Pervert simulator...Overall when you see the ratio of content to time spent, its definitely not worth wasting money or time on. A google image search result of " sexy nude girls" or pornhub's thumbnail page would feel more interesting than this.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    What started as a great project few years ago turned out to a mediocre game with some great potential behind.

    Great CGI and female render
    Beautiful girls
    Kind of good and engaging story

    Slow development with little to no updates
    Some events are tedious and repetitive

    In conclusion the game is nice but not good enough to recommend.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    OK renders with your basic semi-visual novel approach. Has annoying button press events but doesn't really give you choice on how to approach things. This might have been cutting edge of lewd games years ago but it really feels clunky and old now.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is extremely cliche. May not have been too bad when it came out, but it's been stale for 2 years without updates so new ideas have become old.

    Visually, renders and animations are decent. May have been pretty good 3 years ago, but other devs have pushed the limits much further and this is really showing its age.

    Game is at high risk of being abandoned. There's precedent with the dev and it went over 1.5 years without update before the dev panicked when the game got an abandoned tag and put out a little 3 minute "update" with barely any content despite claims that he's been working on it the whole time.

    Definitely not worth getting invested in if you're the kind of person who hates when their games get abandoned or rushed endings.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Nothing more I could say isn't already in the pages of the forums but I will expand on 2 stars IMO.
    There was a time this game had real potential. That's gone. The game once had the possibility of being one of the greats in this emerging market. There is no chance of that now.
    It is now dated graphics, not abandoned but as close as you can get to that without quite hitting it, with some shady issues around it, in a market of games that has moved on in quality and quantity of that quality.
    I'll give it a 2, for memories of it long ago, but no higher.
    It's below average now, across several ways you could rank an adult game, with every indication it can only get worse.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    When this game was first released, it was one of the best. However, too much time has passed and, many games have surpassed it. It's outdated in renders, story, music, UI, animations, Etc. Given this game's infamously slow development speed, I can't really see why anyone supports it anymore.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I haven’t played Milf city despite the high ratings on f95 until recently, because of the „abandoned“ tag, which might have been deserved, after all this game was dead for 2 years. There was no point for me in bothering with a game, which will never be finished, I thought, no matter how many fans it has got.

    With the surprising 0.7 update after 2 years, I gave it a try for the first time.

    I’ll begin with the story, which isn’t reasonable. But let’s not forget this is a porn game and therefore standards are lower of course. It’s an incest game, yes I get it and so there is something supposed to happen. But still it’s not realistic how every female family member is willing to jump on the mc’s cock just like that and has got repressed feelings for him, who actually has got no special qualities at all. Some female family members struggle with their feelings a little bit during the game, but overall the incest just happens too fast and not in a reasonable, rational way.

    The writing of the sex scenes and dirty talk is quite hot, though.

    Characters feel different from each other and have their own personalities to some extent, but still all of them are lusting for the mc as soon as the game starts for no obvious reason. Additionally the mother and the oldest sister look quite similar, which of course is realistic from a biological standpoint, but overall there isn’t much diversity in the looks of the cast, except for the aunt and the younger sis. The aunt unfortunately is a lesbian, but still can be swayed into having sex with the mc, too. There is also the sociopathic female teacher, but she’s a black haired woman with large tits, too, just like the mom, older sis and bisexual-gf of your aunt. So apart from some side characters, 4 of the main girls are pretty much the same optical type.

    Concerning the graphics, the renders and animations are good in my eyes. Sure it’s not state of the art, after all this game has been around for quite a long while now, but still the graphics are very much enjoyable.

    Least but not last there is the gameplay, which is a sandbox open world. You’ll have to interact with the various characters at different times of the day in different locations in order to advance the story. There are also some mini games, which were somewhat annoying for my taste, but that’s just me and I know, that some enjoy mini games, others dislike them for being time-consuming, distracting from the plot and overall annoying. These mini games are easy to figure out, but I don’t enjoy these in general. Playing without a proper walkthrough you’ll have to do redundant tasks during the day in order to check various locations and new interaction possibilities in order to advance the story. Navigation in the town is ok, because of the map, but within buildings with lots of rooms it might be tedious. Overall the gameplay is mediocre. Some kind of quick navigation system is unfortunately lacking.

    All in all this game deserves a 3,5 star rating, between 3 (average) and 4 (good) stars. Since I was able to enjoy the current content despite the shortcomings and I didn’t have a history with this game before like waiting 2 years for an update, I’m willing to give it the better rating, since in-between ratings aren’t possible.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2001147

    Great renders and animations and no coding errors. Simple story with incest and most fetishes. Some gameplay with secret cards and tasks.
    I get it. Most negative reviews come from the Dev's false promises and his constant excuses. But up to 0.5 it was absolutely the best.
    People felt cheated out of a good fap. Linda and the rest of the girls are just beautiful.
    Except that instead of taking 6 months for an update Icstor delivered 5 beauties and then realised he was not going to make that much income if he delivered too quickly especially as new patrons were pledging all the time. So he disappeared for a LONG time then promising a complete edition then turning back and updating in small doses so he can make/milk the maximum amount of cash from this.
    I can't blame him nor can I condone his actions.
    BUT as a game/VN, Milfy City is one hell of a GOOD FAP!
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Losts of potential held back disastrous dev. This was once one of the greats, and I imagine it could have stayed there, but between a focus on characters most players didn't care too much about, the iffy story writing, and the glacial update rate I see nothing here but lost opportunity.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This game started development 3.5 years ago, and it's really showing it's age. Everything harkens back to the stone age of VNs; Psycho Nice Guy noodle-armed creep "18" y.o. MC? Check. Every female character inexplicably attracted to MC despite him having no redeemable qualities and no healthy relationships outside of his family? Check. Pointless open-world padding with very few actual choices? Check. Pointless busywork grind for money? Check.

    The visuals, while still decent, are also dated, and somehow getting worse. Compare animations and renders from the early sections of the game to the current release (which took two years to produce) and quality, especially regarding animations, has been reduced. Oh BTW those two years produced around 400 renders, most modern devs seem to accomplish the same in an average month.

    This might once have been considered good, but the world has moved on in the years and years and years since the dev has been dragging his feet. It's time for us all to move on as well.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    it was the first game I played, initially I liked it, nice graphics and interesting story; then due to the long waiting times and the discovery of other games with better graphics, I gave up.

    sorry for those who have been waiting for a long time, but not worth it
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    When it first came out 3 years ago, game had top quality renders and animations, it had a lot of content for 1st version so poor story and flat characters did not attract attention but as time goes on and new quality games arrived, this one badly aged without proper updates.

    As for 0.7 version, it's still same game as it was in 2018 but now it's just has a bit more content, that's all. Dev didn't try to fresh out new sex scenes by using light, good dialogues or proper music, even animations are not top quality anymore, gameplay is boring.

    In conclusion, it's not worth playing today (0.7 Version), u can watch animations in game folder and u won't miss anything at all.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Why is this story/game on the high rating chart, it's simple the animated sex scenes are longer ( although not that much compared to more quality games ), with more detail than the usual 2 second boring scenes you see in so many others. Players want sex scenes that seem at least a little realistic, not like this gives that quality in a higher degree. Have not seen any of these Story/games give a really good imitation of actual sex. No dev has gone to those lengths ( yet ). This one just added more time to the scenes, that is all.

    There is very little story to the whole thing, as well as what story there is not being very interesting in the first place.

    Now that so much time has passed ( we all know how much ), this story/game is now old and dated. Basically no effort has been done to improve the quality or make it more interesting, let alone additions to the story.

    Overall Graphics - 4/10 although now those are dated. There are better out there.

    Animations - 7/10 Have to give credit to that. Of course there is nothing really new. The Animations are longer and more detailed, not very short and unrealistic loops.

    Story - 2/10 Nothing that grabs the emotions, or the attention of the player. This game cannot be graded on story that is for sure.

    Writing - 3/10 the usual average writing style, no humor added, the writing is very dry and boring, nothing clever involved.

    Everyone has their own opinion of this story/game wether good or bad. I see an old outdated game with only one quality the sex scene animation time. There are no other redeeming qualities, there are others out there that are far more interesting, with creators that put effort into making them so.
    Effort being the key word.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: I didn't really follow the game for the last two years, so I can't really comment on the whole scam situation since I only heard people mention it a couple of times in other threads.
    I do remember the amazing first release this game had three years ago. The quality and especially quantity for a first release was pretty much unheard of before and the game and the dev deserved all the praise back then, although even back then the quality of some aspects was certainly debatable.
    Playing the game now however makes you realize that the game is actually not that good. Besides the animations and renders the game doesn't have much to offer. The story and writing arent't very good, the characters are pretty bland and the gameplay is annoying.
    I would rate the game 3 stars since it does a decent/good enough job as a porn game but taking into account how little the game evolved since the first release all those years ago you can't really give more than one star.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This was the game that originally brought me to this site and I remember waiting excitedly for new updates, but I kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting and nothing ever came from it. This game is a ripoff, a scam, don't bother supporting ICSTOR on patreon because you will get next to nothing from it.
    As for the game itself, I thought the renders were really good, the animation was smooth and it was all around pretty nice to look at.

    The story is lackluster, I felt like it started off pretty strong but as you progress through it just becomes a mess of convoluted bullshit.

    I didn't like the MC at all, he's just kind of an asshat the whole time especially with Caroline who I thought could have been a much more interesting character.

    Overall the only thing worth your time here are the renders, grab a save file and fap away but don't bother with the actual game. To be honest since I've been on this site I've always thought the animations in this game were the best being offered, but after being here for 4? years I can't even give it that top spot for animations.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty much abandoned. The content in the game is lackluster, the graphics are great but the new content seems shallow and forced like the Dev is trying their best to get the an update out with the least effort required.

    So yeah,
    Graphics/Renders 9/10
    Story (at the start) 6-7/10
    Story in general 2/10
    Ammount of content 2/10

  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The only good thing about this game are the renders.
    The story is convuluted due to dev wanting to do a sandbox game.
    So much unnecessary clicking. For example in the latest update you are having fun with one of the LIs, and suddenly MC decides to go to the bathroom to clean yourself. And you have to click the way to there and back yourself, while you can do nothing else. And something like that happens a lot.